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1,000 Travincal Runs, and why you should consider running them!

The Runs and a breakdown of the items found
So, I wanted to do something very different and consider this a, "if I only had OK magic find gear, what could I get blasting Travincal All day?" type of situation. With only 250 Magic Find we found around 15-20 High Runes worth of gear and pure HR's.
What did we pick up?: Magic Amulets, Set Amulets and Rings, most IK Set pieces, Trang set pieces and Aldur's set pieces, rare coronets/circlets, obviou8s things that could potentially have value and gold. We could have spent more time gambling the gold away to try to get a good amulet but I got bored of it and passed.
At the end from trading and pure drops we had 3x Ber, 1x Lo, 1x Zod, 1x Jah, 6x Pul, 4x Mal, 2x Ist, 4x Lem, 16x Lum, 20x Ko, 4x Um and I was legitimately undercutting the market for stuff because I was impatient and wasn't going to mule.
For Magic find gear we has a 34% MF Ammy, a 39% & 40% Nagelring, and 31% War Travellers, a Wealth armor in a Mage Plate (100%) and finally a 6% Small charm which makes exactly 250 Magic Find.
Would I recommend doing this in the future? Definitely.
submitted by GUthetedster to ProjectDiablo2 [link] [comments]


~~~NOTE: some new information has been discovered since writing of this guide, mainly bounces almost certainly using basic attack attack rating, meaning adex is way more valuable than thought before, and weapon speed being averaged rather than going off main hand. I have tried to update as much as I can but will provide more thorough information soon. Important new update is the inclusion of WSM (weapon speed modifier) bugging, which I have included information on in the end game gearing section. ~~~

Throwing barb has been my favourite class in Diablo 2 for years, and thankfully we finally got the best change it needed in PD2 in the form of infinite throwables. We used to have to run to town to repair every two minutes, and then usually have some sort of bug involving having to re-equip our weapons thirty-six times until they worked properly. Despite still having anxiety that the red arrow icon is going to pop up on my screen and ruin my day at any minute, throwing barb is loads of fun and very powerful (contrary to popular belief) in Project Diablo II.
First of all I'd like to address a lot of this community's idea that throw barb is terrible. It is not. YOUR throw barb is terrible (lol). The main problem stems from it having always been (and still is) a very, very gear dependent build. No guide has ever really recommended you play throw from day 1, and if so has warned you that it's going to be rough. I decided I was going to start with it anyway, to see how viable it was, and because it was what I wanted to play the most. What I'm trying to say here is *WITHOUT GOOD GEAR (primarily weapons) YOU WILL HAVE A BAD TIME* Thankfully, this is fairly easy to avoid, by banking with our good friends at GHEEDMAN SACHS (gambling!)

I basically went 5 str -> 5 dex -> 5 vit repeat for levelling up stats. Str and dex both give us the same amount of damage, but more gear will require a higher strength value. I tried to just have enough stdex to equip gear, dump everything else in vit, NEVER put points in energy. Ever. Mana pots. That is all.
You can play throw from level one. It's actually very strong on all classes to do this. Pick up the first white javelins and set your right click to throw. Plonking off quill idiots and dickhead shaman is very enjoyable. You can also run up and stab them. It's great.
This will define the main gameplay loop that we use throughout the game: Run in to hit with frenzy and gain the frenzy buff, run out, throw till the buff falls off, repeat. Frenzy is the most valuable tool you have, allowing you to kite better, move between packs better, and wildly increase your dps. Use Howl or leap out if you're getting overwhelmed.
We do not max double throw or frenzy early as the mana costs become way too steep way too quickly. You know what my grandma always used to say: "No mana no murder!" (she had dementia) and as throw barbs we love murder. Throwing mastery gives us lots of great stats at the cost of NOTHING BUT POINTS. Fantastic!
Pick up all magic (blue) and rare (yellow) throwing weapons of any variety you find and identify them. Pick up all caster items (druid/barb helms, sorc orbs/staffs, necro wands/offhands, pally scepters, etc) whether they're white or magic or rare. Identify and sell these. This will keep your gold numbers high throughout the game. This is very important as besides from extracting beautifully carved weapons of destruction from the corpses of our enemies, our other main source of death sticks is GAMBLING.
What is gambling you ask? In every act there is an NPC vendor who will let you throw away your hard earned blood and goop-covered coin in exchange for items that will probably be shit. Besides committing demon genocide, this is our favorite pastime. If you don't spend at least a little bit of time doing this, you will probably not succeed as a throw barb. Top end damage on our weapons is the crucial thing separating us from unstoppable killing machines and:
You have died, Death has taken its toll of Gold and Experience.
So how do we know if we gambled something good or got totally ripped off?
The most important things are Enhanced Damage % and + Max damage. You don't really care about poison or elemental damage. Attack speed is very nice as well but this is why we have our good friend FRENZY permanently assigned to left click at all times. All the stats that amplify damage on your skills and on gear only affect PHYSICAL ATTACK DAMAGE. That nifty 1-50 lightning on your weapon STAYS THAT NUMBER AND DOES NOT INCREASE. That is why it's shit and we don't care about it.
The number printed as damage on the top of the weapon is what gets run through all of our multipliers addifiers and exponifiers. That's all we care about. Whether it be a javelin or a knife or a throwing axe, whatever gets you the highest max damage is king (if you are comparing similar top end weapons and one is massively faster, I would use the faster one) Mana leech is also nice.
Gamble frequently for weapon upgrades, especially if you feel your damage starting to sink, or if the next class of throwing weapons starts dropping. There's Normal, Exceptional, Elite tier weapons, with higher base damage in each tier.
Battle Dart is the exceptional version, and Flying Knife is the elite. When these start becoming available, you should gamble some more, and also pick them up off the ground a lot. These usually represent a massive increase in damage.
Do not stop picking up lower class weapons though, as if they have a high enhanced damage % you can UP-TIER them in the cube, I am currently using a 395 top end damage 20% increased attack speed Ghost Glaive that I got as a Glaive and shit my pants and then up-tiered to Spiculum and then again to Ghost Glaive.
Familiarity with the names of the base types and what tier they are is nice, I just relied on Sawyer's loot filter that told me if I could "up tier to exception/unique class weapon" but I have now switched to Kryszards filter and wish it had this functionality. I will probably add this in and post it myself.
DO NOT USE YOUR IMBUES. The best way to prepare yourself for hell is save all of your Charsi Imbues for the first sets of white Elite Class throwing weapons you find. I got two weapons with about 90 top end damage doing this and it got me through a lot of hell. Some loot filters are hiding white bases beyond level 10 or some stuff, make sure you read what the filter is doing and edit or comment it out if you have to. You can imbue eth items and they stay eth! If you find some definitely do this. If you find high ed % damage eth rares you should up those.
Early game most important stats while levelling in somewhat most important order:
After maxing Throwing Mastery max Double Throw. Then max Frenzy. At this point if you're having some issues late nightmare or early hell with resistances (capping them is THE most important thing you can do to succeed in hell. My inventory is ENTIRELY full of resistance charms) you can put ~4-6 points in Natural Resistance, but it starts to get hit HEAVILY by diminishing returns after that. Then max double swing.
Have about 110 st110 dex, rest in vit.
If you have found anything of any tradeable worth, acquire a Raven Frost ring as soon as possible. Great damage/ar ring with CANNOT BE FROZEN which is a 100% must have state to get through hell on this build. There's a lot more sources of this now in PD2, and raven frost is one of the better ones.
Make lionheart chest as soon as possible. This chest is absolutely insane now for the investment, and I am still currently using it having completed hell, tier 2 maps, and ubers.
As much attack speed/resists/leech on gear as possible. Boots with faster run/walk is very important. Jewellry you mainly want resists and leech. We don't really give a shit about + all skills in this build, but it's nice.
You should be feeling the attack speed power of Throwing Barb by now, and most of your enemies should be getting completely destroyed. Embrace the frenzy - run -chuckalotofpointythings - repeat playstyle for highest chances of success. Use the tools barbarian has at its advantage like Howl, Battle Cry, Grim Ward, Leap, Find item (mostly on travincal council, you can skip this though if you want) and kickin' ass to destroy your enemies. I would recommend also keeping thawing potions in your inventory if you don't have CBF.
Around this time you can switch to the act 5 barbarian mercenary. He has might aura in PD2, which for me is around a 50% damage increase. It is absolutely insane. This is ultra important. You get a tank, and a huge damage buff. If you are neglecting your mercenary, don't expect to make it through hell, period. Pd2 is harder but one of the tools we got is Boots Gloves and Belt slots on mercenary, use them to your advantage. This is another reason we pick up all the caster items and vendor them because if he's dead, you're gonna have a bad time.
Starting gear on merc is anything you have with resistance, and a high damage/attack speed weapon with some source of leech. You want his resistances capped. Honor runeword is a nice starter weapon, as well as pieces of sigon/Immortal King set. Note that barb mercs can now use 2h axes and maces.
You should have 1 point in all shouts, 1 point in the four barb passives, maxed throwing mastery, maxed double throw, maxed frenzy, and dumping the rest of your points into double swing by now. Aim to have at least 90+ top end damage weapons, and that is bare minimum.
Act 1 Hell is the hardest part of the game for us. I struggled the most here. Getting frozen all the time and a huge toughness spike in enemies. Farm nightmare until you can get high resistance and a merc that survives for a bit. I farmed Eldritch/Shenk from a5 frigid waypoint, then did Travincal Council. Repeat. Cows is pretty shit farming from my experience but anecdotal bias is strong in this game.
Before battle, pre buff with Battle Command, Battle Orders, and Shout. (make sure Battle Command is first in your rotation). Having + to Warcry skills or + barbarian skills weapons on your weapon switch is great for this. You can shop +3 Warcry glaives at a5 anya or marah (malah?)
To kill things, run in, hit with frenzy, apply battle cry, run back, double throw until everything is dead or on top of you, at which point run/leap away, or howl. Pay attention to your mercs health, the Health Potions on my belt are mainly for him. shift + Potion hotkey to force feed the potion to your merc instead of you. In sustained fights use grim ward on a nearby corpse, in groups I ask necromancers to cast desecrate for me on bosses so I can have grim ward up.
Battle cry is highly undervalued, use it as much as possible. It breaks phys immunes (some phys immunes in maps seem to be more stubborn to this, and I plan to take points out of natural resistance and frenzy when I have more resists and IAS to make better use of this)
You should be aiming to have 250+ top end damage weapons here. Any of the elite throwing weapons are great, but rares or magics will be better than them (corruptions aside). Glaives tend to have way higher top end damage and frenzy will make up for the shit attack speed. Wraith flight is also a great option.
Cannot Be Frozen is mandatory. I didn't have this in act 1 hell and fighting through catacombs and andariel was absolute pain. I filled my inventory with thawing potions. It sucked. Do whatever nefarious deeds you need to do to get Cannot Be Frozen. Raven Frost is usually the easiest option, it's gone down quite a bit in price now.
a5 merc is even more important here. Invest heavily into him. Lawbringer runeword in a legend sword and treachery armour are cheap-ish gear that will carry him to victory. Lawbringer in a legend sword base lets him leech, do high damage, do ele dmg, break undead phys immunes (this lets you easily farm Hell Countess) and generally slap shit around. Treachery will give him huge attack speed bonus, poison damage, and the lesser fade buff which is almost always active now with 30% chance to cast on being hit, giving him huge resists and Physical Damage reduction. Use the rest of the slots to fill out resists, attack speed, and leech.
My current merc setup:
He can tank almost anything including bosses and map monsters. He can solo hell blood raven zombies and blood raven herself easily.
Most of the gear you'd want to use can be put on your merc, and you can swap gear between the two of you depending on the situation.
End game merc setup:
Act 1 Faith bow variant:
For those of you have GG end game gear and kill everything basically immediately, this is the common go to for multishot bowazons and is valid here too due to the vigor aura, that allows you to run way faster and to get to more demons to kill faster. You get this from act 1 fire arrow merc. Using a faith bow gives you higher level fanatacism for better attack speed, but less ED.
Tanky build for killing ubers and general safety:
~150 dex
Rest into vit
High dex and ar build for 95% chance to hit vs everything and bounces hitting more frequntly:
~200+ str if you use steelrend/veil/giant skull
Rest into dex, no vit, no energy. Fill inventory with life small charms + torch + anni
There is a rumour that bounces go off basic attack AR and not double throw AR, and from my testing this seems to be true, I have switched to a mapping centric build that gets enough str for gear, and dumps literally everything else into dex, giving very high damage and ar. My inventory is all small charms with life, gheeds, torch, and an anni if I had one. This is reccomended only as an endgame build, and you will want Chains of Honour for sure for the resists, and you will want as many skill points as possible. This version takes everything out of frenzy and maxes battle command, and then dumps everything else into Battle Orders. I currently have 1400 life with this version of the build, but the damage is very high, and hits everything. I would not attempt ubers with this version until you have anni and maxed BO and about 2000 life. <--video of me killing ubers solo with said build. It would go smoother if I used any of the gear I had stashed specifically for uber killing but felt like just trying it with my normal gear + 3 Prubies. (they did keep me alive lol I went to 3 life at one point)
Talent tree in above video:
Combat: 1 frenzy 20 double swing 20 double throw
Warcries: 1 all besides grim ward 20 battle command, dumping in BOrders
Masteries: 1 all (including general and polearm mastery, incase that boosts my thrown ar, there's a rumour about this so i decided hey why not) 20 throwing mastery

Other options: Arreats, Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest, Halaberd's reign, anything with leech and resists and lifedamage. I really would just get Guillame's though.
Before that, just use Lionheart. You can just keep remaking it to get higher enhanced
damage.Fortitude is a good in between though too. If you wanna use treachery yourself, go for it, but don't complain when you go into blood moor and get gibbed by a quillrat cause Lesser Fade didn't proc yet.
Barring these, use the Blood Gloves recipe to craft gloves and pray for %IAS.
I planned my build to have 100% deadly strike with warshrike, gface, gore, nosferatu, and corruptions/glove slot. That's a lot of damage. All of these weapons are good though and will carry you through hell. I don't value Lacerator as high as other people because as soon as you group with a necromancer you're casting some shitty amp damage overwriting his amp and other curses, and the strength requirement is very high.
You could also get amp from Atma's Scarab if you wanted. Gimmershred is nice for phys immunes, Demon's Arch should perform very well also. (credit to u/Flappy_Pancakes) As of time of writing this guide I was using Gimmershred in mainhand and a 395 top end ghost glaive in my offhand, and all monsters and bosses die basically immediately.
****NOTE: Through much testing I'm 99.9% sure weapon speed is averaged and thus BIS is most likely Warshrike + Lacerator. The only way I could hit a breakpoint where frenzying didn't make me throw any faster was with Lvl 8 Fanat from beast merc, Warshrike Main + Lacerator offhand, and 105 ias from gear (20% gloves, 20% belt, 20% amulet, 45% helm). If you have lvl 10 fanat you can drop the 20% glove. All IAS calcs I can find are useless seemingly. ***\*
Per above, WSM bugging is an important thing to understand and decide if you wanna use:
"When dual wielding, whichever weapon equipped first is your primary. Normally, your average WSM would just be the average of the 2 weapons equipped. For exmaple, Lacerator [-10] and Warshrike [-20] would give you an average WSM of [-15].
