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Percy Jackson and the Olympians Season 1 Episode 5 (pt 1)

I know this took a really long time, hope you guys like it.
If you work for Disney, this is a pitch.

Jack Dylan Grazer as Percy Jackson
Cassidy Nugent as Annabeth Chase
Nick Palatas as Grover Underwood
Liv Tyler as the Nereid
Sylvester Stallone as Gabe Ugliano
Barbra Walters as herself
Vin Diesel as Crusty
Idris Elba as Charon
Andy Serkis as Evil Voice
Hugo Weaving as Hades
Dwayne Johnson as Ares

Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
Season one episode five: “And I Thought Airport Security Was Ridiculous” or “Will the Real Lightning Thief Please Stand Up?” screenplay
PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER get into the back of a taxi cab.
(Bored, uninterested, cigar in mouth)
Where to, kids?
(Calm, confident)
Los Angeles, please.
(Raises eyebrow, puffs on cigar)
Dat’s three hundred miles from here, miss. You’ll have to pay upfront.
Do you take casino debit cards?
Depends. I’ll have to give it a swipe.
ANNABETH hands the cab driver her LotusCash card, and he looks at it skeptically. He rolls his eyes and swipes it, and the meter begins rattling and the lights on it flash. When an infinity symbol appears on the meter, the cabby’s cigar drops out of his mouth in shock.
(Shocked, excited)
W-where in Los Angeles, your highness?
(Sits up a little, smiles)
Santa Monica pier, please. Get us there by evening, and you can keep the change.
The cabby slams down the gas pedal, and several cars honk at him as he flies down the street. As they head through the Mojave desert, PERCY tells ANNABETH and GROVER about the dream he had before they went to the Lotus Hotel and Casino.
… And then the voice in the pit saw me. He showed me my mother… and a black throne carved with faces screaming in agony. And then…
… The undead soldiers put a red robe and a laurel of thorns on me… and then I became one of them.
Well that got dark fast.
There’s something else. The guy in the cloak, the Lightning Thief, called the voice something… The… “Something” One…
(Disappointed, blunt)
Well that’s incredibly unspecific. Was it the Rich One? The Silent One? Those are both nicknames for HADES.
Well, the throne sounds like the way HADES’S throne is described. Black obsidian carved with faces of damnation.
Yeah but… the throne wasn’t the main part of the dream. And the voice in the pit… I dunno, it just doesn’t feel like the voice of a god. It seemed… older.
ANNABETH’S eye get wide with dread.
What? What’s wrong?
(A bit uneasy)
N-nothing. I was just thinking… no. It has to be HADES. He probably sent the Lightning Thief to steal the MASTER BOLT, and something must’ve went wrong-
Like what?
-I don’t know. But to steal something as important as the MASTER BOLT, and the fact that ZEUS has his best trackers on the job, a lot of stuff could go wrong. So, the thief could’ve hidden the bolt, or maybe even lost it. Anyway, the thief failed to deliver the BOLT to HADES, that’s what the voice in your dream said, right? The Lightning Thief failed. That explains what the Furies were looking for when they attacked us on the bus. They probably thought we had the BOLT.
PERCY notices a hint of anxiety in ANNABETH’S eyes, and sees that she seems to be shaking a bit.
(Suspicious, confused)
But… if HADES thinks I already have the BOLT, why would I be coming to the UNDERWORLD?
To blackmail him into giving your mom back.
You know, you have pretty dark thoughts for a goat.
But… the voice said he was waiting for two items. If the MASTER BOLT’S one, what’s the other?
GROVER shrugs.
(Turns to ANNABETH, knowing look in his eyes)
You know what it is, don’t you? The voice in the pit?
(Hesitant, worried)
PERCY, I… let’s not talk about it. It’s probably HADES.
I just… I just feel like there’s something we’re still missing.
Well, I guess we’ll find the answer in the UNDERWORLD.
PERCY forlornly looks out the window at the desert scenery whizzing past.
The kids head to the edge of the surf.
Well? What now?
PERCY stares out over the ocean, and gets a longing look in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, taking in the ocean air, and slowly steps into the water.
(Surprised, worried)
PERCY? What are you-
PERCY ignores her, and continues walking into the water.
Dude, do you have any idea how polluted that water is?
PERCY, get out of there. You’ll grow a third-
Once PERCY gets chest deep into the water, he dives under, disappearing from ANNABETH and GROVER’S view.
PERCY holds his breath at first, then remembers he can breathe underwater, and lets himself breathe normally.
That’s gonna take some getting used to.
He looks around the water, curious, then notices a mako shark right beside him.
(Startled, jumps)
PERCY calms down when he realizes the shark is not trying to harm him, and it nuzzles up against him like a dog. PERCY hesitantly touches the shark’s dorsal fin, and it bucks gently, inviting PERCY to hold on tighter. PERCY grabs onto the shark’s fin, and it takes off, blasting through the water like a rocket, pulling PERCY along.
Whoa, boy!
The shark pulls PERCY deeper and deeper into the ocean.
(Slightly worried)
Where are you taking me?
The shark begins to slow down, and PERCY catches his breath when they come to a huge, gaping, pitch black canyon.
(Quiet, gentle, far away)
PERCY is surprised to hear the voice of the river spirit he spoke to in St. Louis.
PERCY makes out a light in the darkness of the canyon, and it slowly gets bigger until he sees beautiful woman with black hair, her body glowing gently with white light, wearing a flowing, greenish-white silk dress. She dismounts, smiles, and gives PERCY a small bow. Her giant seahorse and the mako shark begin playfully chasing each other.
(Smiling, kind)
You have come far, my hero. Well done.
PERCY awkwardly bows, as she did.
(Small laugh)
You are prince, PERCY JACKSON, you need not bow to me.
You’re the spirit I talked to in the Mississippi River, aren’t you?
Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy for me to travel so far up river, but my freshwater cousins, the naiads, were able to help me sustain myself. The naiads honor your father, though they do not serve in his court.
And… you do? Serve in his court, I mean?
Indeed. I must say, it has been many long years since a son of the sea god has been born. My sisters and I have watched over you with great interest.
(Confused, a bit resentful)
If my dad’s so interested in me, why doesn’t he come talk to me in person?
A cold current rises out of the canyon, and almost knocks PERCY off his feet.
(Sad, gentle)
Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly. Your father is incredibly busy; he now stands on the brink of an unwanted war. And apart from that, your father is forbidden from helping you directly. Gods mustn’t show favoritism, you know.
(Surprised, a bit sad)
Even to their own children?
Especially to their own children. However, the gods can work through indirect influences, which is why your father has sent me to give you a warning; and a gift.
The Nereid holds out her hand, and shows PERCY three gleaming white pearls.
You journey to the realm of HADES. Few have returned from that place; Orpheus, who possessed great musical skill, Hercules, who possessed great strength, Houdini, who could escape even the depths of TARTARUS. Have you any of these talents?
Um… well… no.
(Kind smile)
But you possess something else, PERCY JACKSON. Gifts you have yet to know. The oracles have foretold great and terrible future for you, should you survive to manhood. Your father would not have you die before your time comes. Therefore, he wishes to give you these pearls. When you are in need, smash them at your feet.
(Tentatively takes the pearls)
… What do they do?
That depends on the manner of your need. But remember this; what belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.
(Stares at the pearls with wonder)
You said you also came to give me a warning. What is it?
(Leans forward)
Listen to your heart, or you shall fail. HADES feeds upon doubt and hopelessness. He will try to trick you into mistrusting yourself. Once you enter the Realm of the Dead, he will never willingly let you leave. You must keep strong, and have faith.
The Nereid mounts her giant seahorse, and slowly descends back into the dark canyon.
Wait! Back in St. Louis, you told me not to trust “the gifts”. What gifts?
(Voice becoming distant)
Farewell, my young hero. Listen to your heart…
The Nereid disappears into the darkness, leaving PERCY alone with the mako shark. PERCY gives the pearls an empty look, then begins swimming back to the surface.
PERCY shows the pearls to his friends.
This can’t be good. No gift ever comes for free.
But… she just gave them to me. No strings attached.
You ever heard the saying, “No such thing as a free lunch”? It’s an Ancient Greek saying that works pretty well in English, especially in America. There will be a price, just wait and see.
PERCY puts the pearls in his pocket, a slightly worried/disappointed look on his face. Later, as night falls, the kids cautiously wander around L.A., police sirens blaring in the back ground. ANNABETH notices a cop car coming, and pulls the boys into an alley. Once the cop car passes, they cautiously leave the alley.
Phew… that was a close-
PERCY stops mid-sentence when he sees a his stepdad GABE, who is sitting with a pretty blonde woman, being interviewed by Barbra Walters on a TV in an appliance store.
(Feigning grief)
Honest, Ms. Walters, if it weren’t for Sugar here, my grief counselor, I… I don’t know what I’d do. My stepson took everything I care about… my wife… my car… I just…
For some reason I don’t think she’s a grief counselor.
(Wipes away fake tear)
I’m sorry, I have a hard time talkin’ bout it.
(Overly dramatic, turns to camera)
There you have it, America. A man torn apart. An adolescent boy with serious issues. Here’s the last known photo of the troubled young fugitive, taken in Denver, Colorado, about a week ago.
A grainy image of PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER talking to ARES outside the diner in Denver comes up on the screen next to Barbra Walters.
(Over dramatic)
Who are the other children in this photo? Who is the man with them? Is PERCY JACKSON simply a delinquent, a terrorist, or perhaps the brainwashed victim of a frightening new cult? When we come back, we’ll chat with leading child psychologist. Stay tuned, America.
PERCY’S face becomes twisted with fury, and GROVER gently grabs him by the shoulder.
Come on, dude. Let’s get going.
The kids begin wandering around L.A., and become nervous when they notice some shady people hanging around. They past by some people who look like gangbangers, bums, and various other suspicious looking people.
Hey, kid!
PERCY, startled, stops, and a homeless looking man comes out of an alley.
Spare some change?
(Awkward, nervous)
Um… sorry, no.
Several other bums come out of the dark alley, and when the kids try to run, several bums come up from behind them, staring the kids down threateningly. The first bum pulls out a switch blade, and PERCY uncaps Riptide, shocking the bums. PERCY swings his blade at the bum leader, but it passes through him as if he were a hologram.
What the-!?
(Surprised, disappointed)
Oh right, I, uh… I forgot about that.
ANNABETH kicks one of the bums in the crotch, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain.
The kids start running down the sidewalk, the bums chasing after them, shouting at them to come back. The kids rush around a corner, and ANNABETH sees an open shop called “CRUSTY’S WATER BED PALACE”.
The kids run into the shop, hide behind a display bed in the window, and the bums run past.
Phew… I think we lost them.
Lost who?
(Startled, jump)
The kids turn around to see a tall, pale, bald man in a tacky leisure suit and silver chains around his neck, standing right behind them.
(Grinning creepily, showing off yellow teeth)
How ya’ll doin? I’m Crusty.
(Holding back a laugh, quiet)
Yes, you are.
(Raises eyebrow)
(Slightly embarrassed, awkward)
I said, uh… sorry to barge… in.
Hidin’ from them lowlifes, huh? Yeah, they hang around here every night. I get a lotta people comin’ in here cuz of them. So…
(Gestures around shop)
… Can I interest you kids in a water bed?
Um… I mean, uh… I don’t really think I need-
CRUSTY gracefully sweeps up behind PERCY, grabs him by the shoulders, and pushes him deeper into the shop.
Uh, okay, this is weird…
CRUSTY proudly gestures to a vibrating bed with lava lamps and black satin sheets.
Million hand massage. Why don’t you lie down? Hell, take a nap, I don’t care.
Um, no, I think we’ll be leave-
Dude, million hand massage?! No way!
GROVER jumps into the massage bed.
(Voice vibrating)
O-oh d-dude, th-this is s-so s-sweet!
(Disappointed, stroking chin)
Hmm, not quite…
Huh? Not quite what?
(Takes ANNABETH by the shoulder)
Do me a favor, honey, and try this one over here.
I… but…
CRUSTY ushers ANNABETH over to a bed, and tries pushing her into it.
Hey! Get your hands off-
(Snaps fingers)
Ropes grow out from under the bed, and strap ANNABETH down to the mattress.
(Panicking, screaming)
GROVER tries to get out of his bed, but ropes tie him down as well.
I-it’s n-not s-sweet a-anymore, d-dudes!
(Steps back, shocked)
What the hell are you-
(Quickly places hand behind PERCY’S neck)
Whoa, take it easy, kid. I’ll get you your own bed in a sec.
(Assertive, serious)
Let my friends go.
(Calm, friendly)
Oh don’t worry, I will. Soon as I make ‘em fit.
(Confused, angry)
Fit? What do you-
Lemme explain. All the beds are exactly six feet. Your friends are too short, see, so I gotta stretch ‘em out a bit. Can’t stand imperfect measurements…
CRUSTY snaps his fingers again, and more ropes wrap around GROVER and ANNABETH’S feet and arms, and begin slowly stretching them. PERCY watches in horror as his friends scream in pain.
(Angry, shouting)
Let them go, now!
Don’t worry, they only need a few inches. Hell, they might even survive! Now, why don’t we get you set up with a bed you like, huh?
(Screaming in pain)
(Screaming in pain)
Your name’s not really CRUSTY, is it?
Legally, it’s PROCRUSTES.
The Stretcher. The one who tried to kill Theseus with hospitality.
That’s me. But who can pronounce Procrustes? ‘Crusty’ on the other hand, much easier to market.
(Eyes get wide, gets an idea)
Uh… yeah! I totally agree. Has a nice ring to it.
You think so?
Oh, absolutely. And the craftsmanship on these beds is simply fabulous.
I tell my customers that all the time. I mean, how many beds have you seen with lava lamps built into the headboards?
Not too many.
(Angry, confused, screaming in pain)
Don’t mind her. She couldn’t never understand the art of a well crafted bed.
(Sighing, disappointed)
None of my customers do. Never exactly six feet, so inconsiderate. And then they have the nerve to complain about the fittings!
So… what do you do if they’re taller than six feet?
Oh, easy fix. I just center the customer best I can, then grab my trusty friend here-
(Lets go of PERCY’S neck, reaches behind desk, pulls out huge, double sided bronze axe)
- And I lop off whatever hangs off either side!
(Surprised, nervous)
Oh… well, I mean, that’s just perfectly sensible.
Oh, you have no idea what it feels like to finally have an intelligent customer!
PERCY worriedly look over to his friends, ANNABETH gasping for air, struggling against the ropes, GROVER making strangled gurgling sounds.
So… CRUSTY, my man, this bed…
(Gestures to giant heart shaped bed with red satin sheets)
… Does it really have dynamic stabilizers to stop wave motion?
Sure does. Why don’t you give it a try?
(Stroking chin, pretending to be interested)
Yeah, maybe I will. But… would it work even for a big guy like you?
Really? No waves at all?
None. Guaranteed.
(Pretending to be skeptical)
No way.
Prove it.
PROCRUSTES puts his axe down, lies in the bed, and pats the mattress.
See? No waves at all-
(Snaps fingers)
Ropes spring out of the sides of the bed, tying PROCRUSTES down to it, his head hanging off the top.
(Shocked, angry)
What the-?!
(Frowns, feigning disappointment)
Oooh, sorry, man. Looks like you don’t quite fit…
(Uncaps Riptide)
… Let me make a few adjustments.
(Anxious, gulps)
Whoa, uh, y-you drive a hard bargain, kid. Tell you what; let me go, and I, uh… I’ll give you thirty percent off any of the floor models!
(Sarcastic, pretending to consider offer)
Really? Any of the floor models?
Y-yep! A-and no money down. And no interest for six months.
Hm. That’s a pretty tempting offer. But I think I have a better one.
Really? What’s that?
(Raises Riptide, aiming for PROCRUSTES’S neck)
That’s not a-
PERCY swings Riptide down, and chops off PROCRUSTES’S head, turning the giant salesman to yellow dust and black smoke, then quickly cuts GROVER and ANNABETH’S ropes.
You alright?
Define “alright”.
You look taller.
Very funny. Could you maybe be faster saving us next time?
PERCY heads behind CRUSTY’S desk, and begins flipping through papers. He finds a pouch of drachmas, and puts them in his pocket, then finds a map.
So, who’s ready to go to the UNDERWORLD?
Dude, give me a sec…
(Stretches, back makes sickening ‘pop’ sound)
Oooo, that was good. Okay, I’m ready.
(Holds up map he found on CRUSTY’S desk)
Because it’s right around the block.
The kids stand outside of a record store with a sign made of black marble engraved with gold lettering that reads: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS, and stenciled words on the glass door that reads: NO SOLICITING, NO LOITERING, NO LIVING.
Well, this was not what I was expecting.
What were you expecting?
I dunno. Like, a hole by the Hollywood sign that opens when you read some Ancient Greek graffiti?
(Looks directly into the camera)
… Okay, whatever. Anyway, you guys remember the plan?
Yep. The plan. Love the plan.
(Critical, curt)
And what if the plan goes wrong?
(Trying to be reassuring)
Oh come on, don’t be so negative, ANNABETH.
Oh yes, PERCY. We’re about to enter the Land of the Dead, but I’m sure if we don’t think negative, we’ll be just fine.
PERCY takes the Nereid’s pearls out of his pocket, and stares at them glumly.
(Kind, places hand on PERCY’S shoulder)
I’m sorry, PERCY. You’re right. Well make it.
ANNABETH gives GROVER a nudge.
(Nervous, trying to be reassuring)
Y-yeah! I mean, we’ve made it this far, right? We’ll get the BOLT, save your mom, and save the world.
(Smiles, then gets serious)
Alright. Let’s kick some UNDERWORLD ass.
The kids enter DOA, Muzak playing softly. The walls are steel gray, the furniture black leather. There are people hanging about the lobby, but at closer glance, they are slightly see through, as if they were made of smoke. The kids head to the main desk, which is raised up on a podium. The security guard behind the desk has a military style haircut, dyed bleach blonde, wearing tortoiseshell shades and a white silk Italian suit, with a black rose pinned to his lapel, and a silver name tag.
(Leans forwards, reads name tag, bewildered)
Your name is CHIRON?
(Leans over, smiling, soothing voice)
What a precious lad you are. Tell me, do I look like a centaur?
(Slightly embarrassed)
No, sir.
(Gestures to name tag)
Take a closer look, now. It’s C-H-A-R-O-N. Now say it with me, CARE-ON.
(A bit irritated)
Ah-mazing. Now, Mr. CHARON.
(Rolls his eyes)
Well done. I do hate being confused with that old horse. Now, how may I help you little dead ones?
PERCY looks over at ANNABETH.
(A bit uncomfortable)
Well, we uh, wanna go to the UNDERWORLD.
(Blunt, a bit surprised)
Oh. Well, that’s refreshing.
I, uh- it is?
Oh, absolutely. Just straightforward and honest, no screaming, no “Oh, please, Mr. CHARON, please give me another chance!”.
(Grins, clasps hands)
So, how did you loves die?
PERCY clears his throat.
Oh! We uh, we drowned. In a bathtub.
(Raises eyebrow)
All three of you at once?
I-it was a really big bathtub.
Naturally. I don’t suppose you have coins for passage, though. If you were adults, I could charge your American Express, or add the ferry fee to your last cable bill. But children…
(Sighs, sad)
… Alas, they never die prepared, it seems. I’m afraid you’ll have to take a seat for a few centuries.
Oh, we have coins.
(Places three drachmas on the desk)
(Licks lips, excited)
My my… real golden drachmas… I haven’t seen those in…
(Hand hovers over drachmas, becomes suspicious)
Here now, just a minute ago, you read my name tag wrong. Are you dyslexic, mate?
(A bit nervous)
No, I’m dead.
(Leans forward, stares the kids down)
You’re not dead.
(Sniffs the air, disdainful)
Two godlings and a satyr. I should have known.
Okay, first of all, I didn’t want to be a half-blood, and second, we really need to get to the UNDERWORLD.
CHARON makes a strange, growling sound in his throat, and the spirits waiting around the lobby start moving around, restless, lighting cigarettes, fidgeting with their watches, etc.
Why don’t you leave now, and I’ll just forget I saw you.
CHARON starts to reach for the drachmas, but PERCY snatches them away.
(Serious, assertive)
No service, no tip.
CHARON growls again, the spirits start banging on the elevator door.
(Pretending to be disappointed)
It’s really a shame. We had more to offer.
PERCY holds up the pouch of drachmas he took from CRUSTY’S place, pulls out a fistful of the golden coins, and lets them run through his fingers.
(Slightly hungry look on face)
You think I can be bought, godling? Hmmm, just out of curiosity, how much you got there?
A lot. So… what’s your pay like, huh? HADES being good to you, or…?
Ugh, you don’t know the half of it. Babysitting these spirits for eternity, always with “Please don’t let me be dead”, “Please let me go in for free”, all day, everyday. I haven’t had a raise in almost three thousand years. I mean, look at me.
(Gestures to his suit)
… You think dressing this good is cheap?
(Nodding, slowly drops a few drachmas on the desk)
Clearly, you deserve better wages as, uh… compensation for the, um… mentally taxing environment you work in.
PERCY glances over at ANNABETH, who quickly nods approvingly.
You know, mate? I think you might be starting to talk some sense.
(Strokes chin, thinking)
Hm… boat’s almost full anyway… tell you what, lad. While you’re talking to the boss man, if you were to mention something about giving me a raise…
I guess I could drop a subtle hint or two.
(Smiles coldly, grabs drachmas)
Come along, then.
CHARON begins pushing through the spirits of the dead, the kids follow him. As CHARON pushes through the spirits, they whisper and wail incomprehensible gibberish.
CHARON opens the elevator doors, and they get in with several spirits already in the elevator.
(Turns to face the spirits still in the lobby)
No one get any ideas while I’m gone. And if anyone changes the station from easy-listening again, you’ll all be waiting here for another thousand years.
The elevator doors close, and CHARON slides a key card into the slot on the panel, and the elevator begins to descend.
So… what happens to the spirits in the lobby?
Oh… for how long?
Forever. Or until I’m feeling generous.
(Curt, sarcastic)
Well that’s fair.
Nothing about death is fair, love. You’ll find that out for yourself soon enough where you’re heading.
We’ll get out alive.
Suddenly, PERCY becomes a bit woozy, blinks a few times, and sees that CHARON’S Italian suit has been replaced by a gray tunic and a black cloak, and his tortoiseshell shades have disappeared, revealing his eyes to be empty black pits. PERCY notices the modern clothes of the spirits become tattered gray cloaks.
(Realizes he was staring at CHARON’S strange eyes)
CHARON’S face slowly becomes transparent, showing off his grinning skull. The elevator suddenly starts swaying.
(Holds his hand up to his mouth as if about to vomit)
Oh, dude… I’m gonna be sick…
PERCY becomes a bit woozy again, and suddenly the elevator has become a wooden barge, gently drifting down an oily, black river littered with all sorts of things, from college diplomas, dolls, money, and jewelry.
The River Styx… it’s so…
Polluted. For thousands of years, the spirits of the dead have thrown in everything they can’t take with them; hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me.
Mist begins curling off the river, PERCY glances up to see huge stalactites, and then sees a strange, poison-green light glowing faintly in the distance. PERCY and ANNABETH begin nervously looking around at the spirits around them, and ANNABETH grabs PERCY’S hand. CHARON rows down the river a bit, and soon, they find themselves approaching the shores of the UNDERWORLD, craggy rocks and black volcanic sand, and about a hundred yards up the shore, a huge, stone wall that seems to go on forever in either direction. The kids become more uneasy when they here a deep, powerful howling sound somewhere in the distance.
(His face almost entirely transparent)
Ol’ three face is hungry. Too bad for you, godlings.
The boat slides up onto the black shores, and PERCY sadly watches the spirits shuffle out of the boat. PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER hesitantly depart the boat.
So long, mates. I’d wish you luck, but there’s none down here.
CHARON begins rowing away.
Oh, and don’t forget to mention my raise.
CHARON eventually disappears from PERCY’S sight, and the kids forlornly trudge up the path with the spirits. As they get closer to the gate, PERCY sees that the gates of the UNDERWORLD seem to be modeled after airport security, with three different entrances with a sign over them that reads: YOU ARE NOW ENTERING EREBUS. Beyond the gates, there are some tollbooth-like structures manned by ghoulish black robed figures like CHARON. PERCY notices lots of spirits moving right along to a gate with a sign over it that reads: EZ DEATH.
(Points to quick moving line)
What do you make of that?
Probably goes to the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL. It’s the place where spirits go if they’re too scared to face judgment in court.
There’s a court for the dead?
Yep. There’s three judges, and HADES switches them around once in a while. King Minos, Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare, people like that. The judges look at a person’s life, and if they were really good, they get to go to ELYSIUM. If they were really bad, the judges decide on a punishment. But for most people… well, most people never do anything really special in their lives, good or evil, so they go to the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL.
Oh… and… what exactly happens in ASPHODEL?
Imagine wandering around in a wheat field.
Well, that doesn't sound so-
… Oh. I guess that would kinda suck.
(Eyes wide with fear, points to something)
Not as much as that.
PERCY and ANNABETH look where GROVER is pointing, and see two black robed ghouls grab one of the spirits in line, who begins sniffing him down. They ghouls growl angrily, and begin dragging the shrieking spirit away towards one of the gates.
(Worried, a bit scared)
Where are they taking him?
FIELDS OF PUNISHMENT, probably. The Furies will set up whatever punishment the judges decide on.
As the kids slowly approach the gates, they hear the howling sound again, but still can’t see where it is coming from. As they get closer to the gates, a huge, a shadowy figure slowly becomes visible, and starts to form the dark, transparent shape of a massive three-headed dog, towering over them, growling.
H-he’s a rottweiler?
(Slowly turns head towards PERCY)
Wow, PERCY. There is, standing in front of us, a three-headed dog twice the size of an elephant, with teeth the size of cinder blocks, and more than likely wants to make us his midnight snack, and the first thing you think to say is, “He’s a rottweiler”?
I’m just trying to ease the tension.
The kids slowly approach CERBERUS, and notice the giant dog is becoming more visible.
I’m starting to see him better… why?
(Gulps, scared)
Well… it’s probably because we’re becoming closer to death.
CERBERUS stoops one of his heads, and begins sniffing.
He can smell the living.
(Trembling with fear)
Yeah. B-b-but it’s okay, cuz we g-g-gotta plan, right?
(Small, quiet, terrified)
Yeah. Th-th-the plan.
The kids inch closer the CERBERUS, and the three-headed dog barks so loud, the world seems to shake.
GROVER? Translation?
I, uh, don’t think humans have a four letter word that translates exactly.
PERCY reaches into his backpack, pulling out a broken bedpost.
(Nervous, trying to be calm)
H-hey boy, I bet they don’t play with you much down here, huh?
CERBERUS lets out a thunderous bark.
G-good boy…
(Waves the stick around)
Y-you see the stick?
CERBERUS’S middle head follows the stick, the other two heads fixed directly on PERCY.
PERCY throws the bedpost, and CERBERUS watches it, unflinching. The stick disappears into the gloom, and splashes into the River Styx. CERBERUS turns his three heads back onto the kids, and growls menacingly.
Just thought you should know, CERBERUS says we have ten seconds to pray to the god of our choice before we become Cerby snacks.
CERBERUS begins snarling, saliva dripping from his three jaws, and ANNABETH’S eyes get wide.
Wait! I have an idea.
(Start rifling through backpack)
CERBERUS gets into an attack position.
Um, so I’m thinking maybe we should run now?
(Frantically looking through backpack)
Hold on!
CERBERUS roars, and starts to lunge forward when ANNABETH whips a red rubber ball out of her backpack, and the giant dog stops mid lunge, curious.
See the ball, boy? You want the ball? Sit!
CERBERUS cocks his heads, confused.
To PERCY and GROVER’S surprise, CERBERUS sits, crushing several spirits, who pass through him, shouting angrily in some sort of gibberish.
Good boy!
ANNABETH throws the ball, which CERBERUS catches in his middle mouth. The other two heads start snapping at the ball.
Drop it!
CERBERUS whimpers, and gently drops the ball at ANNABETH’S feet, almost bitten in half and covered in slobber.
(Picks up ball)
Good boy.
(Glances back at PERCY and GROVER)
Go. EZ DEATH line, it’s faster.
(Worried, hesitant)
PERCY and GROVER reluctantly start inching forward, CERBERUS growls.
Stay! You want the ball? Then stay!
What about you?
(Slightly nervous)
I know what I’m doing, PERCY. Kinda.
PERCY and GROVER cautiously walk under the giant dog’s legs.
Good dog!
ANNABETH throws the ball to CERBERUS, and quickly walks under him while the three heads fight over the ball.
How’d you do that?
(Catching breath)
Obedience school. When I was really little, my dad got a doberman, and-
Dudes, less talking, more running.
The kids bolt for the EZ DEATH line, and ANNABETH stops when she hears CERBERUS whining behind her. She turns around to face him, and sees the giant dog panting, the ball torn to bits at his feet.
(Shaky voice, sad smile)
Good boy. I’ll bring you another ball soon. Would you like that?
CERBERUS whines, and lower his three heads.
(Petting CERBERUS’S head, holding back tears)
G-good boy. I’ll visit you, okay? I… I promise.
(Sad, hesitant)
ANNABETH… we have to go.
ANNABETH sadly walks away from CERBERUS, and passes through the EZ DEATH line with the boys. As they walk through the metal detector, alarms begin blaring, and CERBERUS starts barking.
Unauthorized possessions! Magic items detected!
The kids run through the gate into the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL, pushing through disgruntled spirits as black robed ghoulish security guards chase after them, shrieking and wailing. The kids scramble down the ridge of a road, and hide in the rotten trunk of a large, black tree. The ghouls run past the tree, still wailing and shrieking. The kids stay in the trunk for a bit to make sure the ghouls are gone.
Your plans suck, dude.
Yeah, well, you’re a donkey.
(Takes quick look around the corner to make sure it’s safe)
Alright, they’re gone. We should-
PERCY stops mid-sentence when he notices ANNABETH sniffing and wiping tears from her eyes, and hears CERBERUS howling mournfully in the distance.
(Gently places hands on ANNABETH’S shoulders)
Come on. We have to get out of here.
ANNABETH nods, wiping the last of the tears from her eyes, and takes PERCY’S hand.