WSM bugging means that instead of placing your primary weapon above the glove side, you put it above the boot side first, and then place your secondary weapon above the glove side. When you do this, your new average WSM becomes...
''original average + (boot side WSM - glove side WSM)''
Ideally, you'd want something fast as your primary such as Lacerator [-10] or Warshrike [-20], and as your secondary you're looking for a sloooooow weapon, e.g. the previously mentioned Wraith Flight, which has a WSM of [20], the slowest of them all.
This means you can use much less attack speed to get to the highest breakpoint. This will cancel out when you weapon swap, so you will have to re-apply it after buffing with warcry sticks or summong wisp with dual oath. I personally cap without using this, but many people choose to use it. I do use it for ubers, or if my merc dies and I'm lazy, or what have you. I asked senpai what he thought of this and he would like to one day get rid of it, and I'm personally not a fan of its existence, but it is what it is. As an example of what it allows you to do:
"with WSM bug and lacerator[-10] + wraith [20] its 55ias (+30iaslacerator) and lvl8fanaticism "
as per u/PersonalityMountain (who also supplied the information on WSM bugging, thank you for your contribution)
I would reccomend this combination of weapons as your end game weapons if you don't mind WSM bugging.

Try to get ethereal weapons if you can
Aim for 86 FHR breakpoint, highest IAS breakpoint, and 8%+ life/mana leech, preferably more. Especially life leech.
If you wanna be super pro you can shop for a wand or knife with life tap charges and swap to it and life tap bosses and swap back. I did this in beta a lot. It's difficult, but very effective. You can also hand it to one of your friends and tell them just to life tap stuff while you mow it down. Great for carrying people through Hell ancients.
I also keep a Demon Limb in my stash for prebuffing for Ubers.
Note: to have a nice life you need mana and life leech SOMEWHERE. You'll be fine without them, but you'll be in town a lot because Double Throw drains mana like a ***** on *** with ***.
ALSO you may be wondering why I advocate for maxed frenzy, yet have all this IAS recommended on gear. First, we want the maximum IAS breakpoint on gear. Until we have super end game GG gear, this is not doable without max frenzy, or some high level of investment into frenzy. For ease of playability and mental tax, I say max frenzy. The duration of 28 seconds at level 20 makes it easy to keep up at all times.
In a perfect world, you will use an attack speed calculator to see what level of frenzy you need to hit IAS, and only be at that, and dump extra points into Battle Cry, Iron Skin, Grim Ward, or Battle Orders. I have yet to respec once, but once I get chains of honor and hit level 90, I will be doing this and dumping points probably into Battle Cry or Iron Skin. (Iron skin gives 1% physical damage reduction per 2 hard points now, which is great). The attack speed calculator I use is:
You want to be at 3.4 attacks per second with frenzy up.
You should be tearing through everything at this point. I can easily farm anything in hell quickly and without any issue. Group play you will be a DPS king. Tell necromancers to life tap everything and you can basically turn your monitor off and go do something else while delivering swift death to all the denizens of Wraeclast. Erm, Azeroth. I mean Sanctuary. Farm up loads of gold then go on gambling sprees. Pay attention to classes of weapons you get and if you get super high %enhanced damage and max damage roll and it's normal class, GOOD GAME. Now up that shit twice. Hell yeah.
Hope this guide has been useful to you, and helps take you from "oh my god throw barb is ass" to "oh my god I wish there was an app to find hot single throw barbs in my area!" This is my first guide so any comments on formatting, further clarification, or any criticism you have, please leave in the comments and I will be sure to make it more readable and informative. If you have questions, I'm Flymanxoxox in game, character xxxObamaGokuxxx
Thank you very much for your time
Information on item types, crafting, and other calculations can be found at the best site on the
a5 merc guide:
internet Arreat Summit:
Crafting math:
Blood item crafting recipes:
Gambling guide:
NOTE: There is a visual bug where bounces from Double Throw don't display visually on the enemies health bar. They are still taking damage. When you hit them with a main throw the damage will display. Mods confirmed this bug, and this has been a bug on these types of skills since Lightning Javazon in D2. I have tested this a bunch myself, don't worry, you're doing damage.
There is a bug where corrupting throwing weapons has a chance to do nothing. I have reported this on bug report section and to mods, they're aware of it.
submitted by Phlintlock to ProjectDiablo2 [link] [comments]

PD2 Summoner Druid - An In-Depth Guide

Guide is written and updated for Season #1 Awakening
The druids summoning tree recieved a massive rework in PD2 with the goal to make it a viable self reliant build archetype on its own. Not only got the minions buffed themselves but now you are able to summon multiple of them at the same time, which wasn’t a thing back in D2 LOD. I won’t go over all changes in detail but I recommend taking a look at the official wikis druid section to see all changes that have been done in this mod before continuing reading.
An in-depth guide?
My goal with my guides is to really provide a lot of information to players, not just a list of items and no explanation how to get there or why you want them. Also I am not a fan of videos; imo you can’t tell if you like playing a build just by watching someone playing it in a perfect handmade setting for a couple of minutes… you can’t grasp the actuall feeling of the build this way But don’t worry I got something even better for you! In various sections of this guide you will find 4 different singleplayer savegames to DOWNLOAD with characters in different progression stages with real gear all functioning properly! So you can try and test the build in this guide to full extend yourself, on your pace, the way you like it and as long as you want to see if it fits your taste and if you actually want to play it on ladder.
Just to mention it: I am mostly a HC player, so I design all my builds geared towards a HC setting – feel free to adjust everything you don’t like to your liking if you play SC. Don’t treat my recommendations as the only options you have, think for yourself and try out different stuff which looks interesting to you.

General Playstyle:

Very meticulous and safe playstyle – perfectly suited for HC. Your minions will kill, tank and draw attention away from you while you are standing in the back spamming Ravens… Sounds boring to you? Well if you like you can also get your hands dirty: use you shapeshifting abilities and transform into a bear, fight by your minions side and maul down hords of daemons with them! If the situation is dangerous just sit back, kite and reposition your trusty merc and your minions with the new teleporting ability Gust. Carrion Vine devouers fallen corpses to heal you and your minions after an engagement. Cast Cyclone Armour in the right situations to protect yourself from elemental damage.
  • Very safe playstyle
  • Not many klicks required to play this build
  • Can be build very tanky
  • Very good bossing character
  • Can do Ubers and MiniUbers solo and safely
  • DClone is possible solo (but very hard, you have to play really well)
  • Can do maps with dangerous mods/high density in HC solo
  • Very good build for group compositions which want to tackle difficult content together
  • Smooth ladder starter
  • Summoner playstyle is not for everyone
  • Achieving good clear speed requires some gear investment / not the best farming speed at the start of a ladder
  • Minions are a little weak at the at the start of Hell difficulty, requires frequent resummoning and good positioning
  • Druids don’t have good life scaling (comperatively low HP pool at the beginning of Hell to other classes, weak FHR and block frames), you will need good gear and some investment to feel tanky, otherwise you have to know what you are doing
  • If you want to play this build well, you need to switch between many skills, kite, pay attention to your envirenment and constantly reposition. The skill cap of this build is quite high – profund D2 knowledge will be required to play this build to max efficiency, especially in groups, since your mistakes might cause deaths to your group members
  • Requires to setup minions everytime you start a new game

Basic skill point distribution in the endgame:

Summoning Tree:
  • 20 Raven
  • 20 Summon Spirit Wolf
  • 20 Summon Dire Wolf
  • 20 Summon Grizzly
  • 1 Poison Creeper
  • 1 Carrion Vine
  • 1 Heart of the Wolverine
Elemental Tree:
  • 1 Arctic Blast
  • 1 Cyclone Armor
  • 1 Gust
The rest points are yours to choose and depend on preference. I personally like to dump as many points into Gust to reach a cooldown timer that feels good for a fast playstyle, repositioning frequently. Other options would be investing into Heart of the Woverine for damage or investing into Werebear, Lycanthropy and Maul if you want to transform frequently and fight by the side of your minions in first row. Just keep playing around with it an see what you like best.


  • Strength: enough to wear your gear (and to be able to perform a weapon swap in combat)
  • Dexterity: depends if you are going for max block; otherwise no points here/enough to wear gear
  • Vitality: Everything you can spare goes here
  • Energy: Nothing


  • %FCR: If you are focusing on Gust and are mostly spamming Ravens in the background you would want to reach at least 46% FCR breakpoint (13 frames) for your teleport to feel smooth, more is always good but not needed (reminder: you can’t use Gust while shapeshifted – but you can perform warcrys while shapeshifted in PD2! Those also depend on your %FCR breakpoint)
  • %FHR: If you go maxblock I would aim for the 63% breakpoint (7 frames) – if you prefer going werebear form often and wielding a 2H-weapon go for 86% (6 frames)
  • %FBR: Druid has very slow blocking frames so investing here is a must; go for the 6 frames breakpoint (52% in human form, 65% in bear form if you insist using a shield), don’t use shields with no extra %FBR on them to avoid getting block-locked.
  • %IAS: Depending on your weapon choice if you wanna go full werebear (use an IAS calculator), otherwise, none.

Leveling – How to level this build from scratch:

Pretty easy overall for summoner. Spam Ravens and resummon your minions when needed – Diablo is the most difficult encounter here since he is able to kill your minions fast. Just keep your distance and keep resummoning them until he is deas (this will take a while but it is a safe approach).
Level Skill Level Skill Level Skill
Level 2 Raven Level 13 Cyclone Armor Level 24 Raven
Akara Poison Crepper Level 14 Summon Spirit Wolf Level 25 Raven
Level 3 Arctic Blast Level 15 Summon Spirit Wolf Level 26 Raven
Level 4 Raven Level 16 Summon Spirit Wolf Level 27 Raven
Level 5 Raven Level 17 Summon Spirit Wolf Level 28 Raven
Level 6 Raven Level 18 Gust Level 29 Raven
Level 7 Raven Radament Summon Dire Wolf Level 30 Summon Grizzly
Level 8 Raven Level 19 Summon Dire Wolf Level 31 Raven
Level 9 Raven Level 20 Summon Dire Wolf Level 32 Raven
Level 10 Raven Level 21 Summon Spirit Wolf Level 33 Raven
Level 11 Heart of The Wolverin Level 22 Raven Level 34 Raven
Level 12 Carrion Vine Level 23 Raven Level 35 Summon Grizzly
Gear to look out for at the end of Normal: Spirit sword, Stealth chest, Ancients Pledge shield, a random Wolf Head with +skills (just farm Normal Cows for required runes and some random charms and bases – it is not difficult to get, you also will occasionally drop low level set pieces, some of them are pretty decent at this point). Try to build an Insight Polearm for your Act 2 merc – it will carry you early Nightmare along with your minions.
Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegamefolder and start it in Single Player: DOWNLOAD - Early Nightmare Test Character
Got your basic gear ready and some decent resists to start out? Good – if not farm Nightmare Countess and Black Marsh/Stony Field for runeword bases and runes before you go on. You can also attempt to build a Lore now if you have a good base. Just carry on through the acts – Nightmare is easy with basic gear, you will face no problems at all (watch out for dolls in Act 3! Their explosions got reworked and now have a delay). If summoner is to slow for your liking at this point you can respec to wind druid at lvl 40 (it basically utilizes the some gear, so you can make an easy switch anytime you want using a respec – Hurricane will carry hard in Nightmare and is a great tool for farming Nightmare Cows at a decent speed with very little gear) – but summoner can also do everything at this point without problems. After maxin out ravens put around 5 points each into both of you wolves and then max out Grizzly, after that max out Spirit Wolves and Dire Wolves in this order. Once you kill Baal it is farming time! You have do do some farming for basic gear in PD2 before you go to Hell difficulty, otherwise you will struggle hard. So take your time to farm up some gear in Nightmare Cows. Nightmare Cows is THE best farming spot at this point in PD2 thanks to player 5 loot; Cow Kings drop table is really nice and you can kill him here; the portal can still be opened afterwards – you can drop a ton of good stuff there. Lets assume you get really unlucky and get no good drops at all; you sill will be able to progress as summoner, no worries.
Gear to look out for at the end of Nightmare: Just pick up every amulet and charm, reroll grand charms from Cow Level for Skillers, sell them and buy 3-4 clean summon skillers for your druid. Gamble amulets for a good chance at +3 class tree skill levels with the gold you get from cows and selling items to vendors – sell +3 amulets for other classes and buy a +3 summon druid amulet if you don’t find one yourself. Build yourself a Rhyme shield in an exceptional base, upgrade your Stealth to a Smoke chest in an exceptional base (if you can’t find a Lum rune, just buy one or use a 3os chest and socket it with Ral-Ort-Thul for some resist instead. Overcap your resists with charms to have good resistances when you enter Hell difficulty. I recommend using a respec hear to invest some points into dexterity reaching around 50% chance to block with a Rhyme shield. We likely won’t have access to %PDR or decent amounts of flat PDR at this point so block is an option to consider against physical attacks.
Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game at the bare minimum before you should enter Hell – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegamefolder and start it in Single Player mode: DOWNLOAD - Early Hell Test Character
Hell is difficult for almost any character build without gear in PD2 similar to vanilla. As a summoner just be careful, keep resummoning your minions when they die and take your time – you will get there. Just do Act 1 normaly until you reach Outer Cloister waypoint. From now on just farm Pits. It is a lvl 85 zone with a high treasure class which can drop almos all items in the game. Farm up gear before you continue through the acts. You can do it as a summoner with basic gear but you have to really know what you are doing to not die – farming Pits for gear is way easier. For skill points just finish maxing out your wolves and put the rest points into Gust to lower the cooldown further.
Gear to look out for while farming Hell Pits: You want to get complete Aldur’s Set as soon as possible. Every piece but the body armour can drop even in Nightmare difficulty – Aldurs isn’t overly rare and one of the easiest class sets to farm. The Set also recieved a huge buff in PD2 which makes it the abolut best midgame gear choice overall for this build – you need very good gear before you can even think about outclassing it. So just farm and buy all pieces one by one if you don’t find them yourself. Once you have aquired the full set just buy two Nagel rings for MF, look out for a white Monarch, socket it and build yourself a Spirit shield, buy IK belt if you havn’t found a decent rare belt yet and you are basically done. Before you carry on I highly recommend buying any kind of Ampliy Damage on hit weapon for your merc to deal with physical immunes.
Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game. You can cruise through Hell now and farm any regular Hell content with this setup and even do easy maps – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegamefolder and start it in Single Player mode: DOWNLOAD - Midgame Test Character
From here on out it is your choice where you want to take the build – get more clean skillers first and decide from there what you want to upgrade next.