Part 2 will be out soon.
submitted by TheGhostofHomer to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

(Offer) Large list of Canadian Google Play, US Disney, etc, (Request) Lists, offers [ISO at bottom of post]

Disney Codes All HD

Cinderella (Live Action) GP (split Code, no points)
Finding Dory GP (Split code, no points)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens GP and iTunes (Split code, no points)
Toy Story 4 (Full codes with points, willing to split into MA+points and GP-no points


X-Men Trilogy (First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse)


American Sniper
Fast Five - Extended Edition
Fast and the Furious 6 (Extended Edition)
Fate of the Furious
Furious 7 (Extended)
Hunger Games (VUDU, FandangoNow or Google Play (does not port))
Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Magic Mike
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Wonder Woman

US Google Play (non Disney)

Hunger Games
True Blood Season 5


Expendables 2 4K
Krampus HD
The Boss (Unrated) HD
iTunes XML - redeems in SD The Bank Job (Not MA)

Sony Movie Buff code (choose any title below, have 2)

All the Money in the World
A Dog's Way Home
Goosebumps 2
Holmes & Watson
Hotel Transylvania 3
Miss Bala
Open Season
Passengers (2016)
Peter Rabbit
Slender Man
Spider-Man into the Multi-Verse
The Dark Tower
The Emoji Movie
The Equalizer 2
The Front Runner
The International
The Possession of Hannah Grace
The Star
The Tourist
T2: Trainspotting
Vantage Point
Vertical Limit
White Boy Rick

Canadian Google Play Codes (Trading for Canadian GP codes or US codes

2001: A Space Odyssey
22 Jump Street
All saints
American girl Lea To the Rescue
American reunion unrated
American tail
American Sniper
Apollo 13
Atomic blonde
Baby driver
Back to the Future 1-3
Bad boys
Barbie Video Game
Batman begins
Batman Assault on Arkham
Batman Killing Joke
Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
Beautiful Creature
Black Mass
Blumhouse's Truth or Dare (unrated)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
A Few Good Men
Game Night
Happy Death Day
How to be single
In the Heart of the Sea
It 2017
Lights Out
Mr Smith Goes to Washington
National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation
Oceans 8
Only the Brave
Pacific Rim Uprising
Paddington 2
Pineapple Express
Ready Player One
Cloud Atlas
Cloudy With a Chance 2
Cowboys Vs Aliens
Curse of Chucky
JL Doom
The Dark Knight Returns Part 2
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
Superman Unbound
Death Race 3: Inferno
Dolphin Tale 2
Don't Breathe
How the Grinch Stole Chrismas (Live)
The Lorax (Newer)
Dracula Untold
Dragonheart 3
Dumb and Dumber to
ET the Extraterrestrial
Fast and Furious 1-8
Gangster Squad
Get Hard
Get Out
Ghostbusters 2016
Girls Trip
Godzilla 2014
Godzilla 1998
Gran Torino
Great Gatsby
Grown Ups 2
Grudge Match
Hail Caesar
Hangover 3
Harry and the Hendersons
Heaven is for Real
Hellboy 2
Hobbit; Unexpected Journey
Hobbit; Desolation of Smaug (Extended)
Horrible bosses 2
Hot Pursuit
Hotel Transylvania 1-3
How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2
Identity Thief
Inherent Vice
Into the Storm
Jack the Giant Slayer
Jason Bourne
Bourne Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum
Jersey Boys
Jumanji: WTTJ
Jupiter Ascending
Justice League
JL Gods and Monsters
JL Throne of Atlantis
Kick Ass 2
Kindergarten Cop
King Kong
Les Miserable
Lethal Weapon
Liar Liar
Life 2017
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow
Love Actually
Mad Max Fury Road
Madagascar 3
Magic Mike XXL
Man of Steel
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
Neccessary Evil: History of DC Villains
Neighbors 2
Notting Hill
Pacific Rim
Passengers 2016
Paul Unrated
Peter Rabbit
Pitch Black Unrated
Pitch Perfect 1- 2
Racing Hearts
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Final Chapter
Resident Evil Retribution
Ride Along 2
Rock of Ages
Run All Night
San Andreas
Sausage Party
Schindler's List
Seventh Son
Sex Tape
Shawshank Redemption
Sherlock Holmes 2
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
Sisters (Unrated)
Snow White and the Huntsman (Extended)
Somewhere in Time
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Spiderman Homecoming
Straight Outta Compton (Unrated)
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad Extended
Superman: The Movie
T2: Trainspotting
Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Taxi Driver
Ted 2 Unrated
Amazing Spiderman
Amazing Spiderman 2
Angry Birds Movie
Big Lebowski
Breakfast Club
The Change Up (Unrated)
Chronicles of Riddick (Unrated Directors)
Dark Knight
Dark Knight Rises
Dark Tower
The Darkness
Death of Superman
Emoji Movie
Equalizer 2
Fifth Element
Five Year Engagement
Girl on the Train
Hobbit Unexpected Journey Extended
Hobbit Battle of 5 Armies
Hobbit Battle of 5 Armies Extended
Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
The Hulk 2003
Huntsman: Winter's War
Incredible Hulk
The Interview
Iron Giant: Signature Edition
The Karate Kid (1984)
Lego Batman
Lego Ninjago
Last Starfighter
Legend of Tarzan
Lego Movie
The Lost World JP
The Man from UNCLE
Man with the Iron Fists
Monuments Men
Nice Guys
The Night Before
The Other Guys
Professional (Extended)
Purge Anarchy
Scorpion King
Scorpion King 3
Secret Life of Pets
Smurfs 2
The Town
The Wedding Ringer
This Is 40
This Is The End
Total Recall 2012
Total Recall 2012 (Extended)
Tower Heist
Trouble with the Curve
Uncle Buck
Underworld Awakening
Underworld: Blood Wars
War Dogs
We're the Millers
White House Down
Wizard of Oz
Wonder Woman
You Me and Dupree
Your Highness (Unrated)
Harry Potter 1-8 available
These Canadian Google Play codes will not port: (Fox titles will port if you account is Canadian)
Princess Bride
Tomb Raider 2018
007 A View to a Kill
007 Casino Royale
007 Diamonds Are Forever
007 Die Another Day
007 Dr. No
007 For Your Eyes Only
007 From Russia With Love
007 Goldeye
007 Goldfinger
007 License To Kill (1989)
007 Live or Let Die
007 Moonraker
007 Octopussy
007 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
007 Quantum Of Solace
007 Skyfall
007 Spectre
007 The Living Daylights
007 The Man With The Golden Gun
007 The Spy Who Loved Me
007 The World Is Not Enough
007 Thunderball (1965)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies
007 You Only Live Twice
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Anchorman 2
Bad Grandpa 0.5
Black Swan
Captian Underpants
Daddy's Home
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Die Hard 1-4
Edward Scissorhands
Enough Said
Everybody Wants Some!!
Exodus Gods and Kings
Fantastic Four (2015)
GI Joe Retaliation
Garfield: The Movie
Ghost in the Shell
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Hitman: Agent 47
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Ice Age
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Independence Day
Independence Day: Resurgence
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
Kingsman: Secret Service
LA Confidential
Labor Day
Life of Pi
Man on Fire
Maze Runner:Scorch Trials
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
Miss Peregrines's Home for Peculiar Children
Monster Trucks
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Office Christmas Party
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Project Almanac
The Revenant
Rio 2 Sing A Long
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Runner Runner
Say Anything
Star Trek
ST: Into Darkness
ST Beyond
Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Best in Show, Glimmerberry Ball, Hi-Tech Fashion, Snowberry Days, Sweet Sunshine Adventures
Taken, Taken 2, Taken 3 (unrated)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
TMNT: Out of the Shadows
Terminator Genisys
The Big Short
Book Thief
Book of Life
The Drop
The Fault in our Stars
The Gambler
The Guilt Trip
The Heat
The Internship
The Longest Ride
The Martian
The Maze Runner
The Peanuts Movie
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
The Sound of Music
The Usual Suspects
The Wolf of Wall Street
There's Something About Mary
Top Gun
Transformers 1-4
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Wold War z
X-men Days of Future Past (and Rogue Cut as seperate titles)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-men Apocalypse
X-Men First Class
X-men the Last Stand
X2 : X-men United
Zoolander 2
xXx: Return of Xander Cage
10 Cloverfield Lane
12 Years a Slave
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Want list: [Offers! - All will be looked at!]

Looking for Canadian Google Play codes for these and others!
10,000 BC
Argo (Extended)
Black Hawk Down
Better Living Through Chemistry
Brothers Grimbsy
Carrie (Original)
Chinese Zodiac
Dawn of the Dead (Unrated Director's Cut)
Dead in Tombstone (Unrated)
Don't Think Twice
Everything Everything
Freaks of Nature
Fred Claus
Freedom Fighter's The Ray
Friday Night Lights
The Gallows
Get on Up
Hard Target 2
The Hurricane
Irrational Man
Johnny English Reborn
The Kingdom
LEGO Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash
LEGO Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood
Miami Vice
Mune: Guardian of the Moon
Ouija Origin of Evil
The People Under the Stairs
Point Break (2015)
Polar Express
Pride and Predjudice
Son of Saul
The Sting
The Take 2016
Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure
Walk the Line

Movies ISO
John Wick 3
Once Upon a Deadpool
Basic Instinct
Lego Batman: Family Matters
Detective Pikachu
Assault on Precinct 13
Jacob's Ladder
Assault on Precinct 13
The Warriors
American Graffiti
Mississippi Grind
The Voices
TV (VUDU or Google Play, no iTunes) ISO
Westworld, S2
The Flash Season 2 and 4
Batman the Complete Animated Series
Batman Beyond: Complete Animated Series
Blacklist Seasons 3, 4 and 5
Ballers S4
Arrow Season 6
Nurse Jackie S6-7
Sons of Liberty
Girls S3, 4, 6
Rick and Morty Vol. 3
Outlander S3
Manhatten S1, S2
submitted by Asmarterdj to uvtrade [link] [comments]

(Offer) Large list of Canadian Google Play, US Disney, etc, (Request) Lists, offers [ISO at bottom of post]

Disney Codes All HD

Cinderella (Live Action) GP (split Code, no points)
Finding Dory GP (Split code, no points)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens GP and iTunes (Split code, no points)
Toy Story 4 (Full codes with points, willing to split into MA+points and GP-no points


American Sniper
Batman Hush
Fast Five - Extended Edition
Fast and the Furious 6 (Extended Edition)
Fate of the Furious
Furious 7 (Extended)
Hunger Games (VUDU, FandangoNow or Google Play (does not port))
Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Magic Mike
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Wonder Woman

US Google Play (non Disney)

Hunger Games
True Blood Season 5


Expendables 2 4K
Krampus HD
The Boss (Unrated) HD
iTunes XML - redeems in SD The Bank Job (Not MA)

Sony Movie Buff code (choose any title below)

All the Money in the World
A Dog's Way Home
Goosebumps 2
Holmes & Watson
Hotel Transylvania 3
Miss Bala
Open Season
Passengers (2016)
Peter Rabbit
Slender Man
Spider-Man into the Multi-Verse
The Dark Tower
The Emoji Movie
The Equalizer 2
The Front Runner
The International
The Possession of Hannah Grace
The Star
The Tourist
T2: Trainspotting
Vantage Point
Vertical Limit
White Boy Rick

Canadian Google Play Codes (Trading for Canadian GP codes or US codes

2001: A Space Odyssey
22 Jump Street
All saints
American girl Lea To the Rescue
American reunion unrated
American Sniper
Apollo 13
Atomic blonde
Baby driver
Back to the Future 1-3
Bad boys
Barbie Video Game
Batman begins
Batman Assault on Arkham
Batman Killing Joke
Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
Beautiful Creature
Black Mass
Blumhouse's Truth or Dare (unrated)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
A Few Good Men
Game Night
How to be single
In the Heart of the Sea
It 2017
Lights Out
Only the Brave
Pacific Rim Uprising
Paddington 2
Ready Player One
Cloud Atlas
Cloudy With a Chance 2
Cowboys Vs Aliens
JL Doom
The Dark Knight Returns Part 2
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
Superman Unbound
Death Race 3: Inferno
Dolphin Tale 2
Don't Breathe
How the Grinch Stole Chrismas (Live)
The Lorax (Newer)
Dracula Untold
Dragonheart 3
Dumb and Dumber to
ET the Extraterrestrial
Fast and Furious 1-8
Gangster Squad
Get Hard
Get Out
Ghostbusters 2016
Girls Trip
Godzilla 2014
Godzilla 1998
Great Gatsby
Grown Ups 2
Grudge Match
Hail Caesar
Hangover 3
Heaven is for Real
Hellboy 2
Hobbit; Unexpected Journey
Hobbit; Desolation of Smaug (Extended)
Horrible bosses 2
Hot Pursuit
Hotel Transylvania 1-3
How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2
Identity Thief
Inherent Vice
Into the Storm
Jack the Giant Slayer
Jason Bourne
Bourne Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum
Jersey Boys
Jumanji: WTTJ
Jupiter Ascending
Justice League
JL Gods and Monsters
JL Throne of Atlantis
Kick Ass 2
King Kong
Les Miserable
Life 2017
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow
Love Actually
Mad Max Fury Road
Madagascar 3
Magic Mike XXL
Man of Steel
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
Neccessary Evil: History of DC Villains
Neighbors 2
Notting Hill
Pacific Rim
Passengers 2016
Paul Unrated
Peter Rabbit
Pitch Black Unrated
Pitch Perfect 1- 2
Racing Hearts
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Final Chapter
Resident Evil Retribution
Ride Along 2
Rock of Ages
Run All Night
San Andreas
Sausage Party
Schindler's List
Seventh Son
Sex Tape
Shawshank Redemption
Sherlock Holmes 2
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
Snow White and the Huntsman (Extended)
Somewhere in Time
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Spiderman Homecoming
Straight Outta Compton (Unrated)
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad Extended
Superman: The Movie
T2: Trainspotting
Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Taxi Driver
Ted 2 Unrated
Amazing Spiderman
Amazing Spiderman 2
Angry Birds Movie
Big Lebowski
Breakfast Club
Chronicles of Riddick (Unrated Directors)
Dark Knight
Dark Knight Rises
Dark Tower
The Darkness
Death of Superman
Fifth Element
Girl on the Train
Hobbit Unexpected Journey Extended
Hobbit Battle of 5 Armies
Hobbit Battle of 5 Armies Extended
Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
The Hulk 2003
Huntsman: Winter's War
Incredible Hulk
The Interview
Lego Batman
Lego Ninjago
Last Starfighter
Legend of Tarzan
Lego Movie
The Lost World JP
The Man from UNCLE
Man with the Iron Fists
Monuments Men
Nice Guys
The Night Before
The Other Guys
Professional (Extended)
Purge Anarchy
Scorpion King
Scorpion King 3
Secret Life of Pets
Smurfs 2
The Town
The Wedding Ringer
This Is 40
This Is The End
Total Recall 2012
Total Recall 2012 (Extended)
Tower Heist
Underworld Awakening
Underworld: Blood Wars
War Dogs
We're the Millers
White House Down
Wizard of Oz
Wonder Woman
You Me and Dupree
Your Highness (Unrated)
Harry Potter 1-8 available
The Sting
Dead in Tombstone (Unrated)
These Canadian Google Play codes will not port: (Fox titles will port if you account is Canadian)
Princess Bride
Tomb Raider 2018
007 A View to a Kill
007 Casino Royale
007 Diamonds Are Forever
007 Die Another Day
007 Dr. No
007 For Your Eyes Only
007 From Russia With Love
007 Goldeye
007 Goldfinger
007 License To Kill (1989)
007 Live or Let Die
007 Moonraker
007 Octopussy
007 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
007 Quantum Of Solace
007 Skyfall
007 Spectre
007 The Living Daylights
007 The Man With The Golden Gun
007 The Spy Who Loved Me
007 The World Is Not Enough
007 Thunderball (1965)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies
007 You Only Live Twice
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Anchorman 2
Bad Grandpa 0.5
Black Swan
Captian Underpants
Daddy's Home
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Die Hard 1-4
Edward Scissorhands
Enough Said
Everybody Wants Some!!
Exodus Gods and Kings
Fantastic Four (2015)
GI Joe Retaliation
Garfield: The Movie
Ghost in the Shell
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Hitman: Agent 47
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Ice Age
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Independence Day
Independence Day: Resurgence
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
Kingsman: Secret Service
LA Confidential
Labor Day
Life of Pi
Man on Fire
Maze Runner:Scorch Trials
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
Miss Peregrines's Home for Peculiar Children
Monster Trucks
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Office Christmas Party
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Project Almanac
The Revenant
Rio 2 Sing A Long
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Runner Runner
Say Anything
Star Trek
ST: Into Darkness
ST Beyond
Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Best in Show, Hi-Tech Fashion, Snowberry Days, Sweet Sunshine Adventures
Taken, Taken 2, Taken 3 (unrated)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
TMNT: Out of the Shadows
Terminator Genisys
The Big Short
Book Thief
Book of Life
The Drop
The Fault in our Stars
The Gambler
The Guilt Trip
The Heat
The Internship
The Longest Ride
The Martian
The Maze Runner
The Peanuts Movie
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
The Sound of Music
The Usual Suspects
The Wolf of Wall Street
There's Something About Mary
Top Gun
Transformers 1-4
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Wold War z
X-men Days of Future Past (and Rogue Cut as seperate titles)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-men Apocalypse
X-Men First Class
X-men the Last Stand
X2 : X-men United
Zoolander 2
xXx: Return of Xander Cage
10 Cloverfield Lane
12 Years a Slave
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Want list: [Offers! - All will be looked at!]