Endgame Gearing:

This section only covers endgame gear options (check leveling section for gear progression). PD2 provides a very in-depth gearing system thanks to various balancing changes to uniques, runewords and adding a corruption and socketing system on top of that. Everything depends on gear composition – imo their is no (or very seldomly) clear BIS option for a gear slot for any build type. Just take a look, compare and try to reach breakpoints where you can. I will also mention usefull corruptions to look out for on each gear slot. I won’t list every option since there is just too much to cover – instead I will focus on pointing out interesting concepts and ideas for you to build around. If you have questions regarding gear choices just ask in this thread – people can have a discussion and help each other out with ideas.
What should be your focus?
Try to stack +skills until you reach around slvl 45 with precast gear and stop there (you don’t need that many, around lvl 35 is sufficient for all regular content). More is always possible but not needed. At this level your minions can tank Ubers confortabely and going for more damage won’t improve your clear speed by much – don’t be a mindless „tooltip warrior“ in PD2, higher numbers don’t always translate into higher clear speed in this game. After that focus on defence, getting extra auras from gear and building a great merc.
Want to see how a fully decked out HC Summon Druid performs in PD2? Download this savegame and copy it into your Diablo 2 savegame folder, start the game in Single Player mode and enjoy! DOWNLOAD - Endgame Test Character
  • Heart of the Oak [Ko-Vex-Pul-Thul] in a Flail: good old Hoto, great %FCR, 3 skills and some resist. This runeword got nerfed in PD2 but it is still a very good option to consider for defensive setups which don’t have room for resists or %FCR in other slots.
  • Beast [Ber-Tir-Um-Mal-Lum] in an Berserker Axe/Ettin Axe (1h) or a Champion Axe (2h): Depending if you want to use werebaerform often and fighting yourself with your minions – go for a 2H weapon since it has better %IAS frames and more damage. The classic approach would be just wearing it for the Fanaticism aura to buff you minions and stand back which also works. Keep in mind that this runeword got changed slightly in this mod – it no longer provides up to 40 Strength but has more %ED and a higher level of Fanaticism to compensate for it.
  • Doom [Hel-Ohm-Um-Lo-Cham] in an Berserker Axe/Ettin Axe (1h) or a Champion Axe (2h): You don’t feel the need for more damage but wan’t more CC to support your group? Then Doom is the choice for you – Holy Forst provides some nice slowing effect and cold damage to you to deal with highly physical resistant monsters on your own, damage and %IAS is also great. Doom is a top choice for group support if you play with someone who can provide you and your minions with a Fanaticism aura already like a Bowzon or a Zeal Paladin.
  • Stormshield: Want %DR and max block on your build? Then this is the choice for you – not much to say here since it is still one of the best choices despite the huge %DR nerf it recieved.
  • Gerke’s Sanctuary: Got buffed in PD2 and is a top tier choice now. Great resists, max block viable, a +skill and %DR paired with some flat pdr and mdr – one of the best defensive shields you can get
  • Moser’s Blessed Circle: still one of the best shields available imo for a rather cheap price
  • Rhyme [Shael-Eth]: super easy to get and very decent in an elite base for any max block build out there. You get resists and the very valuable affix CNBF which affects cast speed in PD2 so it is great to have in any build now. Corruptions to look out for: +1 skill, resists, CNBF, block chance/block rate, cast speed, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life
Weapon Swap:
  • Call to Arms [Amn-Ral-Mal-Ist-Ohm]: While BO got a massive deserved nerf in PD2 CtA ist still great and better than ever for this build in particular. Mostly overlocked CtA also gives the player access to Battle Cry which got reworked and reduces physical resistances of monsters now. You can break physical immunes with this and it stacks with curses! And you can perform warcrys while shapeshifted – it is a massive buff your build so use it in your weapon slot to prebuff (it basically gives +2 skills, one from the runeword and one from Battle command) and as a utility tool – use your weapin swap actively in combat to perform warcrys.
  • Lidless Wall: Great caster shield overall with skills, %FCR and mana after kill. In this build it is used as prebuff gear – you can even corrupt it for another skill which leads to a +3 all skills off hand, which is he highest you can get in this gear slot.
Body Armors:
  • Rain [Ort-Mal-Ith]: Really great runeword for just a Mal rune. Got buffed in this mod and offers up to +3 to summon skills. I personally really like the Cyclone armor on struck especially against frame based attacks like Diablos Lightning Hose – it can safe you when you make a mistake or don’t pay attention.
  • upped Spirit Shroud: Yes – this thing is good now, really good. It provides a skill, %FCR and CNBF in PD2 as well as huge amounts of flat mdr and high replenish life which is a buffed stat in this mod – if you stack it on different gear pieces the regen is significant. What makes this chest really good is the high potential through corruption and sockets you can get on top of that.
  • Arkaine’s Valor: Really great body armour for summoners in general – huge defense rating, +2 skills, high %FHR paired with vitality on lvl. Again – corruptions and sockets bring huge potential. This can be a +3 all skills chest which also work for warcrys
Corruptions to look out for: +1 skill, resists, CNBF, block chance/block rate, cast speed, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life
  • Aldur’s Stony Gaze: Recieved a massive buff and gives up to +4 to summon skills on top of FHR and cold resists and has huge corruption potential on top of that.
  • Spirit Keeper: Very defensive helmet which gives up to +3 to a random druid skill in this mod (many great options for this type of build available like: any summon, HotW, Gust, Cyclone Armor, Werebear, Lycanthropy etc.) – maybe not as much damage as other options but versatile.
  • Jalal’s Maine: got nerfed but is still one of the most well rounded options for any druid build thanks tot he wide variety of stats it provides – makes other gear slots very flexible.
  • Steelshade: Got reworked and is now one of the best option for any max block build which depends on +skills – it grants massive block chance and block rate… on a helmet! This helm can save you tons of dexterity investment which leads to more effective HP overall.
Corruptions to look out for: +1 skill, resists, CNBF, block chance/block rate, cast speed, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life
  • Trang-Oul’s Claws: Looking for %FCR? Get these! They are better than Magefist since you don’t need the +1 to fire skills and the mana regen and it provides some cold resists instead as well as a higher defense rating.
  • Bloodfist: Great gloves which you can wear from start to finish – 30% FHR and 40 flat life is huge – you rarely get rare gloves which are better than that.
Corruptions to look out for: block chance, block rate, %FCR, Replenish Life, flat life, resists, stats
  • Waterwalk: are now 40% FRW in this mod, also max fire res and flat life are nice
  • Aldur’s Advance: the „worse Waterwalk“ in this mod, but cheaper
  • Hotspur: low level boots with max fire res, fire resist and little life but without %FRW – if you are using a Vigor merc this downside isn’t that harsh they are worth considering
  • Infernostride: max fire res and %FRW, pretty nice boots overall
  • Natalya’s Soul: already capped on fire resist? Then this pair of boots might be great for you
  • rare/crafted boots: rare boots can have a variety of great stats like %FHR, %FRW and resists
Corruptions to look out for: CNBF, Curse Duration Reduction, %FRW, %FHR, resists, Replenish Life, %PDR
  • String of Ears: great belt for Werebear Hybrid since it provides leech on top of %PDR and flat mdr
  • Verdungo’s Hearty Cord: %PDR and huge amounts of Vitality paired with little %FHR – solid defensive choice
  • Rare/crafted belt: have huge potential and can be some of the best items in the game.
Corruptions to look out for: max res, block chance, %FCR, %PDR, %FHR, resists, stats, Curse Duration Reduction.
  • Bul-Katho’s Wedding Band: +1 skill, life on level paired with life leech – great slot to get some leech for the werebaer.
  • Wisp Projector: got reworked in PD2 and provides non class skills now and +1 all skills on top o fit. This nets potentially +4 to HotW – it also has some %lightning absorb which is great (if you consider wearing 2 of them for +8 to HotW on your druid… won’t work sry since non class skill levels are capped to +3 for classes which have the original skill available to them, so +3 is max for druid – for other classes this will stack to +6 of course)
  • Ravenfrost: Can’t get CNBF on other gear slots? Going for max block? Then this is a great ring for you. Up to 20 dex and 250 AR help you reaching max block and hitting monsters with werebear. The cold absorb is also great to have – consider having one around for heavy cold damage encounters.
  • Rare/crafted ring: can provide life, stats, %FCR and resists to fill out deficits
Corruptions to look out for: %FCR, leech, CNBF, Curse Duration, Resists, Stats
  • Mara’s Kaleidoscop: +2 all skills paired with resists and all stats
  • +3 Summoning magic amulet: Simple but it just works fine, it also can have a nice suffix on top of it like life or %FCR. Since they are fairly common this can be a good target for getting a nice corruption too
  • crafted caster amulet: can have +2 druid skills and up to 20% FCR with other goodies
  • Nokozan Relic: worth mentioning since it is fairly common and got buffed. Provides huge amounts of %FHR, fire resist and max fire resist; a good corruption can make it pretty nice.
Corruptions to look out for: max res, %FCR, +1 skill, %FHR, block chance, resists, Replenish Life, stats
  • 9x Summon Skiller
  • Torch/Anni
  • Resist/FHR charmes to reach breakpoints
  • Life charms
Open Sockets:
Sockets should be used to reach breakpoints where you can with either jewels or runes for purely defensive purpose, no need to look out for offensive stats here. If you are satisfied with your defences go for %magic find.


Mercs got an overhaul in PD2 to actually bring diversity and chouce to choosing a follower for your build. All mercs now provide some kind of passive aura and some of them have a wider variaty of weapons they can equip. Mercs also have more than 3 gearslots to equip them in this mod – check out the merc section on the wiki for more information.
Act 1 - Fire (Vigor):
The Act 1 rogue merc is actually really useful in this mod. It is my personal choice for a follower for this build. Vigor aura not only provides movement speed to you and your minions but also increases velocity which makes your minions more responsive and act faster! This is a huge improvement to their sometimes clunky minion AI. Otherwise it is ranged attacker, which does not benefit from the melee splash changes – so consider it a support role, not a damage dealer.
Act 2 - Defense (Defiance):
Very good if you are figthing in werebear form often since it boosts your defense further (defense rating works while running/walking in PD2!) – combined with the defense bonus from shapeshifting you can reach some pretty good numbers. I would not go for this if you are mostly in human form, since druid has no way of scaling defense to great effect if not shapeshifted.
Act 5 - Barbarian (Might):
Need more damage? Then this merc might be the choice for you. Might aura got buffed in PD2 and provides a huge boost to your minions. The barbarian merc is also the most durable one and can hold on its own if needed. (nice thing to know: since barb mercs can now equip 2h axes and 2h maces in this mod this merc can wear full Immortal King set and get all the boni from it – if you want your merc to become a walking death mashine go for it; thanks to elemental damage bonus he is able to deal with physical immunes this way)
Merc Weapons:
  • Wrath [Pul-Lum-Ber-Mal] in a Chu-Ko-Nu: luxury option with CNBF and higher Amplify damage proc rate than Wildwitch String on an Act 1 merc – still very little damage but you reach 8 frames with it without further IAS investment in other slots.
  • Wildwitch String: the new go to weapon for breaking phyiscal immunes on Act 1 merc – socket it with 2 shaels and stack off weapon IAS on gear to reach the 10 frames breakpoint (54 IAS needed with 2x Shael in bow) – deals almost no damage but good enough against singel immunes if you wait long enough – Amplify Damage is a huge DPS boost to your minions.
  • The Reaper's Toll got changes and now has Amplify Damage on hit - overall a really fast and solid weapon with good damage and leech on top of it
  • Vile Husk: Again, Amplify Damage on Strike is king – your Act 5 Barbarian will help you out greatly with it. (Decrepify got reworked in this mod an no longer provides physical resist reduction => Lawbringer is no option here for breaking physical immunitiy)
Merc Body Armour:
  • Treachery [Shael-Thul-Lem]: Got nerfed and now only provides a much weaker version of Fade on struck – still a great chest since it provides huge amounts of %IAS and some %FHR
  • Heavenly Garb: Very overlooked option imo. Sanctuary aura makes it so any physical resist of every undead monster in the game is ignored (the game will treat it as the monster having 0% DR, yes even physical immune monsters!) – most physical immune monsters you will encounter are of undead type so heaving even a seemingly weak lvl 1 aura around will let you deal with them easily, they will fall over like flies.
  • Templar‘s Might: One of the best reworks in this mod imo – it now provides a lvl 8 Might aura (which got buffed btw) to enhance the damage of your minions and yourself. It has a really high strength requirement so consider sockting -15% requirement jewels into so you don't have to search for extra stats in every gear slot of your merc just that he/she can wear it.
  • Shaftstop: Very defensive option thanks to huge amounts of %PDR and life – best defensive merc chest in the game (could also be an option for your character to be honst)
  • The Galdiator’s Bane: Got buffed in PD2 and now provides even more flat pdr and mdr on top of great stats like %FHR, CNBF and great defense. The Attaker takes damage on hit mod got buffed hard so if you want you can stack this attribute on all gear slots and make a thorns merc.
Merc Gloves:
  • Laying of Hands: damage against daemons, huge fire resist and 20% IAS – could not wish for more.
  • Dracul's Grasp: got reworked and no longer provides lifetap on hit, still really good gloves for mercs thanks to open wounds, life leech and 20% IAS.
  • Ghoul Hide: again huge damage potential paired with 20% IAS – you get the theme here, IAS is king in almost all situations.
Merc Belts:
  • String of Ears: BIS merc belt – nothing else to say here, don’t think anyone would ever consider something else. Not that rare to get, great stats, leech and damage reduction.
Merc Boots:
Same options to consider as for your character – noteworthy mention: Rite of Passage set boots have CNBF in this mod and are not too rare to get; cheap option for your merc.
Merc Helmets:
  • Vampire Gaze: The %DR option, very defensive and overall great choice
  • Andariel's Face: Has +2 skills which apply to merc auras as well as %IAS – really great merc helmet overall
  • Tal Rasha's Horadic Crest: cheap and great, has everything your merc wants.
  • Guillaume's Face: Want to stack crushing blow on a Act 5 merc? Go for it, he will be an absolute powerhouse and can solo the game with great gear and your support
  • Crown of Ages: Very rare but also really good – has 75% curse reduction in this mod which gets rid of curses almost immediately on your merc – also has %DR, great %FHR and 2 open sockets to custumize.


How do minions work/scale?
Minions have hidden resists and damage reduction which is not displayed ingame. Their resists scale with skill levels (soft points); their AR and defense scales with monster level, so no need to invest into AR scaling from merc auras. This means minions become automatically more tanky when you switch to a higher difficulty (they don’t get hit by attacks that often) to keep up with the monster scaling a little better. Minions benefit from all auras and buffs like Battle Orders that are applied to them after minion scaling is done multiplicatively. Different minion types generate different threat levels which basically work like a taunt or define how much aggro a minions can draw.
How many minions can I have up at the same time?
12 Ravens, 5 Spirit Wolves, 3 Dire Wolves and 2 Grizzlys on top of 1 spirit whisp and 1 vine of your choice. You can’t have multiple spirits or vines up at the same time in PD2
Do druid minions deal splash damage?
Not all, only the grizzly and vavens perform attacks which deals splash AoE damage; the grizzlys cleave has a big spalsh damage radius, ravens only have a small radius. Wolves don’t have melee splash. Ravens on the other hand automatically chill a monster on attack slowing their action speed. Poison creeper spreads vines on the ground which deal poison damage over time on each frame when monsters stand on them.
How does Cyclone Armor work exactly?
Cyclone Armor is a very usefull tool which prevents a portion of elemental damage before your life orb takes damage. Cyclone Armor applies before resists are taken into account (this is why it drops so fast against heavy elemental attacks) – in PD2 it was given a short cooldown so you can’t spam it anymore so look out for timing it correctly.
How does Gust work?
Gust is a newly introduced skill in PD2 which is a wind based teleport ability. The cooldown gets lower for every soft point into it (so you don’t have to spent as many hardpoints if you don’t want tot o get a reasonable good result) – all cooldowns are shared between abilities which apply a cooldown in D2! So consider that when teleporting around and using Cyclone Armor in between. Gust also applies a short duration stun to surrounding monsters on impact, but deals no damage itself. This stun is very reliable to get around if you have invested in %FCR, %FHR and/or %FBR to not get locked in place.
Call to Arms runeword got nerfed, is it still worth using?
YES – CtA is so good on this build! It provides up to 300 life and 150 mana with good gear to you and your minions/merc for buff duration of 5min (so it is not annoying to keep up) which is significant. Without some +skills it is pretty weak, so don’t think just swapping one on almost doubles your life pool like it does in vanilla – you need investment to make it work. Another great thing in PD2: Battlecry recieved a rework: it now reduces the physical resistance of nearby monsters and can break physical immunity – it also stacks with curses! It is great for this build since you can perform any warcry while shapeshifted which makes having access to battlecry through CtA a pretty nice utility tool on top of it for this build.
Hybrid WerebeaSummoner melee build? WTF?
It is actually viable in this mod and pretty fun and versatile to play around with. Damage is good enough with some investment and skill point focus to handle monsters on your own. You can also just be a support for your minions zoning monsters by applying open wounds to bosses, battle cry against tough elites or to break physical immunes. Or you just stand in the back in werebear form if you don’t want to teleport in this specific moment or spam ravens just to benefit from the huge defensive boost your werebear form provides. You can get 400-500 extra life and triple your defense rating just for shifting to bear form in hard encounters. Lycanthropy scales with softpoints so just investing 1 point while using a Beast weapon can go a long way (you get werebear from the weapon, so you don’t have to spec into it) – just switch between human form and shapeshift form freely depending on the situation.
THANK YOU FOR READING | SPECIAL THANKS | ABOUT THE GUIDE CREATOR Thank you all for reading through all of this, i hope it was interesting and helped you out in some way or another. I decided to write this guide to show a different perspective on approaching build guids and playing PD2 in general. It is only season #1, plenty more to come and this mod is already great – balance isn’t that much off like people claim – I am actually pretty impressed by it getting it done this way on the first iteration.) I really enjoy the PD2 mod so far. Just wanted to thank the whole PD2 Team for all their work, time and passion they invest in there free time to provide us players with a great new and enhanced experience of playing our beloved game Diablo 2. If you have any questions please just ask. Thank you again for reading – more guids to come in the future as I experience new interesting builds.
submitted by Wuslwiz to ProjectDiablo2 [link] [comments]

Untold RPG on iOS- partial walkthrough (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

Untold RPG on iOS- partial walkthrough (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
So I was kind of loving walking through and trying to poke into everything and max out as much as I can. Below are the things I’ve found thus far, admittedly an incomplete list. If anyone has any good hidden gems (literal or figurative) please add.
For starters the below post from u/Dharzi is a pretty great start with the following additional notes:
In the game opening, one of the armors you can find early is a black linen cloak (“cartel cloak”). You’ll get one by Act 3 Roeberg anyway, but it might change some things to have it earlier.
There are two things you’ll want in the Dusk Megalith garden: moon orchid and strange fruit. It is very unlikely, but possible, to find a Strange Fruit when searching the garden after negotiating with the guard to talk to Mev if you have 2 perception. The fruit gets you +1 Charisma -5 health. If you have the patience to go for it, when you level up from game start get Agility, then Perception, then Charisma before going to the gardens, and bribe the guard to find Mev. Getting this, plus another Strange Fruit from the Druid in the Dusk Megalith residence hall gives you 4 Charisma when you’re talking to the Merchant for some MASSIVE discounts in bandages and good sales prices on everything. This, plus some perfume later means you’ll be the most charming rogue to walk the land with only using one point from a level. Moon orchid should always drop in the garden, but more is better; you don’t need to mix the moon orchid with anything, but you can eat them straight up, and each one gives you 5 XP.
Second, there’s an update since Dharzi’s post that has a second floor to the tavern, where you can loot corpses, giving a bronze bracelet which gives a defense. When going through the crypt, even though the Golden Bracelet is less immediately useful, it has amazing sales price, better than the gold chalice. Either way, save all your antiques for Roeberg, and don’t sell them early.
Buy a ton of bandages (~22) from the merchant; it’ll be a long while before you max Charisma and can get them so cheap, and you tear through a bunch them to get through the underworld with no resilience. Also hold off on selling things, ESPECIALLY antiques (you’ll want those later). To the extent you need cash, selling cheap things with low markup hurts the least. don’t spend any money on food, medicine, or equipment for a while if it doesn’t upgrade a stat, listed below. You’ll want at least 725 gold stockpiled, preferably over 925, by the midpoint of Set, and the hyacinth and black diamond in your kit are worth more with higher charisma.
Stat boosting items after the opening 2 Strange Fruit are listed here for reference:
-Dread root : Nomads by Set, if you give them 3 bandages. +1 agility
-Exotic Perfume (+1 Charisma) is sold in the Thieves den by Set. It’s 300g at 4 charisma, 150 at 8 Charisma
-Sacred elixir: +1 perception can be bought at Roeberg’s Soma gardens (“noble”gardens) south of Selikro Plaza from a nomad merchant that sells these for 263g each with maxed charisma if you chat with him about how business is going first and have good charisma
The Walkthrough
For the beginning, Following Dharzi :;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_content=post_body
You should end up fighting Mev before going on to give the antidote to your buddy. It is possible (though difficult) to beat Mev at level 6 with only 2 Strength, 3 Agility and 2 Perception ( with 4 Charisma, and 1 Resilience) if you have the good helmet from the underworld (Gotterdammerung), the quality brass sword from the Druid assassin, bronze armor from the catacombs, and a bronze shield from the Merchant. You’re welcome to try other combos, but I quite like that one. She’s crap at dodging so the Gotterdammerung is worthwhile, but after this fight and the next one I generally prefer to use another helmet to keep my perception up and hit rate good. After healing you should hopefully ~17 bandages, ~550 gold/goods
Moving on to the Pylon, after trying to give the antidote, you’ll find your friend Rasleen is missing and a Druid chieftain wants to fight. He’s nowhere near as hard as Mev, and can drop a weapon (trident), helmet, or rusty iron chain armor. It might take a few tries if he gets lucky with a “sweep”; and you probably won’t have much life left after and will need to use a bandage. I love the armor here (you’ve already got a legendary helmet and the amazing Black Phosphorus mace from Mev, using those it’ll be a while before you hit a fight that’s a challenge). Alternatively, you could keep the hat (which has good defense without costing a perception) and cobble together armor as you go. I feel trident is the weakest of the three after already getting Black Phosphorus.
After that, start heading to the gardens and a turncoat Druid, Ato Triasteen, will tell you that Rasleen is in the prison. Before going to the prison, go to the spire and tell the merchant he can come, but he has to pay you (nets 25g) and tell Arvie Graker in the barracks to come also for 20 xp. Take the stat boost for level 7 and put it towards perception, it’ll save you from getting ambushed in the prison, and your master thief can never have too much perception and agility.
Go to the prison dressed in your disguise (Green robes, Death mask) and you can just wander around and ambush all the guards and the warden, which you should do for the XP. Going west, you’ll find a laudanum, amphora of wine and fruit (up to 3 each of pears and apples, anything 4 fruit or more is good luck). Go east and make sure you’re NOT wearing your disguise to kill the guard there. Giving the antidote to Rasleen should get you to level 8. Hold off on telling her the guards are dead, to put the disguise back on and kill the warden if you didn’t already (don’t worry if you get a bit dinged up, you’re about to rest) THEN do the prison break; should be at ~600 gold/goods at this point. Steel longswords or body armor tend to have best sale price from this area.
Shadow coast, organize a raid for xp. You don’t get much from it; moving in for the kill on the first knight should get you to level 9 after all the quest finishes you just did. If you kill the women and children then you get away free and clear with two bags of loot; if you leave them alive then Mastaba the barbarian dies and drops a bag of loot. Killing the knight that got Mastaba gets you 40 xp and ~35 gold, plus an armor (kite shield can be nice), after Ato either shoots the horse or you do an acrobatic leap at him. If you choose to kill kids and avoid the fight, when you get backstory on the barbarian if he survives, you get 25 XP for showing him the underworld tablet, if you share 25 gold with Mastaba (though the loot bag he brought should have had ~20 gold plus goodies, so you’re out the 35 you would have gotten from the Knight, the 15 extra experience, and the rather nice sale price for the tablet itself in Roeberg). Not sure what keeping poor Mastaba alive might do for you late game, but I didn’t want to kill any kids, which nicely gets you more stuff anyway. The loot bags themselves don’t have much special. The jade idol is worth 60 in Roeburgh, the expensive fur coat for 28. The painting is worthless except for the gold frame, but the ruby bracelet has an ok non-antique sales price at 26 at a normal shop, but don’t expect much from the loot here. The commemorative plate isn’t a real antique and isn’t worth anything. Gold necklace can get 10g. If you have bad charisma you get an extra 5xp for killing a pirate.
Note that you can get more money if you let people starve for a while until breaking into a cathedral; this gets up to 3 diamonds, but you can only fight one knight if you break into the cathedral, so you’re short 40 xp vs the raid route for about 100 gold.
Not much happens on the boat. You can tell Ato that he owes you for poor Mastaba’s death (he gives you a bow and arrow later, but I think he might do that anyway). You can give Laudanum and the prison ledger to Rasleen and you can let the merchant have your cabin; not sure what benefit either of those do for you.
Fighting thieves in the tavern, you can just go all out and kill three, each gives single digits gold, some junky armor, a tusk medallion and some bandages. Should be an easy fight.
Decision time : cool accessory, or more XP? Just walking up to the bandits in the east and killing 5-in-a-row (at 20 XP each) plus their leader (50) and concubine (25) isn’t a bad haul, and gets you the bone crown, an accessory with 8(!) defense and apparently no weight. Each bandit also drops a medallion worth 25g after you’ve won, if you stop by the Set town hall. If you get the nomads to fight the bandits, you lose out on some money and the cool accessory, but get 110(!) more XP. edit it’s an extra 120 xp. If you shoot first (5xp) then step aside and ambush the tusk warrior after you follow the nomads, you get 25 xp instead of 15.
Either way, wander around town a bit, kill off the bandit hanging out in the alley, then head out of town and visit the army and nomads in the west. You can kill the nomad sentry on the way to visit them for 30 xp. I feel bad doing it, but there don’t seem to be any negative consequences to the action; hopefully the nomads just blame the militia or the bandits for the missing sentry :(.
Talk to them both, and give the nomad healer 3 bandages for an agility boost. Also stop by the infirmary in town to advance the Mind Affliction quest, and swing by the boat and talk to Ato for a free bow and arrows along with some info on the healing druids. Stopping by the the longhouse can net you a moonshine, but it also gets the Spire merchant who came with you dead before giving you whatever reward he’ll get around to giving you, so hold off and come here after defeating the tusk bandit holdout, but before stopping by the market.
If you’re a true knave, you can stop by the eastern wilderness and on your way down to the tusk gang a fisherman will give you a helpful warning. If you repay his kindness by robbing and killing him, you get 5xp and a silver medallion with religious significance that is a 1-defense accessory.
It’s usually a good idea to have your bow in your off hand to get more options, but shooting arrows is an expensive way to go through life, and you usually end up having to use two arrows for the same amount of XP.
To kill bandits, you just walk out the east exit, walk up the bridge and kill lots of guys. If you have BAD charisma, you can also first fail in negotiations between the nomads and the soldiers for 30 xp, 5-30 gold and an iron weapon/armor. If you do this, make sure you get the bone crown from the leader (he can also sometimes drop a bone shield, which is just an ok shield). I went the other way; talk to Rasleen for a clever solution to the impasse, and then talk to the army and nomads again. The nomads will kill the thieves and give you a whopping 250 XP for the solution (and level 10), plus you can follow the Nomads and pick up an easy bandit fight yourself for 15 XP, plus an extra 20 XP for refusing the nomad’s gold and then another 25 for rescuing the ferryman and army captain (you get that 25 either way).
On the way back up the east side, you can find the Thieves den in the basement of the abandoned house. Here’s where the money magic happens, but it’s a bit of a two-parter. You can either go all out and get super charisma now plus the lockpicks, or just get the lockpicks for a lot and come back for charisma after going to Graefir Island, getting two +Charisma items, and then coming back. If you can get up to 925 getting just the lockpicks now is the better way to be.
If you’re doing all that sweet, sweet Charisma now (not recommended) then at 4 charisma the exotic perfume costs 300; at 5c it’s 240; at 6c it’s 200, at 7c it’s 172, at 8c it’s a mere 150 (this is as low as they go). The advanced lock pick similarly goes down from 225 at 4c to a 180, to 150, to lowly 129 at 7c and the extremely cheap 113 at 8c. If you use one of your skill boosts on Charisma (up to 5), then with 725 gold you can buy 3 perfumes, using each perfume before buying the next, and then buy the lock picks for the cheapest price. You are now officially a golden-tongued master, but DON’T sell your stockpile down yet. Selling prices go up past C8 even though buying prices don’t go down anymore, but C8 is about as far as you probably want to go. However, for 183 gold extra, buy the lockpicks now and then come back, you get an extra attribute point of your choice by not having to use a level point on Charisma.
Math : lockpicks and rope at C4; 225+18 = 243 + 15 gold entry fees for the thieves den and ferry costs +4 perfumes starting at C6 = 672 for a total of 930 vs 113 + 12 for lockpicks and rope plus 10 for entry fees and ferry + 612 for 3 perfumes starting at C5 = 747. So by spending an extra 183 gold, you get a free attribute upgrade of your choice, which is worth it in my book. All that loot you got from Shade Coast and since are mostly getting sold at C10 or are artifacts either way; to the extent you have to sell stuff early you’re also losing out on a bit of gold.