Looking for Canadian Google Play codes for these and others!
10,000 BC
Argo (Extended)
Black Hawk Down
Better Living Through Chemistry
Carrie (Original)
Dawn of the Dead (Unrated Director's Cut)
Don't Think Twice
Everything Everything
Freaks of Nature
Fred Claus
Irrational Man
Johnny English Reborn
Miami Vice
Mune: Guardian of the Moon
Polar Express
Son of Saul
Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure

Movies ISO Thor or Iron Man 4K MA (have $10 VUED credit to trade for either of these)
John Wick 3
Once Upon a Deadpool
Basic Instinct
Lego Batman: Family Matters
Detective Pikachu
Assault on Precinct 13
Jacob's Ladder
Assault on Precinct 13
The Warriors
American Graffiti
Mississippi Grind
The Voices
TV (VUDU or Google Play, no iTunes) ISO
Westworld, S2
The Flash 4
Batman the Complete Animated Series
Batman Beyond: Complete Animated Series
Blacklist Seasons 3, 4 and 5
Ballers S4
Arrow Season 6
Nurse Jackie S6-7
Sons of Liberty
Girls S3, 4, 6
Rick and Morty Vol. 3
Outlander S3
Manhatten S1, S2
submitted by Asmarterdj to uvtrade [link] [comments]

Trials of Adam ch1, 2

Trials of Adam ch1, 2

Welcome to my novel, inspired by Barry Pepper's role in Crawl (2019)