Heading to town, stop by the longhouse for that free moonshine; now that it’s safe the Spire merchant shouldn’t die. You’ll meet an affable soldier named Arturo that hasn’t gotten the news Hadrian is back. Next stop by the market for a rope and then talk to Hadrian by the Wolf shrine, grab his reports and read them. Important info is that those tusk medallions can now be traded in to Hadrian for 25g each, so do that. You can choose to go ferry to the healing druids or look for Arturo. It’s worth it to bring Rope to Arturo, and you save money buying rope later, so druids are probably a better first stop.
Going to Graefir Island and the Ephemeral Druids will have you go through some stuff. They seemed trustworthy, so I drank their black lotus drink, which helped somewhat what with being mind controlled. If you ask the leader for a history of the island he has his guard give you a book; if you search the backyard you’ll find a glyph that leads you north to a guy in a pit. If you have rope, you can let him out for some XP and a map to the truly magnificent tomb of Hieronymus where, after fiddling with your shiny advanced lockpicks, you get a +agility sword (Crimson Falcata), +charisma crown (Jewelled Circlet, under jewels, counts as headwear) and +charisma off-hand item (Orb of Reflection, also under Jewels). The extra agility can make it worth using the ruby sword instead of your Black Phosphorus mace, the +Charisma make selling goods even sweeter.
After Graefir stop by the Thieves Den and get charisma if you’re doing it my recommended way.
With all that lovely charisma you can now buy... some cheap rope. That’s about the only thing worth getting in town, plus a Wolf idol you can sell for a 17g profit when you get to Roeberg. Some of the weapons, like the Iron Pike can be useful, and maybe some 3g arrows from your old friend on the boat if you’re into archery. Never waste money on regular armor.
To get Arturo, go to the longhouse and ask the bartender about him. After he rebuffs you, one of the prisoners you rescued will tell you to check out the abandoned farm to the SW. Sneak around the back and use your lockpicks to ambush Arturo from behind; tying him up and bringing him to justice will get you 150g from Hadrian (way more than the 12 cost of the rope itself) plus some info on the gang. Don’t worry about your health here if Arturo got you a bit; the Island of Bast events make your current health relatively moot.
Next we go to the Island of Bast, with the secret hidden Tusk base. Rasleen gets spoilered by Mantis (not sure if a resilience-specced character can make it a difference but you’d need more than 5 Resilience). If you followed the initial part and have a shovel, you can get some more xp. Shooting his bodyguard before charging gets you 30 ox instead of 20.
It’s worth swing by the dead forest to pick up ~9x Palefoot mushrooms that heal up to 18 each. The mushrooms will help your chronically non-resilient ass stay alive. If you use the prompt “You better put that knife away before you get hurt”, they’ll walk away and grant you 20 xp for the glory of having heard your mellifluous voice. Alternatively you can fight the poor wretches for 35 xp (or shoot 4 of them with arrows first for an extra 40 xp on top of that), the fights are pitiful but you’ll get whacked for 18 or so after fight 4. The prompts to get all seven fights are talk, “I don’t want trouble”, fight, defend yourself, kill her, take a look, fight him, run away from the fiend with the rusty hatchet, stay and fight (gets you hit with a club for 18), kill him, fight them, keep fighting. They’ll leave you alone after that, but if you fight the hatchet-wielder (or try to use 5 arrows instead of 4 opening up) you get overwhelmed and robbed. The 18-point-hit plus any nicks you pick up should be more than offset by Palefoot mushrooms dropped by the fiends.
Climbing the mountain, you can talk your way up to guys so you can ambush them for both the guard and the archer. It’s probably a good idea to be up to at least 3 strength here, even just running rusty chain mail armor you’ll need a bit more power. I killed the brute at the gate rather than sneak around him, ambushing didn’t do much good but it’s better than nothing. At the top, you’ll find tusk HQ. I killed the leader ‘cause he deserved killing. You have to talk to the iron vagrant and either keep your word to let him go, or leave him chained up. You get 50 XP for letting the incredibly-armored probably-immortal cannibal madman who gets people addicted to opium go. But hey, your word is your bond. You can choose to fight him after freeing him, but I’m not sure you can even do any damage through that armor and it’s pretty much a lost cause. Maybe you can figure a way to fight him and actually cause damage. Anyway, head back to Set, tell the nomads in the tavern the bad news (or on the plain if you went that way) and get 20 XP and up to level 12 before going on to the next adventure. Edit it is technically possible to kill the Iron Vagrant at level 12, but only through the use of specials - regular attacks don’t hurt him. He gives 500 xp and no loot.
You can hear the news of the Roeburgh invasion from a town crier by the shrine. If you stop by the longhouse, you’ll meet a mysterious woman you can kill for some xp and a gem, plus a free drink if you apologize for the mess. Amethyst sells for 10g here at 10c and she might drop multiple, an uncommon-drop emerald is worth 31. After a quick nap at the tavern you should be able to negotiate the druids into surrendering the boat you came on for 50 XP. Stop by the mayor’s office after to get bounties on tusk amulets and a bit more experience for sharing the tusk journal with Hadrian before heading out to Roeburgh. Stopping by Graefir Island will get you another 50 XP for the 5g cost of the ferry trip.
Supplies you’ll want: Roeburgh has some color coding clothing, so not sure if you can pick up a useful set of clothes from the tailor here, but if there’s a trick to the clothing I haven’t figured it yet. It’s probably a good idea to have extra rope just in case, though, spoiler, I haven’t found use for that either. As much as I want to, I can’t get the Ephemeral Druids to give me more lotus juice, even though I have an empty vial. If you’re inclined towards archery the Druids on Graefir island have a nifty longbow, which packs a bigger punch than your hunting bow.
At Roeburgh you’ll first be greeted by refugees, who you can donate to. It’s diminishing returns with the donations of 3,10,20, and 50 gold yielding 5, 10, 15, and 25 experience. 20 is probably the best value, but Mr.-Charisma-who-doesn’t-buy-armor-and-wants-lots-of-levels-to-avoid-speccing-resilience is probably better off giving 50. Getting to the city itself gets you another 20 XP, and you should easily pass an early agility check from a falling burning building, but you’ll get dinged for 8 health if you have less than 4 resilience, which is fine. A dying militiaman will give up some studded leather gear and 3-6 gold; the studded leather helmet or a 4-defense studded leather belt could both be useful.
You should see an alley you can duck into, but it’s the lesser option. You go in and avoid another falling militiaman with identical goods for plundering then fight one easy guy with a morning star. Instead, it’s recommended you keep walking forward and fight 4 guys for some XP, with the commander being a bit tough; mace is easier than sword here and fighting four guys nets more xp and loot. You could end up with a full set of iron scale armor (body, boots, gloves, and a spare body armor to sell), and it might be worth upgrading from that old rusty chain mail. If you got the helmet from the Druid War Chief, this is where you can finally have a good set of full body armor head to toe.
Crossing the Hydran bridge, you’ll get a coded message, and begin your Roeberg adventure.
First things first, equip your +Charisma items for town and head northwest from Selikro Plaza to Emerald Avenue, where you find an armorer, seamstress and an antiquarian. You can sell the armor you don’t need to the armorer for a better price than the nomad merchant, and you can sell the antiques in your bag to the antiquarian for lots and lots, including that clay tablet (75g) from the underworld. I had two bronze chains (25 and 20 sale price, respectively) two cultist masks, and was happy to sell one (30g) along with the gold chain(130g)/gold chalice (90g) from Dusk Megalith and the mechanical hand (60g) looted from a Druid body. I also a sold the Wolf idol (20g, purchased from carpenter in Roe for 3g), the death mask (80g) and mask of Nievra (70g), and with great reluctance gave up the Cipher Stone for 600g. Maybe I’ll regret that. We’ll see if I ever need a mask or Cipher stone again. You should (temporarily) go to astronomical sums of money.
South from Selikro plaza to the Soma Gardens. A vapid rich couple doesn’t seem to give you anything, but chatting with the Nomad merchant a bit before shopping will unlock his unusual goods, including Sacred Elixirs to improve perception for 263 each. You should be able to squeeze getting at least 4, possibly 6, which would bring your Perception up to 8 or even 9. He also sells the “Desert Cavalry Shield” which contains the soul of Ebiddon and grants an extra 10 protection on top of its 23% block chance for 7 Encumbrance. Not bad for 75 gold if you’re going sword-and-shield, and a magic shield might sneak past my usual “never waste money on armor” rule.
You can stop by the walled orchard and forage some green apples.
Now that you have an acceptable perception level, time for exploring. The inn on Selikro square will provide info about a mysterious woman and her cartel crew, and grant you a brothel token. Taking this up to Emerald road, you can get to the back room of the brothel to ... talk ... to one of their girls. If you ask about Mantis she’ll attack you (pitifully) and give you 15 xp. My poor minmaxing heart still can’t do it and I just sit passive trying to help her, and maybe I can save her later. Killing the guard for 15 xp, I have no problem with. Killing madame brimstone for 10 xp is a bit more gray, but she had it coming.
Quick note on health; if you stay at the inn, your high Charisma gives it to you for half price and you get unlimited uses out of it either way. If you’re low on health, it’s a good time to just rest instead of using items.
You can now find the gambling den off emerald street, or if you go back to Selikro square and listen to a sermon at the church you’ll get a new side quest to help out a church worker. To get the church event to proc you may need to go to the gambling den and then just walk away without starting that line of activity. I did the church quest first, since it gives better rewards.
Unfortunately, after visiting the church servant’s house you find you’re too late and he cannot be helped, only avenged. After chasing his killers, and getting a brief helping hand from an unknown woman (not sure about options to find more about her?), you can listen in on their conversation in the orchard, and then dispatch them. If you approach them openly you can ask for a bribe (they only give 70-80 regardless of what’s promised) and then kill them after they throw the money on the ground; this gets 20 fewer xp than doing a sneak attack. When you tell the preacher the bad news you are rewarded for your efforts with a holy talisman; Phenris’ wolf medallion boosts resilience, Meym’s Rook Medallion improves perception, and Nierva’s fireball improves Charisma. At this point, with Charisma already at 8 and perception at 8 or 9, it’s a matter of preference what you want to get. Since the default for accessories is to give defense, I lean away from resilience even though it’s the only one you actually NEED. I picked one of the others and you can swap in a defense accessory when fighting a slugfest that doesn’t need perception.
Moving on to the gambling den off of emerald street, you should hit level 13 when you kill the cartel roughs hanging out in front disrespecting you. You’ll meet an old acquaintance in the form of Cleo Verdandi. She’ll give you the info you want, but if you try to fight immediately you just die. Leave the gambling den, and then you can come back when there’s not a sword already at your throat to kill her and her brother for 100 xp and a big sword. It’s up to you whether you want to sell the Heavy Iron Scimitar for 35g, or just keep the rather nice 2-handed sword for yourself. I (barely) had enough to pick up one more Perception from the nomad and keep it.
Next, go on to Soma Gardens, pick up a Perception if you can afford it and find the hidden estate for 100 XP. You can get into the grounds several ways, but killing guards gets you money and XP, and each one drops a temple key. You should be able to go through the gate guard and then a patroller in the front yard quickly. From here you can either go in the front door or, with agility 5, scale the wall of the backyard to go in through an open window. I went with a frontal entrance on the theory I could fight more, but I don’t think it makes a difference.
In the Sleep Temple you’ll head to a ballroom, and then quickly see a cloak room where you can snag up to three snazzy black cloaks to sneak through the dining hall unnoticed. Or you can fight a whole lot of guys who drop no gold but are super easy to mace through and get up to level 14. So yeah, forget sneaking, I killed a bunch of bad guys. The last one is a woman who slashes your shoulder for 14 before she fights you. Or, almost the last one; there’s one guy with a scimitar left. After killing him you can either go upstairs or the kitchen.
Kitchen doesn’t have anyone, but does have plunder. Pantry has : top shelf, Maleqite brandy (up to 2) and Panossian wine (up to 3), middle has mead (8) and cider (4), bottom has empty bottles. Wooden box has a rawhide bone to avoid fighting dogs if you hate xp or love doggos. The strongbox only has drugs, boo. Up to 12 laudanum. For a palace this place has surprisingly bad loot.
Upstairs you can go to the dormitory that you can climb into from the backyard. You can find a mead, some coins, 2 laudanum in the drawers, a cell key in the guy’s pocket and you can kill him in his sleep for 10 xp. At least you can sell the Laudanum for 17g each.
Moving to the atrium, you see a map depicting Iblyss, a bust, and two doors, one to an armory and prison, the other to the master bedroom. Go to the armory first, where you’ll find the captured high lord; releasing him and giving him the message grants you 60 xp. I felt sorry for the naked bugger and gave him a black cloak for safety, even if I did kill everyone already. Search the Iron Maiden VERY thoroughly for a Red Stone Bracelet, a +Agility accessory. You can go to the prison and kill the guard dog for 50 xp and releasing a former gladiator by the name of Avon Lorca from Malequiem, Mantis’ home town. He apparently doesn’t need a cloak. :/
Speaking of the devil, if you head to the master bedroom you get a warning that this could be the end. If you’re interested in utterly maxing out, you can duck out to Soma Gardens quick to sell Laudanum and buy a perception or two.
heading into his master bedroom, you can find his journal on a nightstand, a hidden compartment in the wardrobe with Laudanum, up to 5 (more drugs? Boring!). As you you leave, you’ll fight the man himself. If you try to run away, he breaks your body, but Avon Lorca saves you. If you man up and fight, He’ll break the fight halfway through to try throwing a knife at you (misses easily if you have 6 agility with the red stone bracelet), then he tries throwing a chair (again missing). Round three is a bit harder fight; if you pursue he’ll call for help, but since everyone’s dead, unsurprisingly this is fruitless. After defeating him, you can kill him, or join the dark side. Either ends the game. Not killing everyone will allow some different endings, but still ends the game. Wait, so how do I get to Iblyss and kill the real cartel leader? Huh? Come on!
A little sad I don’t get to check out Malequiem or Iblyss, but a well told story and a lovely game.
Ending line edited for an extra level for killing Ironclad Vagrant: level 15 with 8 strength, 8 Charisma, 1 Resilience, 6 Agility, 12 Perception, plus; two + Char items, a +Perception item, a +agility item, and a plus agility sword and + defense shield I never use since Black Phosphorus lets me just slam through everyone, and steel scale helmet, gloves, greaves and body armor. Note that I’d probably keep the Cipher Stone and maybe a Druid mask and have lower perception if the game were to keep going.
submitted by TempGamerJMG to UntoldRPG [link] [comments]

PD2 Hybrid Bladesin - An In-Depth Guide

Guide is written and updated for Season #1 Awakening
Some of you might know my other guide on Hybrid Bladesin from another D2 mod. Guess I had to do one for PD2 too at this point since the other guide was very popular and well-received. Blade skills and traps were reworked in PD2 and actually perform really well, making such a build possible. I followed to ladder race to 99 in season 1 and was quite surprised not seeing many Assassins at the top compared to other classes – maybe I can change this with shedding some light on some new mechanics and changes with this guide. My goal was to create a build that is versatile and clear regular endgame content and all types of maps fast solo, which would also perform well in a group scenario; at the end it worked out better than expected but let's get right into it.