Chapter 1: Envy, Wrath
Nobody ever imagines themselves as a victim. I certainly didn't. I admit I was kind of a cocky little shit so maybe I deserved to be here: half-naked in a swamp with a bullet in my chest. I think there was also a bullet in my head, either that or I cracked my skull on something while in the process of crawling out of my makeshift grave. "I am Army Master Sergeant Adam Severgine," I said out loud to no one. I needed to remain conscious, I needed to survive.
This was no different from a deployment. Except instead of fighting for my country, for the chance to prove myself, I was fighting to dig myself out of a shithole of my own creation. "I am Adam Severgine, husband, father...addict." Tears filled my eyes. My wife and daughter were miles away in Biloxi, Mississippi.
I had no fear of death and dying but eventually, they would find out how badly I fucked up. I lost thousands of dollars in gambling, booze, heroin, meth. I should have just gotten out when I had the chance.
Instead, I turned tricks, ran drugs; I became a bitch to avoid becoming a bitch. The idea made me laugh. "Ow..." Fuck, I'm going to die.
"No, you're not." The male voice sounded calm, serene. "Do you even know where you are?"
‘I know I'm imagining you, whatever the fuck you are.’
"Because the mighty Master Sergeant Adam could never be communicating with an angel," the voice said with a laugh. The grass in front of me started to blow in the wind.
\swish* *crunch* *swish* *crunch**
The blades of grass seemed to grow taller, their shadows forming the shape of a man with long wavy hair.
"Is that what you are?" I asked with a chuckle. A sharp pain struck my side; I definitely had broken ribs.
As the angel came closer, he seemed to materialize into a mortal form; olive skin, green eyes, and hair that seemed to be streaked with red, blue, purple and gold. "What do you think I am?"
"You kind of look like the Lord, Jesus Christ," I said, my voice starting to slur into a southern accent as I felt my mind drifting away.
The angel laughed as he ran his fingers through his rainbow hair. "I'll take that as a compliment." He then reached over his shoulder and pulled on a golden cloak out of thin air. "Are you ready to go?"
"Go where?"
The angel shrugged. "Does it matter?"
"I guess not." Any place had to be better than dying alone in the swamp.
The angel reached out his hand. "You can call me Leo."
I took his hand, as I did, a series of letters flashed before my eyes; 'E-N-V-Y.' The letters were in thick black font as if someone was throwing them at my face. But why 'envy'?
I jolt awake, in full uniform, outside of a commander's office. I had been here before but where was I?
"Come in," said a female voice.
I knew who it was; Lt General Allyssa Blake. I was back at my station in Alaska. Still afraid of how the hell I managed to travel back in time I took a breath and entered the office giving the appropriate salute.
The much younger woman had blonde hair, light blue eyes, and lips that made me dream of what she looked like out of uniform. "At ease," she said with her soft breathy voice. She returned the salute and motioned for me to take a seat.
Allyssa never sounded like an officer. She gave off ASMR, that tingly feeling down your spine. She was pageant-queen beautiful, brilliant, but more than anything she was kind. Her wonderful heart was the only thing keeping me from bending her over the desk and fucking her brains out.
Sat down, focusing my eyes on the floor. I at least knew what this meeting was about. "Thank you for meeting with me Ma'am."
"Of course, Sergeant. Do you still want the transfer?"
Was this a memory or a test? "The transfer to Mississippi?"
"Yes, unless there was another position you were interested in pursuing."
"Sorry, I'm just a little one edge as of late. I apologize for the nature of my request I-" My daughter was sick, my wife was cheating on me because she was 'lonely.' I needed to be home, to reclaim my family.
"Hey," she stood up and took my hand. "I love you, Adam. You're a good guy. You're going to go home and you're going to fix this. I already have a replacement lined up."
"You do?" This part was new. I never stuck around to learn who she put in my position.
"Lawrence will take over."
"Lawrence Heath?" Lawrence Heath was an Air Force liaison officer. He had more training and education then I did so from a technical standpoint he was a good choice. But he was also Alyssa's ex who transferred to Japan after she miscarried their son.
"He wants to marry me," her voice was so angelic, calm.
Time stood still. I can feel a sharp pain in my chest. "Leo? Please tell me this is a dream."
Leo placed his hand upon my shoulder. "What do you remember about Lawrence?"
"H-He never actually hurt her."
"Alyssa miscarried in the middle of the office. You drove her to the hospital. You held her hand while she cried. Where was he?"
"He was at work. He came to her as soon as he could. I loved her like a sister, and I know it broke her when he left. But she loved him." I reached my hand to touch Alyssa's frozen cheek. "I hope they found happiness."
"Impressive," Leo said, starting a slow clap. I turned to see my guardian angel sitting on an office chair, his rainbow hair flowing about his face. "I wonder how someone so noble ended up in a place like this."
"What?" With a jolt, I was back in the swamp. My chest felt like it was being crushed and my head was throbbing. In my hands, I felt an unbearable burning sensation. But I knew perfectly well why that was. Shooting up heroin between your broken fingers tends to fuck shit up. I forced myself to scoot backward until I felt myself leaning against a massive tree. The rough bark cut into the skin of my back and neck, but I was still grateful for the opportunity to rest.
Lighting cracked the sky, forming a distinct series of patterns, 'W-R-A-T-H'- Wrath? I couldn't help but smirk. I mean, I had plenty to be angry about. So, I was actually curious as to where the angel was going to take me next. "I'm ready."
I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming, breath.
I could hear the sound of a plane landing. My skin was no longer in pain, but my heart as beating a mile a minute as I stood in the cool airconditioned TSA waiting room. I knew where this was. When I opened my eyes, I was meeting my daughter. My wife and I had tried for years to conceive but it was never meant to be. At the age of thirty, we started the process to adopt from China. After years of waiting, we stood hand in hand at the immigration office of Jackson, Mississippi. China had been our last hope. For whatever reason, we were unable to even get on a waiting list for a European or North American baby. That was another reason I was nervous. The little girl was already six months old. What if she took one look at me and decided, 'Nope, I'm not going to be able to love these military-redneck white folks?' I was scared. Fate had a reason for never blessing us with a biological child.
As the adoption rep put the baby in my arms, I felt only the light of God's love. "Hello, Cece."
My wife scoffed, "I thought we agreed on a name- Annabelle-Rylie?"
"Felicity June Severgine," that's her name, my daughter's name.
The next few moments flew by in a blur, but a painful number of them were of me abandoning my family. As the years passed, I saw myself in uniform leaving for deployment; moments when I truly believed that I might not come back alive. Other times I was just in sweatpants and a t-shirt as I kissed my family goodbye. Before my eyes, Cece transformed from a toddler to a teen. I suddenly felt a wave of nausea. The last time I saw Cece she was no longer the beautiful girl I remembered.
I closed my eyes and fell to my knees. "Oh, God..." I knew what I was going to see; my angel my reason for living, in a medically induced coma.
"She never told you what really happened," said Leo's disembodied voice.
I stood up to see the angel standing over Cece's bed. "My wife told me it was pneumonia." I'd never made it to my daughter's side to see for myself.
"Marni told you that, knowing it would take you at least a month to get home. The wounds healed by then. And what didn't heal could be explained away. Ironically, after a seizure, she did develop a sepsis infection in her lung that mimicked pneumonia." Leo made his way to Cece's side and held her hand. "But you didn't see what she looked like the day of the phone call." Leo kissed Cece's forehead. "I'm so sorry little one, this will only last a moment."
I had a feeling I was not supposed to hear that last part.
Cece had a breathing tube but as time regressed it vanished, replaced with the monstrous number of wounds. She cried, then screamed. Her face covered in bruises, cuts, and clearly broken bones. Her clothing transformed into a short blue dress; one I had never seen before.
Time stood still as my government issue phone rang. I hit my thigh only to feel no pockets. The phone was in the palm of my hand. "Hello?"
"Hi, Daddy."
I remember this conversation. She said she came home from a dance. Homecoming, Prom?
"I went to a party," Cece's said, her voice cracking with sadness. "It was great."
Leo poked my arm. "Hey, it's your line."
With trembling hands, I moved the phone to my mouth to speak. "That's great, baby."
"Should go," she said as her breathing became labored. It was clear she was trying not to cry. "I-I love you, Daddy."
Marni came in the room just as Cece hung up. "Hi, sweetie, do you feel up to talking to the police officers? They need to get your statement and do a rape kit."
"Yes, Mom," Cece glanced at the phone, giving it a squeeze. "I'll be ok. I just wish Dad was here."
I got to see the rest of the scene. According to her statement, she had been raped, beaten and left for dead. That was how she escaped. When her date (and his three friends) thought she was dead, they locked her in the trunk.
She remembered what her father had told her about how to escape a trunk and managed to not only kick out the tail light but also get the trunk open while the piece-of-shit car was going forty down a backroad. Battered and bloody she ran for her life until she found her way to the main street.
Leo placed his hand upon my shoulder. "What would you have done if you knew the truth?
"I would have fucking killed the bastards."
"Really?" Leo waved his hand, to focus back on the scene.
Marni took a seat, holding Cece's hand. "What did you tell your Dad?"
"Nothing. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me," she said, burying her face in her pillow.
"I could ever be disappointed with you," I said out loud. I knew she couldn't hear me, that hurt more than anything. But not more than the feeling of my leg getting blown off.
A sharp pain shot through my leg. Suddenly I was back in terrorist occupied Iraq, riding in a supply convoy. A larger truck ran us off the road, into an IED. At least that's what I was told.
The vehicle I was in exploded, and I was pinned under the rubble. Somehow my leg was extracted from the mess and sent along with the rest of my broken body to Landstuhl, Germany where I spent the next few weeks waking up.
At the time, my home station was in Colorado Springs, Colorado. That was where my wife was living with a then eleven-year-old Cece. I remember I’d asked that I be transferred back to my family; if I was going to die, I wanted to die at home. My superiors, the US military; they owed me that much.
My next memory was of Cece staying by my side. I'd suffered burns over twenty-five percent of my body, there were bone shards in my hips and my leg had been put back together with pins and rods. It was a unique sensation, to be a living mass of pain. The local medical team determined that I would never walk again. So, the goal was to make me comfortable.
I was allowed at-home hospice care. This meant that I was placed under the attention of a nurse for administering therapy, and medications, but during the majority of the week my wife was tasked with wound care. At least she was supposed to be. My wife never touched me. To do so would have meant to show some level of compassion.
I remember Cece asked the nurse to teach her how to change the dressing on my leg. I have to assume the nurse thought she was curious and adorably sweet. Because otherwise, it was not the safest practice.
I closed my eyes. When I awoke, I was back in that wonderful moment. "Cece?"
"Hi, Daddy," my little daughter said in a calm whisper as she donned oversized medical gloves.
“Hi, Sweetheart,” I replied in a horse whisper.
“If I hurt you, I’m really sorry.” She changed out the gauze, using a bottle of peroxide to wash the open wounds.
I flinched but tried my best to stay quiet.
"Mom said that I needed to say goodbye," Cece explained as she worked with a gentle touch. "She told me the only reason you came home is because you're too sick to go back. I don't believe her." She finished in silence before getting a clean blanket from the closet. "You're going to walk again." She cuddled by my side, resting her head on my shoulder. "Superheroes don't die."
My heart filled with a sense of faith that I didn't know was possible.
She spent her summer by my side; changing my bandages, helping with physical therapy. I was also working with a therapy nurse who was impressed by my level of strength.
For Cece's twelfth birthday she had a party at the on-base movie theatre. I paid the bills but Marni took on the responsibility of making the day special for our daughter. Cece invited her entire class, she looked so genuinely happy.
I arrived in my wheelchair. As the movie played, it was 'Step Up', some kind of dance movie from the golden age of hip-hop music. The movie was played on the projector as background noise, as the kids ate pizza and talked.
I waited in the back until she noticed me.
"Dad!" She broke off a conversation with several friends to run over to me. "Oh my god! Did you just get here? How was your therapy appointment?"
From my wheelchair, I reached to the cane at my side and I stood up.
Cece cupped her hands over her mouth as tears welled in her eyes.
I took my first (pain-stricken) steps since the accident that should have taken my life. I stood tall, strong, as Cece threw her arms around me.
"I love you, Daddy. You're my hero." she paused to wipe tears from her eyes. "But does this mean you're leaving again?"
I was. I could have taken medical retirement, stayed with my family. But I needed the money. I needed to pay off a mortgage, send my daughter to a good college: I wanted to make my family proud.
So, I took a position in Alaska as a squadron lead. That’s when the addictions started. painkillers lead to heroin. loneliness lead to gambling and prostitution. all because I left behind the one person who truly cared.
The world went dark. I was sitting alone in an empty theatre as Leo appeared on the screen. "Hi, Adam. Wow, this is certainly an interesting view."
"Yeah," I replied in a weak voice.
"Well, I have to ask, what would you have done if you knew the truth about your daughter's assault?"
All I could do was laugh. The situation was clear now: I was dead and this was Hell. "You really want to know?"
Leo shook his head. "Look, I'm not a sadist, I just have a job to do. I was human once, just like you. And no, you're not in hell."
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
The man laughed as he turned towards the theatre and with one swift motion, seemed to jump from the screen. He walked towards me, with the fabric of the curtain attached to his back like wings. "So, what would you have done? Her attackers were never prosecuted. If you had a moment with those boys in a soundproof room with just your revolver, what would you do?"
I thought for a moment. I had no one to blame but myself. "I would eat my gun." Was Cece dead? I needed to know. If she was gone, I truly wanted to die.
Leo approached me, placing a hand upon my shoulder. "Much better, on to the next test."
I gripped his arm. "Why should I trust you?"
Leo rolled his eyes. "Maybe because I'm the one with the magic powers."
"You're my driver," I said in a tone that came off ruder than intended. "But what would happen if I said I'd rather walk to my final destination."
Leo chuckled and shrugged. "Hell, if I know. Maybe someone will find your body. Maybe you'll reunite with Cece in heaven. Or maybe she'll survive and grow up believing that her hero abandoned her. What do you want from me?"
"You said you were human once- I want to know something about you."
Leo cupped his hand to my face, tracing a finger along my jawline. He appeared to be studying my features, which gave me an opportunity to study his. "What do you see when you look at me?"
"You have green eyes," I said in a whisper. His eyes were hypnotic, his breath; warm, comforting, human.
"I know what it feels like to love someone until it hurts." Leo leaned in and kissed my lips, breathing a long constant stream of air that seemed to crackle with electricity.
Chapter 2: Lust, Greed
'All you need is love? Love? Love is all you need?' The voices hummed in my ear. They weren't singing, they were asking. I know where I am and I don't want to open my eyes.
"How does that feel?" asked a voice that was not Leo. It was Dr. Ethan Rogers, my physical therapist. He was a younger man; late twenties, early thirties, with blond hair and blue eyes- the most all-American soldier you could ever hope to meet. And he was massaging my naked thigh with a vibrator.
I know I'm hard, and I know what he's about to do next.
"I'm going to put this inside you," he said in a most professional tone of voice.
I could have attacked him, punched him in the face, or at the very least or at least said no. But it felt so good. I knew my scar tissue was prominent. It was a disgusting crater that ran along the entirety of my leg. I stayed in shape; my body was lean, muscular but that seemed all for show. I needed to look the part of a soldier, maybe if I was lucky, I would be able to pass my physical. My legs were for running, training. My cock was for pissing. My ass was for shitting. It had been months since I allowed myself to feel sexual pleasure.
"Just relax, let yourself go."
Damn it feels incredible. My eyes open on their own, staring straight into the blinding room light. The bulb is blinking forcing me to blink. Letters form in the shape of the light. 'L-U-S-T.' Yeah, I guess so. But it wasn't a lust for sex.
I feel him inject my leg; my broken, mangled leg. My leg that existed for the sole purpose of causing me unbearable pain, akin to the fires of hell. In a matter of moments, all of that was but a memory. He told me he was giving me morphine but I knew it had to be something stronger. That shit fucked with my head. Like a cool wave of tranquility; life death and every emotion in-between.
"I can get you a prescription for morphine, maybe even fentanyl.” His voice is calm, cool, like an ice tea on a hot day. “All you have to do is submit to me."
All I could do was laugh. "Sure, sounds great." My speech was slurred. This man was the devil and I willingly jumped headfirst down the rabbit hole into Hell.
I was physically fit. Dr. Ethan Rogers knew he could rent me out to anyone who had a fetish for dominating. Over the next year and a half, I lived as a sex-slave. I was bound, gagged. I sucked cock and even let men fuck me in my on-base housing. I was a human party favor, but I was always well compensated.
I took their pills, so many pills, all the colors of the rainbow. Most of the time, I never knew what any of it was, only that it was my prize. And when given vials of heroin, meth and God knows what else, I shot up in my arms, legs, but mainly my hands just because no one at my actual job seemed to notice my hands.
It was a perfect system. By day I was a soldier; a flawless, reliable worker who could be counted on for any job. I was a great husband and father who was working tirelessly to make sure his family would be taken care of. I worked myself to the bone, playing through the pain. But at night I was free.
Until the day my heart stopped.
I awoke in Alysa Blake's room, on her sofa. "Wow, you fucked up." The general looked like her actual youthful age. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun.
"Aly?" I tried to speak but immediately had to vomit.
General Blake had a bucket waiting by the side of my head. "You're going to stay here for a while." She placed a cold washcloth to my neck focusing on my artery. "This is going to help with the pain in your chest."
I shook my head. "But, what about my leg?"
"You're not the only one living with chronic pain." Alyssa took my hand a placed it on her hip, just below her abs. There was a massive scar. I knew the story; she had been shot in the hip; the bone and surrounding tissue had to be rebuilt. This was likely the reason for her later miscarriage. "I'm not giving you anything for your leg. You're probably going to have another seizure from all the drugs you already took."
I tried to move, to sit up- anything. But the pain seemed to course through my body. I wanted to cry or scream, but no sound was coming from my parched throat.
I gripped my head as a massive migraine pounded my vision. In the midst of my agony, I didn't even notice Alyssa leave and return with a blanket until the moment she cuddled by my side. "I'm going to stay with you."
I nodded, with a noticeable lump in my throat.
"Talk to me about Cece." Alyssa put her arms around me as she rested her head on my chest. “What is she like?”
I knew what this was. This moment, it was the opposite of lust. Nothing was worth more than my family, my daughter "She's a dancer."
"A dancer?"
"I think my wife has her in gymnastics and cheerleading but she..." I swallowed hard thinking about the last time we talked. Cece asked if she could send me a link to a video of her ballet recital. She loved ballet, she wanted to be a choreographer. She sent the link but my Alaska internet was too weak to see it without an extensive amount of buffering. And the camera had been placed so far back I could barely make out her face. I told her as much, but that I would love to see her dance someday.
"Have you seen any of her performances?"
I nodded. "C-Can I have some water?"
"Sure." Alyssa turned away, attempting to sit up.
Try as a might, my arms wouldn't let her go. "I feel sick. But, more than anything, don't want to cry in front of my commanding officer."
Alyssa glared at me with a look of seriousness. "I found you in your room bleeding from your ass. I performed CPR until you were lucid enough to walk with your arm around my shoulder." She only lived a few houses down and often visited.
I couldn't remember making the walk to her house but it wouldn't be the first time. I had the habit of dialing her number when I was too high to think straight. "My apologies Ma'am."
She reached for my hand, stroking between my fingers. "If I was here as your commanding officer you would be in a hospital awaiting a medical discharge." Her fingers paused on an open sore where I injected regularly. "I'm here as your friend, because what you need right now is a friend."
I knew she wasn't wrong. "Thank you."
"So, tell me about the time you saw your little girl dance."
My hands were trembling as my eyes filled with tears. "She sent me a USB."
"She sent you a file on a flash drive? Wow, that's really sweet."
"Cece had somehow used her phone to record a solo piece in her backyard. I didn't recognize the song, something Gaelic sounding about finding your wings to touch the sky." With the warm memory in my heart, my body relaxed.
"That sounds like the theme from the movie Brave," Alyssa said as she sat up. "Wow, that brings back memories. Anyway, I'm going to get you some water now."
Brave? Of course, it was.
Alyssa returned with a bottled water and a straw. "Take small sips." Once it appeared like I was not going to vomit again she took her place back on my chest, holding me close. "You need to go home."
"I know." I stroked her hair as I looked up at her stucco ceiling.
"You need to research a position at a base closer to your family,” she said as she kissed my cheek. “And I will sign off on it."
"Thank you." Now I just wish she talked me out of driving down to the states. Maybe I wouldn't have fucked up as badly as I did.
A lonely drive, six hours on the road, maybe eight. Behind the wheel of a rented SUV carrying all my worldly possessions, I thought I could keep focus, I thought I-
And here comes the crash.
I opened my eyes, but all I see is darkness. "Leo, are you there?"
I could feel someone grab my hand, pulling me from the vehicle. It wasn't Leo, but rather a younger male, possibly a teen.
"Wow, Leo was right, you are fucked up." The kid pulled me out of the vehicle, seemingly indifferent to my level of pain. "You should grab your wallet and suitcase. We have a bit of a walk into town.”
I did as he asked. I could recall what happened at this moment in time. While it did not include a Native American surfer-boy, I knew where we were headed.
"How long did you manage to stay clean for?" the smug teen asked.
I turned to him with a look of contempt. He stood maybe 5'9", and although he had an attractive face and youthful demeanor, I would have no problem punching his lights out.
"Really, old man?" The boy laughed.
"Master Sergeant Adam Severgine," I said with a groan.
"I know," he said, happily, skipping down the road. "I'm Jamie. Welcome to Oklahoma."
"How old are you? And where's Leo?"
"Leo will meet us in town. And as for me-" Jamie did a backflip landing in front of my face, close enough to kiss my lips. "I'm legal."
"Are you a guardian angel too?"
"Are you asking if I have powers?"
"I am," I replied through gritted teeth. I could remember how long the original walk took me. By the time I got to town, my leg was killing me.
"That's not why you got high off your ass."
"Oh, fuck you!"
"You got clean just long enough to pass a physical, for the job transfer. And then you started using again like the fucked-up junkie that you are!" Jamie continued doing flips and cartwheels down the empty road.
I focused on my own path looking down at my boots as I walked. My leg was mostly healed, to the point where I could walk unassisted, I could even drive. But I still felt an ache, a chronic pain that would never go away no matter what drugs I took.
Jamie appeared in front of me, lifting my face to look into his eyes. "I'm bored and I miss my boyfriend so I'm going to do you a favor." He punched me in the face with all the force of a fighter jet.
I awoke on the floor of a casino. And I do mean floor: My eyes opened to reveal the sight of paramedics working frantically. They had apparently just finished restarting my heart.
When I looked straight ahead, sitting at a slot machine was Jamie. The little punk was doubled over in laughter.
Leo stepped out of the shadows. He raised a finger giving the 'give me a second' sign. He embraced Jamie, speaking to him in a quiet tone. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but at least Leo was calming him down. When Jamie finally stopped laughing, the couple walked to the elevators.
A tall older man, in a suit, came over to check on the scene. He was the hotel manager and a former Marine. We talked for a while, with me telling him my situation. He kindly offered to give me a room for the night, free of charge. It was the least he could do for a fellow soldier.
Yes, it was only for one night. I could contact the rental agency and they could send a new car to my location. But until then he offered to buy me dinner and give me a tour of the hotel and casino.
Everything was going great. After hanging out with my new friend I took a seat at one of the many the table poker tables.
I was by no means an expert but I preferred tables, to computer-generated games of chance. That was when I met Lola. She looked like a typical cocktail waitress, just a few years away from retirement. She was possibly old enough to be my mother (either that or she had just spent too much time in the sun,) but she was undeniably beautiful. She made sure to flirt, playing with her long blonde hair as she brought me free drinks.
"Drink up," she said, before taking a shot. She cupped my face, forcing the shot of whiskey down my throat. "It's on me, love." Next thing I knew she was on my lap. I was winning hand after hand; she was truly my good luck charm. When I was too drunk to walk, she offered to escort me to my room.
I remember collapsing on to the bed. I could feel her hands, her long nails, then her mouth. When I was ready, she started to ride me. Talking dirty in a way that my wife never did, I gave her full control. she got on her knees and wanted me to fuck her from behind. I did, and what was when a man barged in with a master key. It was the manager.
My memory is blacking in and out but I remember him getting on the bed. He and Lola are laughing. They offer me cocaine.
The next morning, I awoke to the sight of Lola in my bed. Her naked chest was moving, so I had no immediate reason to panic.
Jamie stood in the corner wide-eyed. "Wow, I was raped to death by a demonic cult and even I found that disturbing."
Leo walked through the wall to stand at Jamie's side. "And this isn't even the worst of it."
I tried to sit up but my body hurt. "Why, the fuck, are you even here?" Just my luck, I had a pair of fuck-boy morons for guardian angels.
Leo sighed. He approached the bed, stroking Lola's hand. "You can't change the past." He made a turn to the closet, grabbing my phone from my pocket. "But you can choose your future."
I was lucid enough to move my arm and unlock my screen. I had wi-fi. I clicked on my email. it was open to a message from Cece, starting with a link that I had never seen before. "Greed.mov?"
Leo shrugged. "You should probably take a look."
I clicked. There was Cece in her blue dress, sitting on her bed. "Hi, Dad. I'm a little nervous. I really like Jason, and well, I wish you could have met him. He's so much like you. He wants to join the Marines, travel the world. I mean, I guess I'd write to him. A lot of my friends are planning on getting married, so their boyfriends don't cheat. It's really stupid. Jason says he loves me, he wants to marry me. I'm pretty sure he just wants to fuck me." Cece looked down at her silver ring. It had belonged to my grandmother who passed away before Cece was born. I had given it to my daughter on her sixteenth birthday. It was only then, on that video, did I notice where she wore it. She wore it like a wedding ring: a purity ring.
Cece looked to the side, at her computer, to press a few keys. "I hope this will help my anxiety." The music starts to play, it was a slow, Celtic, song. I watched as she moved her arms, in a graceful ballet pose. She appeared to be free-styling a dance piece, in her room, dancing on her bare feet. It was truly breathtaking. But why was the file titled 'greed.mov'?
"I can't wake up without you, Dad." The voice was not coming from the phone.
I nearly screamed at the sight of Cece's broken, bloody form.
Jamie put his arm around Cece, patting her shoulder. "Don't worry, she's still in a coma."
The creepy, undead version of my daughter leaned her head on Jamie's shoulder. She turned just enough to look at me with her dark, innocent, eyes. "When you rocked me to sleep, you would tell me stories. I think you assumed I couldn't hear you or what I wasn't paying attention."
"You couldn't even talk." For the first two years, I was so nervous about being a father, that I would unload all of my horrific stories on to Cece like a verbal diary. she didn't speak a word until she started preschool at age three and even then, I never heard anything from her teachers about my stories.
"Knowing so much about your past is why I always had such respect for you." Cece took a step forward, reaching out her hand. "I know what you saw, what you experienced. It made you the person you are." When she came closer, her hand hit a glowing wall of energy. She nodded her head knowingly. We weren't in the same space. "Jamie said you're going to make your way back to me."
I knew our time was short so I had only one question to ask. "Why greed?"
"You told me I was your treasure; I was everything you ever wanted."
"I'm so sorry."
"That wasn't meant as an attack. Not at you, not ever." Cece moved closer. She was able to sit on the bed, her hand caressing the fabric. Her moves were careful and deliberate.
I would have given anything to be able to touch her hand. I knew in my heart this wasn't an illusion, this was my daughter.
Cece pursed her lips and continued, "There's an old saying, 'Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you'll be among the stars.' Well, what happens when you reach the moon but it's not the finish line that you thought it would be. You always want more, I did anyway. that's why I let Jason go as far as he did. I thought I could have it all; I'd go to college and have a hot, long-distance boyfriend. maybe we'd meet up in Europe where I would audition for a ballet company. At least that's what I thought." Cece wiped tears from her eyes. "He was dating me as a practical joke. I was the nerdy-science geek who was also a dancer. The rumor was that I clearly wanted to be fucked, but my stern military daddy was keeping me inline." She paused for a moment, looking into my eyes. "I guess he was half right. I knew Jason's plan was to make me choose between you and him. And what's really messed up is, I would have chosen him. I was greedy." Cece took a few steps back, her form already starting to fade. "I miss you so much, Dad. Please come find me."
Leo cracked his knuckles. "Well, this was fun but we have miles to go before we sleep. So-" He turned to Jamie.
“Yeah, I know.” Jamie nodded, with a sigh, as Cece vanished.
Next, Leo turned to me, with hesitation. "This next part is going to hurt."
"More than seeing my dying daughter?"
Leo clicked his tongue as he moved to Jamie's side. "Adam, how much do you remember about your trip from Oklahoma to Louisiana?"
"Do I remember who shot me and left me for dead int he Louisiana swamplands?" I clearly did not.
"Do you want to know?" Leo asked, twirling a lock of his rainbow hair. "I mean I'm supposed to show you, orders from the big boss," he said, motioning towards heaven. "But I think it would be a little cruel."
Jamie's eyes lit up. "Can we just give him a summery? He'll feel just as shitty but we won't have to watch it!"
Leo pursed his lips, clearly trying to hide laughter. "Jamie..." Leo took a breath to calm down. "None the less you are correct. But to stay in line with the," he made the pointing gesture again, "I'll give him just enough to dwell on during our hike back to civilization."
Jamie leaned against a wall as Leo stepped towards me. He crawled into bed, positioning himself on top of me like a snake. His long hair trickled against my face. "You good, Adam?"
"As good as I can be."
"I'll make this quick." Leo closed his eyes.
I did the same. The images flashed before my eyes like the world’s worst vacation slideshow. Oh, God.
More sex, drugs, a few suicide attempts. Luckily it would only last three weeks. I apparently went on the mother of all drug binges. I didn't want to go home, and I knew why. My daughter was sick, but my wife… my beautiful, kind, wife, Marni-Lynn was a fucking whore who’d torn my heart out a long time ago.

submitted by dourdan to BarryPepper [link] [comments]

Survival by Art: The Magic of Busking

10,000 hours. That's how long it's said to take before someone has "mastered" a skill. Woodworking, Painting, Banjo Picking or Tap Dancing, the medium doesn't matter. You have to put in hours. You earn skill through repetition.
This concept of putting in the tedious effort to learn something is really common among musicians and other performers. Your job is to entertain people. You do that by performing a difficult task and making it look easy. Making something look easy takes time.
For the vast majority of musicians, the fear of embarrassment forces them to sit locked up in their room and get "good enough" to play for people in public. We feel ashamed of the fact that we were once novices, and we don't want anyone to know that we were ever anything less than perfect.
It wasn't always this way. For most of human history, there was no separation between "performer" and "audience." Music was a communal task, participated in by everyone around the cookfire or all of the hands out tending their crops. Music and dance were a natural form of communication, an important cultural dialogue in which everyone took part.
Even after The Middle Ages, when Europe's ruling class made entertainment a commodity for themselves and put musician servants on stage, traditions of folk music everywhere in the world still expected everyone sitting around to pick up an instrument or clap their hands and sing.
This natural, communal form of song still lives on today, and in first-world countries, it is carried by the kindred spirits of travelers. The tradition of busking looks at society's implication that one must be a master to perform, and sticks its tongue out at the whole thing.
If you have a guitar that you barely know three chords on, and two of your more-experienced friends are willing to teach you a couple of songs, you can stand on the sidewalk and get real experience performing for real people. Rather than meticulously sitting alone playing the same lick until it "sounds right," you can learn much faster by putting your imperfect skills out there for people to hear.
This might sound scary. "What if people think I suck? What if I mess up?" My advice is to accept that these things will happen. First of all, every musician messes up. Even professionals who play the same show every night to a packed house could point out errors that they made after each performance. That's what makes live music great. It's provocative and risky and real. The musicians could fall apart at any point, and every moment that they hold it together and keep producing that Golden Sound is another little miracle.
It's okay to mess up. It's also okay to not impress anyone. Just by virtue of the fact that you're playing on the street, some people are going to disregard you or ignore you. Just like hitchhiking, busking teaches you to handle constant rejection with grace. The beauty of playing on the street is that you nave a dynamic, non-static audience. Most people hear you play for about 30 seconds as they walk by. This means that you could totally mess up and fail a song, and then try again, get it right, and two minutes later, the people hearing you will have the impression that you've been playing wonderfully the entire time!
The majority of people who hear you will act like they don't care. Luckily, the people who do react positively make it all worth it emotionally. If I'm playing and getting discouraged and then all-the-sudden a 4-year-old kid stops his parents and starts dancing around to my music, that is worth a hundred scowls from unimpressed people. When I get a sly look from a pretty girl or a thumbs-up from someone driving by or an unexpected tip from someone who I thought was going to just walk by, that makes all of the time I spend playing for non-music-lovers totally worth it.

-What is Busking?-

Busking is performing on the street, usually for cash tips, and can be any type of music. If you play violin and are only comfortable reading sheet music, get some good sheet music and play it. If you have a shitty guitar and only know two blues songs, play those two blues songs until you get sick of them, and them play 'em some more. If you play a weird instrument like French Horn or Harp or Oboe, realize that this actually works in your favor and that having that novelty will make you more valuable than just another kid singing and playing guitar. I make about 10-times as much money per hour when I play saxophone versus acoustic guitar.
"Bucket Kids" can be found in many places where tourism is big. Ranging in skill from "7-year-old out with his big brother, generally bothering the public" to "Holly shit how did that guy learn to play like that? Let's go dance!"
Busking also includes a million other talents besides music. Jugglers, hoopers, fire spinners, and flow artists are some of the most common. Dance crews with portable sound systems tend to be good at drawing big crowds. Tarot Card readers and Fortune Tellers are very popular in places like New Orleans. Street Magic is a whole artform of its own, and can be lucrative if you're a good showman.
Street artists can sometimes make a very good living by selling paintings, sketches, or whatever medium catches peoples' eye. Caricature work deserves special mention here, as do graffiti artists, who remain anonymous and never get paid for their work. The whole world of crafting and selling trinkets and jewelry shares space with street performers. Writers also have a place in the busking world. There is growing popularity in setting up a type writer on a milk crate or small table and writing off-the-cuff poetry "your topic, your price."
Entertaining people means getting creative. There is a whole genera of buskers who take on a character and interact with the public. It can be as simple as dressing up like Spiderman or Darth Vader and making a sign that says "Tips for Pictures." There are Statue Dudes who go to elaborate lengths to draw in audiences.
It really doesn't matter what you do. What's important is that you get out and do it.

-Your Setup-

You're going to need some kind of gear. The most basic, universal object is the "Hat" This is something to collect money from people as you perform. The Hat can be a 5-gallon bucket or a glass jar or an open guitar case or a small cardboard box written on with sharpie. Your Hat should reflect the style that you're exuding. It should be attractive and easy to access. It should be an object that draws people in and makes them want to put nice things inside.
It's common practice to put "seed money" in your Hat. This is just a dollar or some change that serves as a sign that "money goes here."
Many people who do this every day have a whole little routine figured out, and they often address common concerns with a sign, in an attempt to waste less time. The "Tips For Pics" sign, as mentioned above, is a good example of this. If you have to tell every single person that it's not cool to just steal your image for free, and that they need to contribute, that's going to take a lot of time and effort that you could spend on actually performing. There is a fine line here between adding a cardboard sign to your busking setup and "flying a sign" as a style of panhandling.
With music or dance, there is often a need to have amplified sound. This involves getting power somehow. There are many different types of setups with batteries and even generators that one can use to get an electronic speaker to play on the street. In some instances, you can find places to plug in, but that is rare and unreliable.
In my experience, relying on electronics can be a hassle. Batteries die, devices break, it rains. Many times, cops will use "amplified sound" as a specific excuse for running you off of your spot or giving you a ticket. Acoustic music sounds better, and is less of a hassle if you do it right.
Whatever your setup is, know how to set up and tear down quickly. I prefer to have no more stuff than I can carry when I busk. If you do have more than just an instrument with you, you're probably going to need some kind of cart. Even if you're a van dweller and can haul your gear around in your rig, don't rely on being able to find parking directly adjacent to where you want to busk.
Some people lay out a rug, have a bunch of trinkets and furniture and decorations, set up a sound system, etc. All of this is done for their own comfort, and to establish an atmosphere. Having an elaborate setup can work well, but again, practice setting up and tearing down quickly. You are vulnerable during these transition periods.

-Getting Started-

If there is one piece of advice or encouragement I can give you, it's this: the fear and trepidation that you might feel is temporary. As soon as you play that first note or hit "play" on your boombox and start dancing, the anxiety melts away and you're focused on what you're doing.
I've spent a lot of time doing this, and thought about it a lot. I've tried to decipher what it is that makes busking this special magic thing, why it's hard and scary to think about, and why it's so easy once you get going. I think it has to do with your energy level. Before you start performing, you're at the same level as everyone else walking around. You're an anonymous human, going about your day, with your own agenda. You're not familiar to any of the people around you, and society kind of implores us to just tolerate and ignore each other. The amount of attention that you command is very neutral.
Once you start playing, however, you're suddenly addressing all of these strangers and saying "Hey! Look at me! I'm doing this thing and I'm doing it for you! I hope you like it." You are taking a risk for the sake of enriching the lives of your fellow people. This puts attention on you, and it brings you to a higher energy level. Whether peoples' opinions of you are positive or negative doesn't matter, they are paying attention to you and thinking about you. This gives you power. Once you've crossed the threshold and taken this power, it's easy to keep it up.
Once you've got your instrument or your equipment and you've decided to do this thing, the first big step is finding a spot. The only real criteria for success is finding a place that has foot traffic. You want to set up in a place that allows people to easily see and hear you, but not somewhere where you get in the way or block traffic. If someone else is busking in an area, it's probably a good spot.
Most cities have some kind of downtown, and these are often good places to try. Outdoor shopping malls usually have people in a consumerist mood, and are likely to produce some tips before you get kicked out. For times when you're traveling and in a pinch, Walmarts, grocery stores, and gas stations can be your bread and butter.
Big tourist spots are great places to try. Hollywood Blvd. in LA, The Strip in Las Vegas, Bourbon St. or Royal St. in New Orleans, Time Square or The Subway in New York, Haight St. in San Francisco. Those are just a few examples in the US. Every major city has high-traffic areas to try. Go out and explore them!

-Busking Etiquette-

Everyone is out there on their hustle. There are only so many people walking around with money in their pockets, and there are only so many spots, and so many hours in the day. The way that you go about interacting with homebums, cops, audiences, drunk hecklers, and other street performers will either earn you friends and allies or alienate you and make it harder for you to do your thing.
As with trainhopping or hitchhiking, you want to be conscious of how your presence effects the area and people around you. When I say that, I mean don't blow up the spot. Examples of activities that blow up busking spots include performing when you're shit-faced drunk; letting your dog bark, make a mess on the sidewalk, or bite people or dogs; singing racist or hateful lyrics; heckling people, especially women; smoking in an are where people are forced to be exposed to your smoke; getting in fights; or doing anything besides busking to get the cops called on you.
Sometimes police or private security or just employees of businesses will tell you to leave. This is the reason for having a minimal setup, because the best thing you can do is say "okay" and leave. Sometimes you will busk in places where you know you'll get kicked out. Walmarts, grocery stores, and gas stations are all examples of these. The vast majority of the time, store policy says there's "no soliciting" there. Despite this, I often still get a half-hour or more of solid busking before anyone says anything. In American-style freeway stops where there are 2 or 3 or more gas stations and stores in one concentrated area, you can get several hours of good busking time if you just play until you're kicked out of one spot and then move across the street to the next one.
Getting kicked out of a place isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it will actually get you more money. I've had big tips given to me as I was getting kicked out, or even after I left, because people felt bad for me and were enjoying my music before I was told to leave. Be polite, be friendly, try to relate to the person who's kicking you out. More often than not, they don't even want you to leave, they're just following orders because they don't want to loose their job.
When it comes to other performers, in general, if someone is already set up and doing their thing, leave them alone. You can watch and be a good audience member and give them tips to help encourage their audience. You can dance if their music is good and applaud if they're putting on that kind of show. If they're playing music, and you have some kind of musical contribution to offer that you don't think will be over-bearing, you can take a chance and try walking up and playing along. If you do join someone who's already playing, invited or not, don't expect them to split tips with you. The proper way to share tips once a new performer joins is to empty the Hat before you start playing and then split whatever you make after the new person has joined.
Respect seniority when you're busking. Old-timers have likely been busking that spot for years, and probably rely on being able to do their thing there.
Don't get too discouraged by negative reactions to you doing your thing, but do take ques and hints from people. If you see people covering their ears or getting startled by what you're doing, you might be too loud for the particular area you're playing in. If you have songs with lots of cuss words or adult themes, and parents are getting offended, maybe tone it down or find a place with fewer families. If you're finding yourself getting drowned out by traffic or construction noise, find a quieter spot.
Many busking locations have specific rules and regulations that you have to follow. The best way to learn what these are is to blatantly ignore the rules and play wherever you want. Someone will tell you what you're doing wrong. Often, you'll have to buy a permit to busk. A Farmer's Market permit in Moscow, Idaho is $6. A year-long busking permit in Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington is $30. A permit to sell paintings at Jackson Square in New Orleans is $600 a year, and there are only 192 spots. The rules and prices vary everywhere. As with busking in front of gas stations, you can usually get at least some playing in before someone kicks you out or asks for your permit. Sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

-The Kick Down-

The main type of love that I get from people when busking in 2018 is cash, mostly singles and fives, sometimes pocket change. At Farmers' Markets, I often get fresh fruit or veggies in my case. In Las Vegas, I often get cigarettes, weed, casino chips, and sometimes $20's or even $100's. Many times, I have gotten buisness cards from musicians, producers, and DJ's. A couple times I've gotten numbers from girls. You never know what will end up inside that Hat!
Right now I'm settled down in Santa Barbara. I play for college kids in Isla Vista, which doesn't pay much, but does make me increasingly famous in Southern California. Busking next to one of the popular restaurants, or especially crashing parties with my Saxophone might get me on 200 peoples' Snapchat stories. It helps that Isla Vista has the highest population density of any area West of the Mississippi (there are about 25,000 people living in one square mile, and most of them are 18-26 years old.)
Going downtown to Santa Barbara proper is a totally different scene. It's many tourists, families, international travelers. People are there to shop, wine, and dine. There are many homebums and other buskers there, but again, nearly everyone is playing guitar or percussion, so the Sax stands out. There I more-reliably make money (about $15/hour on average. Sometimes much more, sometimes a little less.)
One great practice I've started to answer the "I don't have any cash" response is to set up a Venmo account and write my username on a piece of cardboard. Simply busking next to a sign that says Venmo: Tall Sam Jones has been surprisingly successful. Sometimes I match whatever I make in cash with my Venmo tips. That is my actual username, by the way, if any of you are particularly appreciative of my writing ;)

Snapchat, Venmo, Instagram, these are the ways in which people interact now, and catering your busk to these services will serve you and help you connect to your audience.