Editors commentary: currently tooltip and AR calculations for Blade Skills are bugged and not working correctly - this will likely get fixed in future patches by the devs. But since this is the case currently this guide focuses on circumventing those issues and compensating for them for the time the bug exists in the game. Also -x% to enemy elemental resist and %mastery doesn't currently work on traps due to a bug (will be fixed in the future) - the build performs well despite those buggs existing, don't worry - it will get even stronger once they are fixed.

An in-depth guide?

My goal with my guides is to really provide a lot of information to players, not just a list of items and no explanation how to get there or why you want them. Also, I am not a fan of videos; imo you can’t tell if you like playing a build just by watching someone playing it in a perfect handmade setting for a couple of minutes… you can’t grasp the actual feeling of the build this way But don’t worry I got something even better for you! In various sections of this guide you will find 6 different singleplayer savegames with characters in different progression stages with real gear all functioning properly! So you can try and test the build in this guide to full extend yourself, on your pace, the way you like it and as long as you want to see if it fits your taste and if you actually want to play it on ladder.
Just to mention it: I am mostly a HC player, so I design all my builds geared towards a HC setting – feel free to adjust everything you don’t like to your liking if you play SC. Don’t treat my recommendations as the only options you have, think for yourself and try out different stuff which looks interesting to you.

General Playstyle:

This build utilizes Blade Furry in combination with Wake of Fire or Chain Lightning traps to tear through monsters. You want to position yourself about 10 yards away from monsters all the time and kite while you are laying down traps for zone and AoE clearing smaller foes. Very resistant or bigger monsters, which are able to withstand your traps long enough will get eliminated by a targeted Blade Furry shuriken. If you get in trouble cast Cloak of Shadows to get away, reposition yourself or mess with your enemies to render their attacks useless for a few seconds – otherwise run around with unmatched speed thanks to the use of Burst of Speed – pesky dangerous Conviction pack ahead? Just make a switch to Fade stance for a quick resistance boost or to get rid of a curse or poison stack in a shorter amount of time. This guide will mostly cover the WoF/fire trap version, since it is generally considered superior for mapping, while the CLt/lightning trap version can achieve higher clear speed in story areas with many fire immune monsters such as Chaos Sanctuary.
  • Very versatile and fast play style
  • Dual element (physical/fire or lightning) so no trouble with immunes
  • Very high single target DPS
  • Can be build quite tanky
  • Very good bossing character
  • Can do Ubers and MiniUbers solo
  • Can do maps with dangerous mods/high density in HC solo with decent clear speed
  • Works well in a group as DPS, since it benefits from physical and elemental buffs
  • Potential ladder starter
  • Very good endgame scaling / scales really well with gear / high investment build
  • Requires very expensive gear and wealth to min max / high investment build
  • Achieving high clear speed levels requires some gear investment / you will mostly sit in cows or TC85/87 zones to farm high runes at the start of a new ladder most likely
  • You actually have to know what you are doing when it comes to gear choices and upgrades; you have to calculate everything yourself since ingame tooltip does not reflect actual damage or attack rating/chance to hit (but that's what a guide is for)
  • While leveling and getting through acts in early hell knowledge about monster stats and encounters helps out greatly with lower gear levels, if you are a newer player you will likely have to learn about some stuff (aka read about some stats/mechanics on wikis)
  • If you want to play this build well, you need to switch between skills, kite, pay attention to your environment and constantly reposition. The skill cap of this build is quite high – profound D2 knowledge will be very helpful to play/gear this build to max efficiency.
  • Upgrading/gear progression is difficult for a newer player and for players who don’t want to learn about mechanics or do math.

Basic skill point distribution in the endgame:

Trap Tree:
  • 20 Fire Blast
  • 20 Wake of Fire
  • 20 Wake of Inferno
  • 20 Blade Sentinel
  • 20 Blade Fury
Shadow Discipline Tree:
  • 1 Claw Mastery
  • 1 Burst of Speed
  • 1 Fade
  • 1 Psychic Hammer
  • 1 Cloak of Shadows
This is representative of an endgame skill tree – while getting there it depends on the content you are doing. If you are farming cows for the most time 60 points into fire traps will be your priority, maxing Blade Sentinel last. If you are doing mostly Chaos Sanctuary runs or other zones with fire immunes, consider doing 40 Points into blade skills first and max out Fire Blast last. If your gear is lacking %ED while leveling, consider putting in 60 points into blade skills first (temporarily maxing Blade Shield) and only 40 in fire traps, respecing later when your gear gets better. I recommend always getting the 1 pointers mentioned. Another option would be getting Dragon Flight – here it comes down to preference. I personally don’t get it, but if you want to invest the 4 points only put 36 points into blade skills to get some extra mobility and a skill to reposition your merc.


  • Strength: enough to wear your gear (and to be able to perform a weapon swap in combat) – you can invest more, up to 200 points for additional %ED scaling (depending on your weapon base type)
  • Dexterity: depends if you are going for max block; otherwise aim for around 200 points here for %ED and accuracy scaling (depending on your weapons base type)
  • Vitality: Everything you can spare goes here
  • Energy: Nothing


  • %FCR: This build doesn’t depend on faster cast rate at all, so it can be ignored
  • %FHR: If you go maxblock I would aim for the 48% breakpoint (5 frames) – if you prefer a more close up play style or tanking ubers aim for 86% (4 frames)
  • %FBR: you will have some block chance regardless if going max block or not so considering at least the 13% breakpoint (achievable through corruption or specific item choices) always helps. Assassin has godly block frames, second best to paladin, if you go max block you can aim for 32% (3 frames) and feel almost like a paladin with Holy Shield active
  • %IAS: This is a special case here since Blade Furry now is affected by attack speed; Breakpoints are calculated from the normal 1h attack animation from testing and only depends on weapon base speed and the total sum of on- and off-weapon IAS combined. In the FAQ section of this guide you will find more information on how to calculate it for your build.

Leveling – How to level this build from scratch:

Pretty easy overall for assassin once you get to lvl 12 where you can start using Wake of Fire, before that it will be a little slow unfortunately. Keep using Fire Blast and normal attacks with your claw and level in Tristram/do Tristruns with a group until you hit level 12. Get 1 point into Burst of Speed on the way. After hitting level 12 you start cruising through normal without much issue. After that just straight forward max out Wake of Fire and start putting points into Wake of Inferno afterwards.
Level Skill Level Skill Level Skill
Level 2 Claw Mastery Level 13 Wake of Fire Level 24 Wake of Fire
Akara Fire Blast Level 14 Wake of Fire Level 25 Wake of Fire
Level 3 Fire Blast Level 15 Wake of Fire Level 26 Wake of Fire
Level 4 Fire Blast Level 16 Wake of Fire Level 27 Wake of Fire
Level 5 Fire Blast Level 17 Wake of Fire Level 28 Wake of Fire
Level 6 Burst of Speed Level 18 Wake of Fire Level 29 Wake of Fire
Level 7 Fire Blast Radament Wake of Fire Level 30 Wake of Fire
Level 8 Fire Blast Level 19 Wake of Fire Level 31 Wake of Fire
Level 9 Fire Blast Level 20 Wake of Fire Level 32 Wake of Fire
Level 10 Fire Blast Level 21 Wake of Fire Level 33 Wake of Inferno
Level 11 Fire Blast Level 22 Wake of Fire Level 34 Wake of Inferno
Level 12 Wake of Fire Level 23 Wake of Fire Level 35 Wake of Inferno
Gear to look out for at the end of Normal: Spirit sword, Stealth chest, Ancients Pledge shield, a Lore circlet and some random rares with resist an %MF if you can get. Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegamefolder and start it in Single Player: DOWNLOAD - Early Nightmare Test Character
Got your basic gear ready and some decent resists to start out? Good – if not farm Nightmare Countess and Black Marsh/Stony Field for runeword bases and runes before you go on. You can also attempt to build a Lore now if you have a good base. Just carry on through the acts – Nightmare is easy with basic gear, you will face no problems at all (watch out for dolls in Act 3! Their explosions got reworked and now have a delay). Fire Trapsin is really fast in clear speed overall (just max out all synergies for Wake of Fire while going through Nightmare and be don’t bother with getting other stuff yet). They only time where you might have some trouble will be Nightmare Chaos Sanctuary where you will meet fire immunes – just take it slow and let the merc deal with them and support him where you can (investing some gear in your merc is crucial at this point, get him an Insight in an exceptional base weapon and some life leech and you will be fine) – after that Act 5 is a breeze again, just skip fire immunes and you will be good (if you roll many fire immunes in World Stone Keep, just make a now game and go again until easier mobs spawn) Once you kill Baal it is farming time! You have do do some farming for basic gear in PD2 before you go to Hell difficulty, otherwise you will struggle hard. So take your time to farm up some gear in Nightmare Cows. Nightmare Cows is THE best farming spot at this point in PD2 thanks to player 5 loot; Cow Kings drop table is really nice and you can kill him here; the portal can still be opened afterwards – you can drop a ton of good stuff there. Let's assume you get really unlucky and get no good drops at all; don’t worry, this build can start out with really unpopular and crappy gear (crap considered by most of the player base so it will be cheap to buy). Wake of Fire is really fast when it comes to farming Nightmare Cows without having gear – so just stack as much MF wherever you can – you can even reach close to 400% if you really want to go hard for it.
Here is how your MF cowfarmer could look like at the end of Nightmare to farm up some wealth and gear for your early hell transition and respec. DOWNLOAD - End of Nightmare Test Character
Gear to look out for at the end of Nightmare: Just pick up every amulet and charm, reroll grand charms from Cow Level for Skillers, sell them and buy 4-5 clean trap skillers for your assassin. Gamble amulets for a good chance at +3 class tree skill levels with the Gold you get from cows and selling items to vendors – sell +3 amulets for other classes and buy MF gear if you can get it for a reasonable price. Build yourself a Lionheart in a Mageplate base, and start looking out for some cheap unique items on the market (most of them you will likely find by yourself while doing cow runes) Over cap your resists with charms to have good resistances when you enter Hell difficulty paired with Fade. With all the gold you are getting from cows go shopping at Anya’s in act 5 for some +x levels to fade claws, which will help you to deal with resists in Hell using them in your second weapon slot for precasting the buff at a higher level. Try to acquire the following items: Magnus Skin (gloves Orphan set), Wilhelm's Pride (belt Orphan set), Guillaume’s Face (helm Orphan set), a Lance Guard shield with a good %DS roll and a Heart Carver dagger. If you can snatch a cheap pair of gore riders which are usually cheap at the beginning of a new ladder since there are not many attack based builds around which want to use them this early in a new season. Next goals should be a Ravenfrost or any ring with a CNBF corruption, and an Angelic amulet and ring to sort out AR issues against bosses (Heart Carver has ITD, so no AR needed for normal monsters) but you can also start without them when you go to hell, just don’t attempt any bosses without AR issues sorted.
You also want to look out for a Gavel of Pain for your future act 5 merc and other merc equipment upgrades before you transition to Hell mode.
Now it is finally time to respec! Leveling as a trapper is fast that's why, but now we actually want to go hybrid at this point because of the many fire immunes in Hell. If you followed my gear recommendations to buy from the Nightmare section (or getting most of them by yourself while farming cows with great %MF). Socket your shield and helmet or weapon (your choice) with your Larzuk Quests, get a perfect diamond for your shield and a random 15% IAS jewels for your helmet or dagger to reach the next breakpoint without putting in much effort – this allows you to use Fade over BoS and still maintain your %IAS breakpoint for Blade Fury. Equip all your gear (make sure you can wear it after the respec!) and do your respec. You want:
  • 100 base strength (before stats from gear)
  • 110 base dexterity (before stats from gear)
  • Everything else in vitality
  • None in Energy
  • 20 Blade Fury
  • 10 Blade Sentinel
  • 20 Wake of Fire
  • 1 Claw Mastery
  • 1 Burst of Speed
  • 1 Fade
  • Rest goes into Fire Blast
Don’t worry, you still will have more than enough health even for HC mode with all your gear on and being an assassin which has very good vitality scaling in general. The high base dex and strength is used for wearing future gear and for providing flat AR and %ED to your build, which you will need for dealing damage with Blade Fury. Your gear should provide you with a considerable amount of off-weapon %ED and %DS. If you followed my recommendations your character should be looking something like this after the respec with your new gear. You should also swap your Act 2 mercenary now for an Act 5 barbarian and equip him with the gear you prepared, since you now actually benefit from his Might aura greatly. Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game at the bare minimum before you should enter Hell – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegame folder and start it in Single Player mode: DOWNLOAD - Early Hell Test Character
Hell is difficult for almost any character build without gear in PD2 similar to vanilla. If you followed my advice you will have no problems at all – Blade Fury one or two-shots most monsters in Act 1 hell and even farming pits is no problem with this setup if you want to farm for gear there. But you can also directly progress if your gear is good enough – you will face no issues at all, your damage will be nice and since you are dealing physical and fire damage you won’t face much difficulty at all – just progress slow and steady, let your Act 5 merc tank and distract while you are throwing shurikens and traps from the back. Try to upgrade your Heart Carver to an elite version if you get your hands on a Pul rune, it makes a significant difference. You can progress easily until Act 3 with that amount of gear and even further if you know what you are doing – but still, you want to upgrade to a cheap midgame setup at some point to be faster and more efficient when it comes to clearing with fire traps. Your goal is to get to Hell cows and farm this area for High runes, since most of your endgame upgrades will be very expensive, at a decent and comfortable pace. To get there I recommend trying to acquire a well rolled Demon‘s Arch Balrog Spear (no, I am not kidding!) – this it is mostly considered trash by many players but in PD2 it is a fantastic and cheap option to start out this hybrid build. Once you got that, focus on getting a Rising Sun amulet and a pair of well rolled Hellmouth gauntlets for additional fire penetration. These gloves are not only good for fire traps, not the on hit effects are also very good for knock back and stun locking monsters with Blade Fury – a combination of those 3 items provides your character with massive flat fire damage and fire pierce, ideal for Hell cow farming with traps and shurikens. After getting that just stack %MF and switch to an act 2 mercenary again (most of your damage will be fire based anyway just for farmign Hell cows and you need the additional AR again since you would lose Angelic combo and ITD from your weapon); get him a Reapers Toll, a Treachery chest and some items with leech – you also can do Chaos sanctuary with this setup, not very fast but you can if you want and thanks to the fire absorb from your gear you will be able to do it very safely in an HC setting which is also beneficial. But your main focus should be Hell Cows at this point. If you have not already pushed to Baal and start farming cows. When it comes to skill point distribution from now on, get Cloak of Shadows, max out fire trap synergies next and max out Blade Sentinel last, put some additional points into Fade if you need it to sort out your resists (you can always respec later once you acquire better gear, you got 2 free respecs left at this point, so don’t worry)
Here is an example of how your character should look like at this stage in the game. You can cruise through Hell now and farm any regular Hell content with this setup and even do easy maps – download the savegame and copy it into your D2 savegame folder and start it in Single Player mode: DOWNLOAD - Midgame Test Character
From here on out it is your choice where you want to take the build – get more clean skillers first and decide from there what you want to upgrade next. I would recommend aiming for a Phoenix shield as soon as you can before upgrading any other gear piece. After that focus on getting close to 100% Deadly Strike.

Endgame Gearing:

This section only covers endgame gear options (check leveling section for gear progression). PD2 provides a very in-depth gearing system thanks to various balancing changes to uniques, runewords and adding a corruption and socketing system on top of that. Everything depends on gear composition – imo there is no (or very seldom) clear BIS option for a gear slot for any build type. Just take a look, compare and try to reach breakpoints where you can. I will also mention useful corruptions to look out for on each gear slot. I won’t list every option since there is just too much to cover – instead I will focus on pointing out interesting concepts and ideas for you to build around. If you have questions regarding gear choices just ask in this thread – people can have a discussion and help each other out with ideas. Since this is a Hybrid Bladesin guide, which does rely on 1h weapons, I won’t cover 2h weapons here specifically (check out this excellent pure Blade Fury guide by SassCastle for reference and suggestions if you want to go that route)
What should be your focus?
This is a hybrid spec, so you want a good mix of +skills (for your fire traps) and %ED (for your Blade Furry). Aim for around avg 3.5k Wake of Fire damage with at least 20% fire penetration, if you want more I recommend the 33% breakpoint (many monster types in Hell have 33% fire resist if not immune, so it is considered a sweet spot) – after that point more damage doesn’t make a significant difference in clear speed while playing solo (since damage is dealt in multiple waves), in groups you receive additional scaling from party members anyway. Otherwise, reaching close to 100% deadly strike will be your main goal over everything else - %DS is the biggest damage multiplayer you can get for Blade Fury. After that it is just getting as much %ED and flat added damage wherever you can get it without compromising defenses. Once you reach around 12k per blade it is a good time to stop, more won’t improve your clear speed by much after that (speaking for solo play) and since this isn't a pure bladesin don’t try to reach the next breakpoint, you won’t get there realistically without cutting into your fire trap damage or sacrificing defenses. Once again I want to advise the community not just trying to be mindless about tooltip DPS/sheet DPS – your build isn’t clearing any faster at some point, you can only one-shot mobs that hard with your shurikens. If it takes 2 seconds longer to kill a boss but you would have to sacrifice a lot of defenses for it it isn’t worth it, not even for softcore players (most of your time is spent getting to the boss clearing content – the more defenses you can get, the more reckless and fast you can play, the quicker you will get to the boss; you can save those 2 extra seconds easily while clearing)
Want to see how a fully decked out tanky HC Hybrid Bladesin (fire) performs in PD2? Download this savegame and copy it into your Diablo 2 savegame folder, start the game in Single Player mode and enjoy! DOWNLOAD - Endgame Test Character
  • Fleshripper: I consider this one the „all-rounder“ option if you don’t want to think about it or calculate much, just pick this one and be happy – it will perform in every situation thanks to solid base damage, %DS, -X% target defense and %slow, and it even has some CB for bossing. Due to those stat combinations it ist he perfect choice for doing ubers, for maps and other content, other options will outperform it handily.
  • Bartuc‘s Cut-Throat: solid choice, especially for hybrid sin thanks to +2 skills, some stats (which translate into 20% off-weapon ED), life leech, %AR and valuable %FHR. Can be upgraded, which is recommended, for more base damage. Thanks to -30% base speed this weapon proofs very flexibile when it comes to various %IAS breakpoints.
  • Natalya’s Mark: With at least 3 set pieces it gains –x% target defense on PD2 (no longer has ITD) which makes it quite good even in midgame, in endgame it shines with high base damage, good speed and wopping 200% off-weapon ED against demons and undead which is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Ghostflame: Yes, this thing is pretty decent actually – good base damage, always ethereal and it adds a lot of magic damage on top as well as mana leech. It also comes with ITD which solves any AR issues you might have against non-bosses.
  • Heart Carver: Okay, this might be unexpected by most of you but actually this tiny little knife has the potential to be on ef the highst raw damage weapon for 1h Blade Fury in PD2 – no joke! It comes with ITD, %DS and flat damage paired with solid %ED which leads to great base damage. A well rolled upgraded ethereal Heartcarver with a good corruption is likely considered BIS realisticly achievable option for raw BF damage in solo play when we don’t factor in the one of a kind godly ethereal rare claw or a very specific setup with an perfect ethereal 2os Stonecrusher. The greatest benefit of choosing this weapon: it is cheap and readily available thanks to it being a common drop.
  • Stone Crusher: This is going to be the only non-claw/dagger I am going to mention. It provides tons of raw damage on top of massive %CB, strength, off-weapon %ED against undead, -defense on hit, -x% target defense and the unique stat -%x to enemy phyiscal resist which makes it the highest possible damage option available for group play regarding Balde Fury. A well rolled one will be rather rare to find and will be quite expensive to get.
  • Fury [Jah-Gul-Eth]: in a Suwayyah/Scissors Suwayyah. This runeword seems to be made for Blade Sin. ITD, -x% target defense, solid %ED and massive amounts of %DS and %OW, as well as %AR and leech. The real benefit of this runeword ist hat you can utilize automods on the claw base to your advantage. Getting an elite base with +3 Wake of Inferno, +3 Blade Fury and +1 to Dragon Flight would be optimal. Damage wise it can get outperformed by other options due to it being a runeword (lack of corruptions or custumizable sockets)
Corruptions to look out for: %ED, %DS, Sockets, ITD, +1 skills, %fire damage, %IAS, life leech
Speaking in general for all weapon choices: You want to look out for an ethereal version when it comes to a weapon whenever you can due to massive base damage increase. Exceptional base typs should always be upgraded to the elite version to increase base damage.
  • Spike Thorn: Want %DR paired with great added flat damage? Yes, this thing exists in PD2. It even provides solid amounts of %FHR on top. Don’t really get why people would use Stormshield over that thing for this build. Safe yourself some runes and be happy.
  • Lance Guard: provides %FHR, %DS and tons of life. 50% FBR makes it a blocking powerhouse. Especially if you lack %DS on the rest of your gear this thing makes up for it.
  • Phoenix [Vex-Vex-Lo-Jah]: in a Monarch. The top end all of all shields (especially for Hybrid Bladesin) – this build utilizes every single stat of this beauty. The %ED is a build enabler by its own, the –x% to enemy fire resist is very valuable for your fire traps, redemption gets rid of corpses, fire absorb and max resistances are just great and even the Fire Ball proc is somewhat useful since it procs very often when using Blade Fury. It is very expensive to build but very well worth every high rune.
Corruptions to look out for: Sockets, +1 skill, resists, CNBF, block chance/block rate, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life
Weapon Swap:
  • Call to Arms [Amn-Ral-Mal-Ist-Ohm]: While BO got a massive deserved nerf in PD2 CtA ist still great and better than ever for this build in particular. Mostly overlooked CtA also gives the player access to Battle Cry which got reworked and reduces physical resistances of monsters now. You can break physical immunes with this and it stacks with curses and Cloak of Shadows! It is a massive buff to your build so use it in your weapon slot to prebuff (it basically gives +2 skills, one from the runeword and one from Battle command) and as a utility tool – use your weapon swap actively in combat against bosses for physical resistance reduction on them. Also often overlooked. Battle Command provides some off-weapon %ED with its buff which benefits this build greatly.
  • Lidless Wall: Great caster shield overall with skills, %FCR and mana after kill. In this build it is used as prebuff gear – you can even corrupt it for another skill which leads to a +3 all skills off hand, which is he highest you can get in this gear slot. Consider putting an Eld rune into it to maintain good block chance even on weapon swap.
Body Armors:
  • Lionheart [Hel-Lum-Fal]: Really great runeword for the rune cost. Got buffed in this mod and offers up to 110% ED. It also provides a lot of stats (which translate to even more effective off-weapon %ED), flat life and resists. This will likely be your chest before you get your hands on some wealth. Consider rerolling it until you get a good roll, it is cheap and worth it.
  • Fortitude [El-Sol-Dol-Lo]: Would likely be the best option back in vanilla but since it got heavily nerfed in PD2, I personally don’t consider it BIS anymore – 200% ED is nice but not exceptional, so are the life and @res you get from it. For the high cost of a Lo rune you may just invest your wealth into other gear slots. The removal of Chilling Armor really killed it for me on this build since armor scaling is useful on any build now.
  • Chains of Honor [Dol-Um-Ber-Ist]: 200% ED against demons and 100% ED against undead is very good, not as good as Fortitude but solid. Paired with all its other stats and huge resist makes this runeword a top choice.
  • Enigma [Jah-Ith-Ber]: If you want the blink skill, %FRW, skills on top of %MF go for it. The strength scaling translates into off-weapon %ED indirectly as well. Not the most damage option but still a solid choice depending on preference and play style.
  • Templar’s Might: Thanks to the rework this thing is now pretty insane for this type of build (especially if you can get good corruptions and/or sockets on it). Having access to Might aura on top of +1 skill, massive stats and %FHR is great. Don’t hesitate with the strength requirement too much – strength invested directly translates to off-weapon %ED anyway.
  • Tyrael’s Might: Think of it as an amalgamation of Enigma and Chains of Honor – you will get the best of both chests without the +skills but with CNBF. Getting a good corruption on it paired with socktes could lead to the best chest piece for this build you can imagine. Due to its rarity, don’t expect to get to this point but if you are lucky enough this thing will outshine every other option.
Corruptions to look out for: Socktes, +1 skill, resists, CNBF, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life, %life, %FRW.
  • Guillaume’s Face: The popular orphan set piece provides very valuable stats to this build such as %DS, %FHR and strength. The %CB is useful against high health bosses but not needed if you have enough damage scaling for regular content.
  • Steelshade: Got reworked and is now one of the best option for any max block build which depends on +skills – it grants massive block chance and block rate… on a helmet! This helm can save you tons of dexterity investment which leads to more effective HP overall. This also allows to go for maxblock even when using Phoenix!
  • Veil of Steel: Newly introduced unique helmet in PD2 which some of you might remember from Diablo 1 – it provides massive amounts of %ED, stats and great @res and even +1 skill. With good corruptions this thing can be a top choice.
  • Rare Circlet: can get +2 assassin skills, 30% FRW stats and resists. The flexible sockets make this option a top tier choice.
Corruptions to look out for: Sockets, +1 skill, resists, CNBF, block chance/block rate, cast speed, %PDR, %FHR, Replenish Life
  • Laying of Hands: %IAS, Fire resist and up to 150% ED against demons are solid
  • Ghoulhide: %IAS, %ED/AR against undead on level as well as mana leech and flat life
  • Gravepalm: %ED and flat AR against undead as well as some strength and valuable %DS
  • Lava Gout: %IAS, max fire res and lvl 10 Enchant on Striking can be very useful if you lack AR since, thanks to Blade Fury, it will have 100% uptime.
  • Steel Rend: up to 80% off-weapon %ED, paired with strength and %CB for even more raw damage.
Corruptions to look out for: block chance, block rate, %IAS, Replenish Life, flat life, resists, stats, -x% to enemy defense
  • Waterwalk: are now 40% FRW in this mod, also max fire res and flat life are nice. The 20% FBR on it will get you the first block frame breakpoint too which makes them worth to consider.
  • Gore Rider: %DS, %CB, %OW, what's not to like. If you are already capped on %DS you might consider something else.
  • War Traveler: The flat damage is what makes this pair of boots great. Flat damage is more valuable than %ED at some point. The fact that they also provide %MF and some stats makes them a great choice.
  • Goblin Toe: They provide %ED in PD2 on top of some %CB if you want some for ubers – cheap but solid option.
Corruptions to look out for: CNBF, Curse Duration Reduction, %FRW, %FHR, resists, Replenish Life, %PDR, %FRW
  • String of Ears: great belt since it provides leech on top of %PDR and flat mdr
  • Verdungo’s Hearty Cord: %PDR and huge amounts of Vitality paired with little %FHR – solid defensive choice
  • Rare/crafted belt: have huge potential and can be some of the best items in the game.
  • Nosferatu’s Coil: Really great belt which provides %IAS and %DS in PD2 as well as some strength to scale damage. Also, great for %slow stacking with Fleshripper.
Corruptions to look out for: max res, block chance, %PDR, %FHR, resists, stats, Curse Duration Reduction, %FRW
  • Bul-Katho’s Wedding Band: +1 skill, life on level paired with life leech which are both useful for this kind of build.
  • Wisp Projector: got reworked in PD2 and provides non class skills now and +1 all skills on top of it. Having access to HotW is a great source of %ED and %AR scaling. The spirit scales with +skills and can be precasted as well. %Lightning Absorb ans %MF are great stats on top of it.
  • Ravenfrost: Can’t get CNBF on other gear slots? Going for max block? Then this is a great ring for you. Up to 20 dex and 250 AR help you reaching max block and hitting monsters. The cold absorb is also great to have – consider having one around for heavy cold damage encounters. The flat cold damage on the ring helps you chilling mobs for additional CC.
  • Rare/crafted ring: can provide life, stats, dual leech and resists to fill out deficits
Corruptions to look out for: %FRW, leech, CNBF, Curse Duration, Resists, Stats
  • Atma’s Scarab: Amplify damage proc can be nice when facing bosses where Cloak of Shadows doesn’t work anyway (CoS acts like a curse and will overwrite Amplify damage and vice versa, keep that in mind) or breaking some physical immunities – other than that the %AR is very nice to compensate AR issues somewhat.
  • Seraph’s Hymn: +2 skills and a lot conditional off-weapon %ED against demons and undead as well as AR.
  • The Rising Sun: You only want this if you want to boost your fire traps further, the +skills and the -x% enemy fire resist are a really strong damage enhancement – some maps can be cleared faster with fire traps so maybe keep it as a switch if you like it.
  • Highlords Wrath: besides the +1 skill and 20% IAS you want this amulet for its %DS/lvl
  • Rare/crafted amulet: can get up to +2 assassin skills, 10%FRW and other useful stats
Corruptions to look out for: max res, %FRW, +1 skill, %FHR, block chance, resists, Replenish Life, stats, %ED
  • 9x Trap Skiller
  • Torch/Anni
  • Resist/FHR charmes to reach breakpoints
  • Max damage small charms for more BF damage
  • Life charms
Open Sockets:
Sockets should be used to reach breakpoints where you can (%FH%FBresists/%IAS) after that you can socket either Fire Facets (which now work with traps in PD2) or %ED jewels to boost your Blade Fury damage even further. If you want to make your other gear slots more flexible, consider using Lo runes for 20% DS each for your weapon as a high-end option.