You don't need 10,000 hours of practice to busk. You just need something to play and the will to go out and do it for people. It takes faith, man. You are giving your art away for free and hoping that you might get some appreciation back. In terms of musical development, I've learned as much about performing from 3 years of busking as I did from the same amount of time in music school. Even on days when I barely make enough for bus fare, I feel rejuvenated by sharing music with people, and I feel like it was time well-spent.
As with most of the things I write about here, you'll learn much more from your first real-world experience than you will from reading about it on the internet. Go out there and give it a try! Maybe we can jam together on the street sometime soon.
Good Luck, and remember to drink lots of water.
-Tall Sam Jones
Edit: Thanks for putting some Gold in my Hat!
submitted by PleaseCallMeTall to vagabond [link] [comments]

How I Would Divide The Series Up If It Were a Netflix Show

Percy Jackson, Netflix Show
Season 1: The Lightning Thief
Episode 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
Percy is on a class field trip to the history museum, where Nancy Bobofit is bullying Percy’s friend, Grover. Percy tries to brush it off, but eventually snaps and “pushes” Nancy into a fountain of water. His substitute math teacher, Mrs. Dodds, takes him inside the museum to reprimand him, but transforms into a Fury and attacks him. Mr. Brunner, his latin teacher, appears and throws him a pen which transforms into a sword. With the sword, he kills the Fury, and when regrouping with his class is shocked to learn no one else, including Mr. Brunnner, has any recollection of Mrs. Dodds. At the end of the semester, Percy and Grover take a bus back to his home in Manhattan, where the bus breaks down and Percy sees the Fates cut a strand of rope. This freaks Grover out, and an uneasy Percy ditches Grover and goes back to his house. His mother Sally, suggests they take a vacation to the beach at Montauk, and he gladly accepts. That night at the beach, a distraught Grover approaches them and tells them that Percy needs to come with him. Percy is confused, but Sally seems to understand and tells them to get in the car. On the car road, Grover reveals himself to be a satyr, and has been watching over Percy for the past year, protecting him form monsters. His bizarre encounter with the Fury is proven true, and their car crashes in the storm. They continue to their destination by foot, but the Minotaur catches them. Grover and Percy make it up the hill to their destination, but Sally cannot enter, and is caught by the Minotaur and disappears in a golden flash of light. Enraged, Percy confronts the Minotaur, and manages to break of its horn and stabs the Minotaur with it. Percy passes out from his injuries as Grover drags him up the hill to a lodge, where the last thing he sees are Mr. Brunner and a blonde girl.
Episode 2: We Capture A Flag
Percy wakes up in the lodge, his injuries healed, and Grover, Mr. Brunner, and a raggedy alcoholic are waiting for him. Mr. Brunner explains that he is not a latin teacher, but actually the mythical centaur Chiron, and that the myths of Greek legend are real. The alcoholic is introduced as Mr. D, Dionysus, who runs the camp. The blonde girl, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, then takes Percy on a tour of camp, introducing him to the concept of gods and their children, demigods. Percy is taken to the Hermes cabin, where he will be staying as he has not been claimed by his heavenly parent, and meets Luke, the counselor of the Hermes cabin. He also meets Clarisse, the tough daughter of Ares, who forces Percy into an initiation by attempting to dunk his head in the toilets. However, the bathroom plumbing explodes, drenching Clarisse but not Percy, infuriating the girl. Percy gets adjusted to camp, meeting several people including Connor and Travis Still, sons of Hermes, Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus, Katie Gardener, daughter of Demeter, and Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite. That night, the camp has an organized game of Capture the Flag, with it being essentially Athena and Hermes vs. Ares and Apollo. Annabeth has Percy patrol an out of the way part of the forest, and is ambushed by Clarisse and a few other Ares kids as revenge for the toilet incident earlier. Percy is overwhelmed and repeatedly hit by Clarisse, but falls into the river and is able to then beat her. This was all a ploy for them to distract and win CTF, but everyone comes to see Percy being healed by the river and are shocked to see a trident above him, meaning Poseidon claiming him as his son. The next day, Mr. D, Chiron and Annabeth call Percy to the Big House, where they reveal that no child of “The Big Three” have existed in over 70 years because of an oath they took to prevent a prophecy. They also reveal that someone has stolen Zeus’s lightning bolt, and Percy is the culprit. Mr. D allows Percy to go on a quest to prove his innocence and find the bolt from who he believes stole the bolt, Hades. Percy receives his prophecy from the Oracle in the attic, along with a gift from Luke, a pair of winged shoes, and then he, Annabeth, and Grover go out on their quest.
Episode 3: I Plunge to My Death
Percy gives Luke’s shoes to Grover, as he doesn’t have any magical equipment, like Percy’s sword or Annabeth’s hat. The three of them board a bus heading west, and a trio of old woman board with them. Percy initially thinks they are the Fates, but it is actually the Furies, who attack shortly after the bus takes off. They are able to escape the bus before it explodes, and run into the New Jersey forest. They walk for a few hours until they come upon Aunty Em’s Garden Emporium, a store on the side of a highway. They meet Aunty Em, who offers the children food, but realize that the stone statues in her store are actual people, and that she is Medusa. Using a mirror to be able the see Medusa without looking at her, Percy decapitates her, and mails the head to Olympus to be rid of it. Using the money in the store, they are able to buy train tickets as far as St. Louis. On the train ride we get a bit of backstory about Annabeth’s past, how she ran away from home, her relationship with her parents, and her being stuck at Camp Half-Blood for the past 5 years. They get off in St. Louis, and they transfer trains to Denver, but their is a layover. While waiting for the train to Denver, they decide to visit the Gateway Arch. They are attacked there by the monster Echidna and her pet the Chimera. Grover and Annabeth are able to make it down the Arch, but Percy is poisoned and cannot defeat the Chimera. He jumps through a hole in the side of the Arch, and lands in the Mississippi. He discovers that he is not dead, and that he can breath underwater. A Nereid appears to him, encouraging him to visit the ocean before he goes to the Underworld, and Percy is able to climb out of the river.
Episode 4: A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Percy regroups with Grover and Annabeth, and they get on the train to Denver. They are dismayed that their is no further train travel west, and that they will have to find another way to travel west to LA. They are approached by Ares, who offers them a trade of retrieving his shield from a nearby abandoned water park in exchange for transportation west. Percy and Annabeth go to the water park while Grover stays with Ares. While looking, the rivalry between Athena and Poseidon is explored, explaining why Annabeth has been a bit standoffish. They find the shield, along with Aphrodite’s Scarf, but are caught in a trap made by Hephaestus to trap his wife, Aphrodite, cheating with Ares. They endure the trap, and return to Ares with the shield, although angry that Ares didn’t warn him. Percy snarks at him and angers Ares, although he does provide transportation via an animal truck. He also tells Percy that his mother is indeed alive, being held hostage by Hades. On the truck ride, Annabeth’s reaction to the trap and spiders is explored. Grover also explains how he found Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth, and how he got them to Camp Half-Blood, although Thalia sacrificed herself and was turned into a tree to preserve her life. The truck ride stops in Las Vegas, short of their destination of Los Angeles, although they still have 5 days before their deadline. They stop at the Lotus Hotel and Casino, and are greeted warmly and given accommodation despite having no money to pay for it. After perusing the casino for a bit, Percy realizes that another boy there thinks the year is 1977. After a bit of investigating, they discover that there are people from various times there, and that the hotel makes time pass at an accelerated pace relative to the outside world. They immediately leave and are relieved that it is still the same year, but are dismayed to learn that several days have passed and they only have one day left before the solstice. Using a credit card from the hotel, they are able to pay for a taxi ride from Vegas to LA.
Episode 5: We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of
When they arrive in Los Angeles, they stop at the ocean like the Neried instructed. Percy enters the water and meets her again, where she gives him three pearls on behalf of his father, and advice to only use them when in great need. While he is in the ocean, Annabeth and Grover find the address to DOA Records, the entrance to the underworld. When they arrive, the attendant, Charon, will not allow them to pass because they are not dead and they cannot pay for passage. Grover produces a golden drachma, which Charon accepts and ferries them across the River Styx. They then come across the actual entrance to the Underworld, where the 3 Furies are patrolling along with Cerberus, the three headed dog. They evade the Furies, but are caught by Cerberus. Annabeth plays fetch with him, allowing the trio to pass. While passing by the entrance to Tartarus, Grover’s shoes, the gift from Luke, start dragging him to the pit. He is able to kick the shoes off before he is dragged into the depths, but the trio wonders if someone had cursed his shoes. They finally meet with Hades, and they are both under the impression the other is the thief of the lightning bolt and Hades’s Helm of Darkness. Percy realizes he has been set up by Ares when he discovers the bolt is in his backpack, given to him by Ares, in an effort to start a war between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Hades tries to bargain for the bolt using Sally’s life, whom he currently holds. Percy refuses, and they use the pearls to escape the Underworld via the sea. When they return to the shore, Ares is waiting for them, surprised that they made it out alive. He reveals Percy was supposed to die, to kickstart the war. Percy duels Ares, and manages to wound him. Ares decides not to kill him after what seems like divine influence, and they secure both the bolt and the helm. Percy delivers the helm to Mrs. Dodds, who pursued them from the underworld to absolve him of the crime. The trio then risks a flight back to New York to deliver the bolt to Zeus on Mt. Olympus, and manage to due so before the deadline. Percy briefly meets Poseidon for the first time, and he says he is proud of Percy, and that Sally has been returned to New York by Hades. Percy returns to camp, and enjoys the rest of the summer with his new friends. At the end of summer, as everyone is preparing to leave, Percy and Luke hang out in the woods, where Luke lets loose a deadly scorpion on Percy, revealing himself to be the Lightning Thief on behalf of Kronos, and voices his frustration with the gods neglecting their children and asks Percy to join him. Percy refuses, and the scorpion stings him, leaving Percy to stumble back to camp before he dies. Chiron is able to cure Percy, and he, Percy, and Annabeth discuss Luke’s betrayal. Annabeth then leaves Camp Half-Blood for the first time in 5 years, going to try and reconnect with her step family. Percy then leaves camp, meeting his mom, and repeating his warning to any half-bloods who might be listening.
Season 2: The Sea of Monsters
Episode 1: I Play Dodgeball with Cannibals
Percy has a dream of Grover running from a cyclops in a wedding shop, and he hears an unknown voice taunting him. When he wakes up, he sees a shadow outside his window that disappears when he looks at it. Percy then goes to school, where he and his awkward friend Tyson are stuck playing dodgeball. Their opponents turn out to be Laistrygonian Giants, who summon explosive dodgeballs in an attempt to kill Percy. He is protected by Tyson, who is unaffected by the heat and lethality of the balls. Annabeth appears and saves the two by stabbing the last giant in the back. The gymnasium they were in has taken significant damage, so they flee the scene and call upon the Gray Sisters and their taxi. The Gray Sisters accidentally reveal crucial information about Percy’s future, and he blackmails them using their one shared eye. When they finally reach Camp Half-Blood, they discover it under attack by two Bronze Bulls. Annabeth explains that the tree that protected the camp from monsters, Thalia’s tree, had been poisoned and was dying, allowing monsters in. After being granted entry by Annabeth, Tyson is able to subdue one of the bulls with help of his heat resistant person, and Clarisse manages to subdue the other one with the help of Percy. Percy finally realizes that Tyson is a cyclops, which was why he was able to defeat the bulls and the giants earlier. Because Tyson is a cyclops, and Poseidon is the father of all cyclops, this makes Tyson Percy’s half-brother (although he is not a demigod, he is a monster).
Episode 2: Demon Pigeons Attack
After the fight, Percy learns that Chiron has been fired from his job at camp, because he is a prime suspect of poisoning Thalia’s tree because he is the son of Kronos. He has been replaced by a man from the Underworld, named Tantalus, who is cursed with hunger and thirst but cannot eat or drink because he served human flesh to the gods. Percy is embarrassed by his relation to Tyson, because while he is good meaning, he is rather awkward, childish, and a monster. Tantalus announces that a chariot race will be held instead of their usual capture the flag. Percy and Annabeth fight over including Tyson on their chariot team, and briefly stop talking to each other. During the chariot race, Stymphalian Birds attack the camp, and Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson are able to drive them away via Chiron’s collection of opera music he left behind. Although they drive the birds away, Tantalus hates Percy and ignores that, heaping favor on Clarisse for winning the chariot race. He punishes Annabeth, Tyson, and Percy with kitchen duty. While on kitchen duty, Percy and Annabeth reconcile while Percy explains the vision he had of Grover in the previous episode, and Annabeth deduces he is trapped by Polyphemus, Jason’s enemy, in The Sea of Monsters. She also guesses that he holds The Golden Fleece, and that it could save Thalia’s tree.That night, at the campfire, Percy demands that Tantalus send a quest, revealing the information about the Golden Fleece, and the information the Gray Sisters gave him. Tantalus relents, and sends Clarisse, alone, on the quest. Percy wanted to take the quest instead, and while walking on the beach, meets Hermes, who convinces him to go on his own quest. He also mentions that he wants him to try and save Luke, believing there is still good in him. He gives Percy several gifts, including vitamins and a thermos filled with wind. Annabeth and Tyson approach Percy after Hermes leaves, and he explains there visit. The three of the them decide to sneak off, and Percy summons some Hippocampi to traverse the water to a passing cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda.
Episode 3: We Hitch a Ride with Dead Confederates
Shortly after coming aboard the cruise ship, they discover that it is abandoned and that Luke is now using it to transport the fledgling Titan army. They are captured and brought to Luke, and discover that his true intentions are to resurrect Kronos using the Golden Fleece and help him overthrow Olympus. Percy and Annabeth again refuse his offer to join them, and they are able to escape the Titan army by jettisoning a lifeboat and using the thermos Hermes gave them as an engine. Tyson pilots them to Virginia while Percy and Annabeth sleep. When they wake up, Percy tells Tyson to go find them some food as a way to speak to Annabeth in private about her obvious animosity with Tyson. Annabeth explains that she has an aversion to all cyclops due to a bad experience in her childhood, but before she can expand Tyson returns with food. Percy is surprised, because they are in the middle of nowhere, but he discovers a convince store, Monster Donut. They are suspicious, and it turns out it is connected to the life force of the Hydra. Percy fights the Hydra, but is unable to defeat it as it keeps growing heads. They are saved by a Civil War battleship captained by Clarisse, who invites them on. Clarisse is obviously unhappy to see them, but accepts their help on her quest. They travel to The Sea of Monsters entrance off the coast of Florida, and have to choose between sailing into Scylla or Charybdis. Clarisse decides to try and sail through Charybdis, but sails to close to the cliffs of Scylla. Several crewmen and Percy are snatched, but Percy manages to free himself. The ship is unable to handle the strain of going through the whirlpool, and the engine breaks. Tyson volunteers to fix it, and while he is down there, the ship explodes. Percy is launched into the sea, through the entrance, but losing consciousness.
Episode 4: Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
Percy wakes up on a life raft, having been fished out of the water by Annabeth. Annabeth explains that she used the remaining wind in the thermos to guide them through the sea. She also managed to save a bag of supplies, including some food, some money, and the vitamins. She explains that she searched for Clarisse and Tyson but she couldn’t find them. The raft eventually washes up on an island, where they are greeted by a spa attendant. Annabeth and Percy are taken to separate rooms for a spa treatment, where Percy meets, Circe, the sorceress. Circe reveals that this is actually a prison for men, which she turns into guinea pigs. She turns Percy into a guinea pig, and then meets Annabeth, attempting to seduce her to abandon her quest and join the ranks of her sorceresses. Percy believes that Annabeth will be tempted by the offer, and she asks for some time to consider the offer, Circe and her attendant leave, and Annabeth deduces that Percy is one of the many guinea pigs trapped in the cage in the room. She finds the vitamins in the bag and pours them into the cage, and the guinea pigs rush to eat them. The vitamins turn all the guinea pigs back into humans, one of them being Blackbeard. The pirates rampage against Circe, and Annabeth and Percy use the distraction to escape aboard one of the ships docked there. After sailing for a bit, Annabeth expresses her desire to hear the song of the sirens, a famous monster that dwells in the Sea. Sailors who hear their song realize their deepest desires, but are killed upon searching for the song. Annabeth devises a plan to have Percy block his hearing and tie Annabeth to the mast, so that she can listen to the song without swimming to their death. As they pass by the Sirens, Annabeth begs Percy to free her, but he turns away from her. When he looks again, Annabeth has used a knife in her pocket to free herself and swim towards the shore. Percy swims and saves her from reaching the shore, and they return to the ship. Annabeth reveals that her fatal flaw is pride, and she relates the story of why she hates the cyclops. We flash back to a young Luke, Annabeth, Grover, and Thalia on the run to Camp Half-Blood, where they are kidnapped by cyclops who almost kills them all, and scarred Annabeth emotionally. As she finishes telling the story, they arrive at Polyphemus’s island.
Episode 5: Nobody Gets the Fleece
Percy and Annabeth land on the island, and discover another ship there, indicating that Clairsse or Tyson or both have survived and made their way there. They discover that Polyphemus kidnapped Grover because he thinks that he is a female cyclops and wants to marry him. They sneak inside the cave by hiding on the underbelly of Polyphemus’s sheep, and see that he has captured Clarisse and is preparing her as dinner. She reveals that Grover is not a female cyclops, and actually a satyr. Polyphemus switches his plan, intending to marry Clarisse and eat Grover. Percy and Annabeth confront him, and Annabeth uses her hat to become invisible and tricking him into thinking he was being attacked by Nobody. Tyson is able to remove the boulder that blocked the entrance to the cave, and help everyone escape. Polyphemus realizes Tyson is a cyclops, and explores him to kill the intruders and help his brother. He asks Poseidon to curse his enemy, like he did with Jason, but Percy is confident he will not. Tyson is seemingly torn, but does not help Polyphemus, and the five of them manage to escape with the Golden Fleece, leaving Polyphemus cursing Nobody for besting him again. They make their way back to Miami via Hippocampi, and everyone agrees to send Clarisse back to camp via plane, using the little money they had left. Clarisse is at first reluctant to do this, as she does not want to leave her friends behind, and that she does not deserve to succeed in her quest when Percy did a lot of the work, but she eventually does. Tyson and Percy have a discussion about Polyphemus, where Tyson reaffirms his brotherhood with Percy, calling Polyphemus fat and spoiled and arrogant, and that they are not brothers. As they start to head back to New York the long way, they are again captured by Luke aboard his cruise ship. Luke plans to let Percy due the heavy lifting and steal the fleece, then take it from him, but he is foiled when he reveals Clarisse is already on her way back with he fleece. Percy then creates an iris message to Camp Half-Blood and gets Luke to admit that he poisoned Thalia’s tree, not Chiron. The camp, including Mr. D, hears this, and banishes Tantalus back to Hades. Luke cuts the message, and duels Percy, severely injuring his leg, but are saved by Chiron and his centaur brethren. They all travel back to Camp Half-Blood, where they place the Golden Fleece on Thalia’s tree and recuperate. One night, they discover a girl lying at the base of Thalia’s true, with Chiron commenting that the Fleece did its job too well. The girl reveals herself to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus.
Season 3: The Titan’s Curse
Episode 1: My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong
6 months after the previous season, Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth are meeting Grover at a boarding school to collect two powerful demigods Grover had found there. Thalia demonstrates her ability to manipulate the mist to infiltrate the school, who are in the middle of a school dance. Grover meets up with them, and identifies the two demigods: Bianca and Nico di Angelo. He also points out Dr. Thorn, the vice principal who Grover suspects is a monster. Percy and Annabeth dance to blend in, and Percy notes that she has ages since their last meeting. Percy sees Dr. Thorn walk out of the building with the two, and he follows by himself, as the others are not readily available. Dr. Thorn transforms into a manticore, and stabs Percy with a thorn, poisoning him. Percy mentally calls out for Grover for help, and stalls Dr. Thorn, getting him monologuing about ancient monsters awakening. Grover, Thalia, and Annabeth show up, and Dr. Thorn attacks. They are saved by a volley of silver arrows fired from the bushes. It is the Hunters of Artemis, and they are about to kill the manticore when he grabs Percy and Thalia, who have both been wounded. Annabeth leaps on his back to rescue them, and the hunters shoot another volley at him. He falls from the cliff, taking Annabeth with him, and leaving no trace of either of them except Annabeth’s hat.
Episode 2: I Make a Dangerous Promise
Artemis appears and has the Hunters set up camp and meets with Percy. He is surprised to see that Artemis takes the form of a girl younger than himself. Percy conveys the message that Dr. Thorn had said about ancient monster reawakening, and decides that she is going to go alone to hunt a powerful monster. She places her lieutenant, Zoe Nightshade, in charge of the Hunters in her absence, but instructs them to wait at Camp Half-Blood until her return. Bianca also chooses to join the Hunters, instead of become a demigod at Camp, which Percy objects to but does not stop. Artemis calls her brother, Apollo, and has the demigods and the Hunters drive to Camp Half-Blood via the sun chariot. Apollo lets Thalia drive, being a daughter of Zeus, lord of the skies, but the ride is rough because Thalia is deathly afraid of heights. They crash into the lake at camp, and Nico is lead to the Big House to talk with Chiron and Mr. D, who forbid Percy and Thalia from going after Annabeth on their own. That night, Percy dreams of Annabeth being tricked into holding up the ceiling of a cavern by Luke, and Percy realizes that she is actually carrying the sky, the burden of the Titan Atlas. Percy confides this in Grover, who tells him that he overheard Annabeth and Thalia discussing joining the Hunters. Percy attempts to speak to the oracle, but the oracle is silent. While training with Thalia and the Hunters, Percy and Thalia get into an argument with subtext about Annabeth, and they come to arms when the oracle walks towards Zoe and gives a prophecy. A meeting of the Hunters and the Camp counsellors is convened, and it is decided that Zoe, Thalia, Grover, Bianca, and a hunter named Phoebe will travel on the quest. Percy protests, but isn’t allowed to go partly because the Hunters aversion to men, and party because his motivation is mostly Annabeth. Percy has another dream in which Artemis takes Annabeth’s place holding the sky to save her life. Luke chains Annabeth up and holds her captive, as bait for the demigods. Percy wakes up to a pegasus asking for his help to untangle a sea creature. Percy helps the sea creature, who he affectionately calls Bessie, escape, and when he returns, he finds Nico eavesdropping on the Hunters. Donning Annabeth’s hat, he joins and discovers that Phoebe has become bedridden and they will leave without her. He stops Nico from trying to join the quest, promising that he will go on the quest and protect Bianca, which Nico accepts. Percy then trails the quest on horseback with his pegasus Blackjack, when he is caught by Mr. D, who toys with him. Percy convinces him to let him keep following the quest, and he eventually relents with indifference.
Episode 3: I Learn How to Grow Zombies
After following the quest for several hours, they stop at the Smithsonian museum. Dr. Thorn and a man referred to as The General are there, using fossils to create skeletal warriors, who will track and kill the questers using a piece of fabric with their scent. While invisible, Percy steals the fabric so they cannot get their scent, but instead the warrior get his scent. Percy meets up with the others and fills them in on the Annabeth, Artemis, and the skeletal warriors. Zoe is furious that Percy is here with them, but resigned to the fact that he must be part of the quest.As they are debriefing, the Nemean Lion attacks, and everyone is unable to pierce his hide. Using astronaut food, Percy is able to get the Lion to open its mouth wide enough for Zoe to shoot it, killing it. Zoe gives the pelt to Percy, who devised the plan even though she dealt the killing blow. Percy offers to leave since the skeletons are pursuing him, but Zoe insists that he now part of the quest, and she will not leave anyone behind. The run away and share a fire with a homeless man in a train yard, who speaks in rhyme and is actually Apollo in disguise. They board a train and head west to New Mexico. Percy has another dream, in this one he is receiving Riptide from a girl he does not recognize. They are taking a small break when Grover passes out and the skeletal warriors attack again. Bianca is able to permentanly kill one, although no one knows why. Grover recovers, saying he felt the presence of the long lost Pan along with a gift from him, the Erymanthian Boar. They hitch a ride on the Boar who carries them further into the desert towards San Francisco. They disembark in the junkyard of the gods, where Zoe warns them not to take anything. Percy meets with Aphrodite, who has taken an interest in the relationship between Annabeth and Percy. Percy denis this, but Aphrodite insists. She also mentions that when they get to San Francisco, they should find Nereus, to give them important information. They walk through the junkyard without incident, although when they leave, a giant statue, Talos, comes to life and starts attacking. Bianca reveals that she had taken something, a little statuette as a gift for her brother. Bianca sacrifices her life in order to defeat the statue, entrusting the statue with Percy to give to Nico. The statue is defeated, and the four remaining lament their loss with realization as the prophecy given comes true.
Episode 4: I Have a Dam Problem
The group finds a truck in the junkyard and drive until they reach a river, and they steal some canoes to head upriver. They go as far as they can, reaching closer to the Hoover Dam. Grover and Percy lament the fact that Annabeth isn’t there to see it, as it is her favorite architecture. They visit the landmark in order to find some maps to get to San Francisco. Percy separates himself when he hears Bessie mooing, and he wonders what the creature is doing all the way up here. Bessie alerts him to the skeletal warriors, who are closing in on the group. As he tries to escape, he gets stuck with a tour group who descend lower into the dam. The tour guide seems to be Athena, who gives Percy cryptic advice on how to escape this situation. Percy manages to evade the skeletons, but is surprised by a mortal, whom he mistakenly attacks. Luckily, the sword cannot harm mortals, but she notices the oddity unlike all the other mortals. Percy tries to manipulate the mist like Thalia did earlier, but it does not work. The girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, sees the skeletons and throws them off Percy’s trail, allowing him to regroup with Thalia, Grover, and Zoe. He alerts them to the warriors, and Thalia prays to her father for a means of escape, and he sends giant metal statues of angels to carry them off to San Francisco. During their flight, Thalia confides in Percy that she is terrified of heights, which is why she has been hesitant to do anything involving the skies. When in San Francisco, they heed the advice of Aphrodite and visit Nereus, who tries to escape but Percy forces him to tell them whatever it is they need to know. He informs them of the powers of Bessie, who is the master that Artemis was hunting. Whoever burns the entrails of Bessie gains the power to overthrow Olympus. Dr. Thorn shows up, and tries to seduce Thalia to kill Bessie and take the power for herself, but she resists. They get a message to Camp Half-Blood, and Mr. D saves them by killing Dr. Thorn. Percy decides to send Grover and Bessie to Olympus, and sacrifices the Nemean Lion pelt to Poseidon to ensure they get there safely. After this, Zoe, Thalia, and Percy visits Annabeth’s father’s house, where they borrow his car to travel to Mount Tam to save everybody. He wants Percy to tell Annabeth that she will always have a home with him.
Episode 5: A Friend Says Goodbye
They reach the entrance to Mount Tam, the Garden of the Hesperides. Zoe reveals that she use to live there with here sisters until she helped Hercules steal from the tree protected by Ladon, a giant dragon, and that her father is Atlas. She was banished from the Garden, and told never to return. Zoe distracts Ladon while Percy and Thalia sneak past to Mount Tam. Zoe seemingly makes it, but is bitten by Ladon and is poisoned. They find Artemis holding up the sky, and are taunted by Luke and Atlas, who are holding Annabeth hostage there. Thalia engages Luke in a fight, while Percy and Zoe attack Atlas. Learning he hopelessly outmatched, he instead goes to Artemis and takes her burden while she fights Atlas. In the ensuing fight, Atlas kills Zoe by throwing her against the rocks, while Thalia defeats Luke when falls into a hole and disappears. Artemis forces Atlas into a position where Percy can foist the sky back on Atlas, forcing him to retake the burden. They rescue Annabeth, and everyone heads back to Olympus, but not before Artemis memorializes Zoe as a constellation in the sky. Annabeth, Thalia, and Percy are summoned to a meeting of the gods, where Thalia announces her intention to join the Hunters of Artemis, stopping her from reaching 16 and fulfilling the prophecy. Percy is relieved that Annabeth did not express interest in joining. Ares and Athena suggest killing Percy before he turns 16 so he cannot fulfill the prophecy, but Poseidon and Artemis convince them not to. They also allow Bessie to live and live on Mount Olympus. Percy has a brief meeting with Athena, who informs her of her disapproval of his relationship with Annabeth. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover return to Camp Half-Blood, where Percy realizes he needs to tell Nico that Bianca died on the quest.Nico is furious that Percy did not keep his promise, although Percy tries to give him the statue that she died for. The remaining skeletal warriors appear, still hunting Percy, and Nico in his rage opens a fissure in the Earth that swallows them. Nico leaves the camp, and Percy realizes that his godly parent is Hades, another of the Big Three. When he and Annabeth are talking about Nico later, Grover interrupts, excitedly telling them he has heard the voice of Pan, long missing.
Season 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth
Episode 1: I Battle the Cheerleading Squad
Percy is at his freshmen orientation when he notices that Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the mortal he met at the Hoover Dam, is there as well. Rachel tells Percy that two of the cheerleaders are monsters, and flees to the gymnasium, where Percy follows. Kelli and Tammi, two empousai, attack them, and Percy kills Tammi but Kelli gets away. Having caused damage to the school, Percy and Rachel flee when they run into Annabeth, who had come to meet Percy for a date. Rachel tells him that she will come up with a story to cover, and that he and Annabeth go on their way. They arrive at camp, and Annabeth leaves to talk with Clarisse about a secret mission. Percy meets the new sword master, Quintus, and his pet hellhound Mrs. O’Leary. Percy is wary of him, but Chiron vouches for him. Chiron, Percy, Annabeth, and Clarisse go to the woods where Grover is being accused of heresy for proclaiming that Pan spoke to him. He is given one week to find Pan, or he will be exiled from nature. Later, Tyson returns from his home under the seas and fixes Percy’s shield that was previously damaged. That night, he receives a message from someone, showing him that Nico is conversing with the dead, who are advising him the to bring someone back to life requires the taking of someone’s life. Percy thinks that Nico will be coming after him to kill him. The next day, while scouting in the woods, Percy and Annabeth are attacked by some scorpions, and they hide in some rocks, and fall into a dark cavern. Annabeth freaks out, and they quickly find their way out. Annabeth reveals that they fell into the labyrinth, and she has been working with Clarisse to discover it, as she fears Luke may use it as an invasion of camp. Annabeth receives a quest to find Daedalus to control the maze, and she takes Grover, Percy, and Tyson into the maze.
Episode 2: I Scoop Poop
The maze is dark and confusing, and they end up going in circles for a bit. When they come upon two diverging pathways, the Roman god Janus, who offers a key to one of the doors, but forces Annabeth to make a chance while trying to confuse her. Before Annabeth chooses, Hera appears and drives Janus away, saying she has only postponed Annabeth’s choice, but offers her a wish. Annabeth wishes for a way to navigate the maze, and Hera tells her she already has what she wishes for. The path they end up taking leads them to Alcatraz, where Brirares, a hundred handed cyclops, is imprisoned by the dragon Kampe. They rescue Briares, but he is so disheartened by his imprisonment that he refuses to help. The foursome fends off Kampe, and return to the labyrinth. They come across a cattle ranch ran by Geryon, a three headed monster. Nico is also there, trying to make a deal with Geryon, but bristles as he sees Percy. Geryon imprisons Annabeth, Grover, and Nico, and agrees to set them free if he cleans the stables. Percy succeeds by summoning the water from seashells in the stables, but when he returns Geryon does not let his friends go. Percy attacks him, but because he has three bodies and three hearts, he cannot be killed unless they are all taken out at the same time. Percy takes a bow from the ranch, and with a prayer to Hera, shoots all of his hearts out simultaneously. Geryon’s rancher, gives them a compass to find Hephaestus, who can guide them to Daedalus. Nico refuses to accompany the quest, and summons the ghost of Bianca, who reveals she sent the message about Nico to Percy. She tells him not to blame Percy and to remember not to hold a grudge. Nico forgives Percy, but still refuses to travel with them. Annabeth and crew follow the compass, a spider, deeper into the labyrinth.
Episode 3: I Take a Permanent Vacation
Traveling back in the labyrinth, the four run across the Sphinx, who instead off giving a riddle, attempts to administer a standardized test. Annabeth is upset that this is not a good proof of wisdom, and kills the Sphinx instead. Continuing onward, they reach the forges of Hephaestus, who agrees to guide them to Daedalus on the condition they find out who is using his forges in Mount St. Helens. They traverse the labyrinth, and at a juncture Grover senses the presence of Pan. The team splits up; Grover and Tyson follow the scent of Pan, while Annabeth and Percy continue on to the forges. They discover telekhines using the forges to make a weapon for Kronos. Percy is spotted and they start attacking the duo. Annabeth kisses Percy as he protects the retreat, and eventually releases a tidal wave of water to put out the fires of the forges. This causes the volcano to erupt, and the eruption sends Percy flying literally out of this world. He wakes up on the island Ogygia, where a young woman named Calypso has been healing him. They are instantly attracted to each other, but Percy insists that he must get back to the mortal world to help his friends. Calypso reveals that he must make a choice: he can either stay with Calypso on the island and become immortal, or he can leave Ogygia and never return. While Percy mulls his options, Hephaestus arrives and explains to him what has happened. Percy caused the eruption of the volcano which woke the ancient monster, Typhon, who slept there. He also helps Percy how to navigate the labyrinth, and Percy decides to leave. Calypso is not suprised by his choice, but it breaks her heart regardless. She gives him some moonlace to plant back in New York, so that he will remember her. As Percy leaves, he ponders if this will be his biggest regret in life.
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