Due to exceeding the character limit of this reddit post, please check the reddit commentary below where you can find the Merc Section and the additional FAQ Section of this guide - thank you!

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Throwing Barbarian - Build Guide

Throw Barbarian - Written by Funguskeeper
In Project Diablo 2, we've seen a rework for the Barbarian skill called Double Throw. This new rework lets you throw both weapons at the same time, each weapon bouncing 8 times, meaning each throw lets your potentially hit 16 enemies. Pierce does not affect this skill, which means we can seek items with IAS/Enhanced Damage/Crit instead of Pierce.
I will not be mentioning Mercenaries in this guide, because I personally do not use them before I reach very end game, if they are not very well equipped, they have a tendency to die over and over. There's a lot of great mercenary guides out there that knows a lot more about them than I do. On top of this, mercenaries now have way more gearing options, which I believe deserve a separate guide just for them.
Disclaimer Everything written in this guide is up to debate, since this mod will have new numbers and some new changed items, the meta wont settle for the first season since we need a lot of info to be sure about things. When that's said, see all skill points, attributes and gearing as a suggestion over a correct answer. I will personally make sure all guides I write will be tested by someone and the guides will be edited when new information arises.
  1. Project Diablo 2 Changes to the Throw Barbarian
  2. Viability
  3. Early Ladder Gear
  4. End Game Gear
  5. Stat & Skill Allocation
  6. Corruptions, Sockets & Charms
  7. Breakpoints
  8. Farming Locations ___________________________________________________________________________________________
There's very few changes to the Throw Barbarian, but the few changes there is, are all major for this build.
Throwing weapons now have infinite quantity, and replenish quantity and max quantity rolls has been removed from the game, this meaning less stats to roll on rare drops.
Ability Changes
  • Can I level as this build?: Yes, but not from level 1, since your level 1 skill is Frenzy, leading into Double Swing, leading into Double Throw later. But you are able to put points in the correct passives/shouts/Synergies from level 1, so no need for a respec.
  • Early Ladder Viable: Yes.
  • End Game Solo Viable: Yes.
  • End Game Group Viable: Yes.
  • Hardcore Viable: Yes.
  • Uber Trist Viable: Unknown before testing new Ubers.
  • Uber Diablo Clone Viable: Unknown before testing new Diablo.
Throwing Barbarian is limited in weapon options compared to many other builds while leveling, only 7 total Unique weapons exist, and no Runewords can be made in throwing/Javelins weapons. When that is said, some of the BiS weapons for throw, are rares rolled very well.
  • For leveling very early, a Eth throwing with no stats, should be more than enough damage for you to clear good bits of Normal.
  • Deathbit Great early weapon, high Enhanced Damage, lots of Attack Rating, 40% Deadly Strike and Dual Leech.
  • The Scalper This does well for your second weapon early, IAS, high Enhanced Damage, % Attack Rating, Life Leech and Mana return on kill.
  • Rare Throwing weapon, either find a rare on the ground, or take advantage of the Imbue Quest. That provides you with 3 tries to roll a good throwing weapon. Do notice, damage changed a lot based on what weapon base you give her, so don't give her a low level base to Imbue.
Javelins Some Javelins can be very strong before you get your hands on Warshrike and Lacerator. But they can be a great step between your rares from leveling, and into the endgame, because all javelin uniques are quite high level, but they are often super cheap to buy off of people.
Demon's Arch This is a lower elemental damage than Gimmershred, but it has some %Elemental Pierce which will help against enemies with high resistances. Wraith Flight This one Always rolls Eth, with makes it a very good item before you get end game gear, throw damage can get to 500 max damage, which is insanely high for a throwing weapon. It has high Dual Leech.
Do remember, your loot filter might filter away bases, so make sure to allow the filter to at least show Elite bases.
Exceptional Throwing Weapon bases:
  • Battle Dart
  • War Dart
  • Francisca
  • Hurlbat
  • Harpoon
  • War Javelin
  • Great Pilum
  • Simbilan
  • Spiculum
Elite Weapon bases:
  • Flying Knife
  • Winged Knife
  • Flying Axe
  • Winged Axe
  • Hyperion Javelin
  • Stygian Pilum
  • Balrog Spear
  • Ghost Glaive
  • Winged Harpoon
  • Lore Runeword This helm gives good early stats if you cant find a unique, well spend Sol Rune.
  • Tarn Helm +1 skills, great Gold and Magic find.
  • Valkyrie Wing This helm does give Amazon skills, but still a very solid choice.
  • Radiance Great early helm, Enhanced Damage, decent Attributes and small Physical Reduction.
Body Armors
  • Stealth Solid low armor, FRW with FHR and mana regen.
  • Smoke FHR, great defense and high All Resist. Great defensive option.
  • Treachery High Attack Speed and good FHR, Venom on Striking.
  • Trang-Oul's High defense and great FRW for kiting.
  • Rattlecage Offensive option, with Enhanced damage, crushing blow and Attack Rating.
  • Silks of the Victor + skills, FRW, Mana stolen per hit.
  • Skullder's Ire +1 skills and very high MF.
  • Lionheart Poor mans Fortitude, decent Enhanced Damage, many Attributes, and All Resistance.
  • Any gloves really, look for 20 IAS, Resist or Leech.
  • Bloodfist Flat life, IAS, 30% FHR.
  • The Hand of Broc Enhanced damage and dual leech, great low level gloves.
This slot is open, you can chose any boots you like, just get movement speed and the desired resist/MF you want.
  • Waterwalk 40% FRW, 20% Faster block, Dexterity, high flat life, probably the best boots you can get early ladder.
  • Goldwrap I personally like this belt early ladder, 20% IAS, high Magic Find and Gold Find.
  • Nagelring Pure Magic find ring, up to 40%. Equip 2, and you have potential 80% Magic Find in just your rings.
  • Raven Frost Ring If you can manage to get it early ladder, they can be expensive. Cannot be Frozen is mandatory.
  • Manald Heal Ring - Get 2 of these and your set for mana leech, you wont need it on any other gear.
  • Angelic Ring You want to use the set, either 1 Ring and 1 Amulet, or 2 Rings and 1 Amulet. This set provides a huge amount of Attack rating, which can help you hit enemies way easier.
  • Saracen's Chance Now rolls up to 50% Enhanced Damage + all attributes and all resist.
  • Crecent Moon A good source of Dual leech and a little attack speed.
  • Angelig Amulet You want to use the set, either 1 Ring and 1 Amulet, or 2 Rings and 1 Amulet. This set provides a huge amount of Attack rating, which can help you hit enemies way easier. _____________________________________________________________________________________
If you can manage to get it, get all throwing in Eth, since they wont need any replenish, and you're never attacking with the weapons, so they shouldn't ever lose durability. Eth adds 50% base damage to the weapon, which scaled off of Enhanced Damage.
Note the IAS and speed of your offhand weapon does not matter, or count towards IAS breakpoints. So you can use a Lacerator as main hand, and a slow Wraith Flight which always rolls eth and is a super slow base. That way you will still get high IAS, and high physical damage.
*Lacerator This weapon will be your best friend, Amp Damage to break some Physical Immunities, 30% IAS, very high Enhanced Damage. *Warshrike This weapon is a little odd in PD2, since it has 50% Pierce, as currently Double Throw does not work with pierce. This weapon still has level 19 Nova on Striking, very high Enhanced Damage and 50% Deadly Strike. Solid Choice. Dual Wielding to stack as much Deadly Strike as you can could also be very strong. *Gimmershred This weapon has 30% IAS, decent Enhanced Damage, but where this differ, is a very high Elemental Damage with Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage. If you so chose, you can dual wield Gimmershred, and never think about immunities, you wont deal as much damage as Lacerator+Warshrike, but you can cleave down Physical immunes without having to proc Amp Damage or use Battle Cry. Rare rolled Elite throwing weapon, IF you are one of the few people who are lucky enough to get yourself close to one of these, you would be able to switch out your Gimmershred and Warshrike right away. Perfectly rolled rare throws can deal almost double the damage of unique throwing weapons, and roll dual leech at the same time. This is the 1% of the 1% rolled, so don't expect to ever see one. But this is a great reason to pick up or gamble for throwing weapons, one day you might get lucky.
Weapon Switch
  • 2x Gimmershred If you run Lacerator and Warshrike as main weapons, and you meet Physical Immunes you can't break with Amplify Damage, switch to 2 Gimmershred's and you will cleave them down with high Element damage instead.
  • 2x +3 Warcry weapons, you can shop hop these, I usually do it in act 5.
  • 2x Demon's Arch More damage against enemies with high resistances, but it only deals Lightning and Fire, which makes it not as versatile as Gimmershred.
  • Arreat's Face This helm has been nerfed, but still have great stats, All Skills, FHR, % Attack Rating, Life Leech and All Resistance.
  • Andariel's Visage Demonhead This helm is great for this build, +2 All Skills, provides high Life Leech, high Strength and 20 IAS.
  • Veil of Steel This item is very strong, it has both enhanced damage, Attributed and all resist, so its the best of both worlds.
  • Kira's Guard This is a more defensive option, this provides great resist and Cannot be frozen which allows for Ravenfrost to be removed. Great defensive option, every class might have to cap resist, since we do not know how hard Dungeons will be.
  • Vampire Gaze Grim Helm Dual leech, high damage reduction.
  • Valkyrie Wing Very strong helm, FRW, FHR, Enhanced damage, Mana after kill.
  • Giant Skull great helm for throwing, Enhanced Damage, Crushing Blow, high Strength and Knockback to keep enemies at bay.
Body Armors
  • Templar's Might this armor now provides level 8 Might aura, which greatly increases you and your party's damage.
  • Enigma +2 all skills, great FRW, very high Strength and high MF, great all around armor. Also lets you blink 3 times, which can allow for some farms to greatly increase in speed, Chaos Sanctuary is one of those.
  • Chains of Honor Great defensive option, gives %Damage Reduction, +2 skills, decent Strength and very high All resists and decent Magic Find.
  • Fortitude 200% Enhanced Damage , All Resistance, Damage Reduction.
  • War Traveler Battle Boots BiS boots IMO, they give high flat damage, which scales off your Enhanced Damage, and they provide the highest Magic Find in boots.
  • Sandstorm Trek High Poison Resistance, FHR and up to 15 Vitality and Strength. Great all around choice.
  • Waterwalk High life, Max Fire Resistance. Great all around choice.
  • Aldur's Advance High FRW, Life and Fire Resistance.
  • Goblin Toe Offensive option, gives Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow.
  • Gore Rider Pure offensive option, Open Wounds, Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike.
  • Thundergod's Vigor Great defensive option, this belt is my preferred belt on many builds. High Attributes, Max Lightning resist, and Lightning Absorb, if you die in D2, its often lightning.
  • Verdungo's Hearty Cord Great defensive option, high Vitality and Damage Reduction.
  • Goldwrap High Magic Find and Gold Find.
  • String of Ears Life leech and Damage Reduction.
  • Wisp Projector Best choice if you want + Skills. Light absorb and little MF.
  • Nature's Peace Great defensive option, increases all your Max Resistances with up to 3. This could be a great ring for Dungeons.
  • Nagelring Highest MF in the game.
  • [Bul-Kathos']() Enhanced Damage, best offensive option.
  • Rare rings with needed Leech, Resists, MF or Attributes.
  • Mara's Kaleidoscope +2 all skills, high All Resist and a few All Attributes.
  • Netalgrid High flat Attack Rating, level 16 Iron Golem, high All Resistance.
  • Highlord's Wrath +1 All Skills, 20 IAS, Lightning Damage, Deadly strike and Lightning Resist.
  • Atma's Scarab Another source of Amplify Damage, % Attack Rating, Poison Damage, Poison Resist.
  • The Cat's Eye high FRW, 20% IAS and high Dexterity.
Skill Allocation
This is a 75 Skill Point build, which lets you sit with a whopping 35 points left. What this means, is you can customize your build a great deal, to fit your playstyle. Put more points into Natural Resistances until you have them capped with all gear and charms equipped. Or you can put points into leap, if that's your thing, or buff up all your cries to play better with a team.
  • 1 Frenzy
  • 20 Double Swing
  • 20 Double Throw
  • 20 Throwing Mastery
  • 1 Howl
  • 1 Taunt
  • 1 Battle Order's
  • 1 Battle Command
  • 1 Battle Cry
  • 1 War Cry
  • 1 Grim Ward
  • 1 Find Potion
  • 1 Find Item
  • 1 Iron Skin
  • 1 Natural Resistance
  • 1 Increase Stamina
  • 1 Combat Reflexes
  • 1 Increase Speed
Attribute Allocation
Strength: Enough to equip desired gear. Dexterity: Rest, every point gives you Enhanced Damage and Attack Rating. Vitality: Aim for 1300-1500 life. This depends a lot on what gear you chose, and how safe you want to feel with your Life Leech. Energy: None
Charms Fill out as you see fit.
  • Grand Charm Skiller with +skills to Warcries for better team buffing.
  • Gheed's Fortune High Gold and Magic Find, with Reduced Vendor Prices.
  • Annihilus +1 All Skills, 50-100 Life, 25-50 Mana, 10-20 All Resistances, 5-10% Experience Gained.
  • Hellfire Torch +1 Random Class Skill, 50-100 Life, 25-50 Mana, 10-20 All Resistance.
  • Small Charms with desired resist. (11 max)
  • Small Charms with high life. (20 max)
  • Small Charms with high Magic Find. (7 max)
  • Small Charms with Attack Rating and Max Damage. (20/3 max)
I will not write down what's the best corrupt for every slot, because it's simply impossible to do. There's too many different corrupts. Also this is different from one individual to another, if you like Magic Find, go for that, if you need a specific resistance to cap all, focus that.
  • Magic Find in Armor: Ist Rune provides 25% Magic find. Perfect Topaz provides 24% Magic Find.
  • Magic Find in Shield: Ist Rune provides 25% Magic Find.
Barbarian Attack Speed Breakpoint when using Warshrike as main hand
Attack Speed Ticks Attacks Per Second
16 11 2.27
34 10 2.5
63 9 2.77
Getting to 63 IAS should be easily obtainable, the weapons in themselves provide a total of 30 IAS (only main-hand counts), and with 20% from gloves, 20% from amulet you are hitting the highest breakpoint. You can go for only 20% IAS on amulet, and get the last 13% from a 15IAS jewel somewhere in your Helm/Body Armor.
As Throw barbarian, you should be able to farm most content in the game, especially since Lacerator gives Amplify Damage to break some immunes, makes you able to clear through Immunities as well. This build will be better for clearing areas, since the single target damage is not super great with Double Throw, but 100% durable if you so choses to do so.
Uber Tristram and Uber Diablo are still unclear, I will update this section when we have more info.
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