Top 15 WoW Classic Best Addons Every Player Needs (2020 ...

best addons for wow classic

best addons for wow classic - win

Only Guide You'll Ever Need

Only Guide You'll Ever Need
Alright, the title was kinda clickbaity because this is kind of a compilation of all the guides you will ever need for wow classic.
The reason I made this was that I kept having to google stuff every time someone mentioned something new. Pet loyalty, not taking aggro, talents, etc, all to the point I wasn't playing the game most of the time. As someone new to classic WoW, there was kind of a lot to take in so hopefully this will help someone out there. If you notice something I don't have added that should be, please mention it and I'll add it to the post.
I have a full post on my website here, but I'll summarize the best parts for those who don't want to click over.
You might notice a lot of the same websites popping up as well, this is because they do a good enough job that nobody really needs to make any other content. IcyVeins and Wowhead got us covered.

Leveling Guides

In terms of text guides, nobody does it better than IcyVeins or Wowhead. You might have a preference over the two but you get the same information regardless. I've found Wowhead easier to navigate, although, that might just be me.
Wowhead Leveling Guides
IcyVein Leveling Guides (Link to it will be towards the top)
Now, when we are talking about video content there are a couple of people I use regularly (regarding leveling).
My first one is Kargoz. I am fairly certain he has a leveling guide for every class and covers lots of extra information in the videos as well, such as rotations, talents, etc.
Secondly, I also watch MetaGoblin. These videos are pretty good and cover rotations, talents, etc, much like Kargoz does. The difference between the two will mainly come down to preference.

Hunter Pet Info

As someone leveling hunter, this information is invaluable. Things like feeding your pet don't come naturally in classic WoW and I didn't even know about loyalty until I read it online.
My go-to resources for pets so far have been:
The Wowhead guide will get anyone who hasn't played hunter before pretty much up to speed with how pets work and the petopia website is filled with useful pet information. Honestly, bookmark both of these sites if you're leveling a hunter because you will be coming back to them frequently.

Leveling Zones

Best map (click on it)
Best map for just levels --
Here are some guides to help fill in the blanks though.

Class Rotations

Probably the most important section. As a new player, it might seem like you can just mash buttons and things will be alright, however, in classic WoW this isn't the case. Content is much harder and rolling your face across the keyboard won't cut it.
Thankfully, IcyVeins and Wowhead have good guides written by knowledgable classic players.

Gear Guides

There are only two things you need to be aware of for this section. One, the gear planner on Wowhead and two, the BiS gear guides on Wowhead. With those two things, you will be unstoppable.

Profession Guides

If you don't know what profession to pick, I recommend you check out this video by MadSeasonShow. He goes really in-depth about the professions and why they are good with certain classes and he's a pretty chill guy to listen to as well.
After you finally know what you want to train up you can use these guides to get to 300 quickly.


I would say there are really only a couple must-have addons for classic WoW. Those are DBM, Details, Questie, and of course Peggle Classic.
Other notable mentions include Bagnon, OmniCC, AtlasLoot, and VendorPrice.
Also, check out Wowhead’s addon guide for a more complete list.

Have a Meme

This meme was taken down for low effort *scoff* but it got like 300 upvotes and I was proud of it so have a laugh lads.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope I ended up helping someone!

Edit: I got the image from a zygor guide and apparently its from Cata so I'm removing it D: but thankfully someone posted another link for leveling zones that should be useful.
Someone also suggested AllyRoute, although I haven't used it myself.
Edit 2: Found a way better map after digging for a bit.
submitted by Thursdaymmo to classicwow [link] [comments]

List of best addons for Classic WoW?

I wanted to play WoW Classic again and I am looking for a list of addons that really improve the game. What addons are you guys using and which may be useful?
submitted by KitchenItem to classicwow [link] [comments]

submitted by D3x_69 to Herdyn [link] [comments]

Here are my top 10 tips for classic WoW! Why strafe is your best friend, and how the default UI can be improved without addons.

  1. When you buy a new rank of a spell from your class trainer, don't forget to replace the old rank on your bars. (Edit: drowsheezy mentioned this is only applicable to mana-based abilities.) One exception: healers will often use downranked versions of their spells for mana efficiency, procs and/or cast speed. For example, a druid may use rank 4, rank 8 and max rank Healing Touch at level 60.
  2. You do not need to buy every spell from the trainer, at least not right away. There are a number of "fluff" spells in vanilla that you do not need for leveling. Save your gold (I mean... copper).
  3. Use the strafe keys while running through a pack of mobs to avoid getting dazed. In a similar vein, keyboard turning is much more punishing in vanilla, especially in PvP where melee dps can run through you to interrupt your cast. Using your mouse to turn is a must. If you are having a hard time breaking the habit, consider rebinding your A & D keys to strafe left and right. Someone gave me this tip 15 years ago, and I have never looked back. It does take some getting used to however.
  4. Shift+click a quest in the journal to add them to the quest tracker. (Note that quest objectives will not be marked on your map, but an addon called Questie is available if this is a deal breaker for you.)
  5. If you are mostly going to play with the base UI, there are features in the default interface options that I would recommend you activate:
Lastly, in my opinion the UI scale is a bit large for today's monitors. You can make the overall interface smaller under System -> Advanced -> UI Scale. Check the box on the left, and bring the bar down for a smaller scale.
  1. Mana will not regen while casting in classic. There is something called the "5 second rule" where mp5 will only kick in 5 seconds after your last cast. The regen rate is the same in and out of combat. To avoid having to drink after every mob, cast a few spells and DoTs, then melee or wand for the last few hits.
  2. Resurrecting at the spirit healer prior to level 10 does not give you rez sickness. Sometimes dying is the fastest way to travel in the early levels. The durability hit is negligible.
  3. If you are a melee dps, always attack your target from behind (whenever possible). Enemies (and players) cannot dodge, block or parry from behind so you will deal a lot more damage. This is also why tanks should never show their backs to an enemy. Did I tell you how great strafing is? Edit: Enemies can dodge attacks from behind, but players cannot.
  4. You won't be able to use all types of weapons that your class can use right away. You will need to go to a weapon trainer and learn the skill. You will also need to level these weapon skills.
  5. Always log out in an Inn or major city for rested EXP. Leveling is very slow, and there are not enough quests to get you to max level. On top of getting rested EXP, you also want to kill everything on your way from point A to point B to reduce the amount of grinding you have to do later on.
Bonus: This last one is not a tip, but just something I noticed from playing during the stress test. There were a number of vanilla players complaining about the usage of "DM" for Deadmines. To avoid any confusion, the abbreviation used for Deadmines was VC which stood for VanCleef, while DM was strictly used for Dire Maul. Now that dungeon finder no longer exists, I think it would be a good idea to return to this usage. Just my two coppers. Edit: I didn't know that players felt such a strong emotional tie to their choice of abbreviation (going as far as blocking you for using VC). I was under the impression that only new players used DM, and I wanted to point out an alternate option to avoid confusion in trade chat at Dire Maul release. Clearly I was wrong. I honestly feel pretty neutral about it. Check out the polls posted in the comments below. Pretty interesting stuff.
submitted by Tigerlily1510 to classicwow [link] [comments]

Hey guys I was just wondering what the best healer addon for classic wow is so I can download it, thank you.

submitted by cyckenz to wow [link] [comments]

Trouble getting DMF Buff? Easy guide here.


Any action you take upon the information in this document is strictly at your own risk. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this document. The information contained in this document is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. Take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from this document are correct and have been verified.


So it looks like some people just stumble upon some spare time on their hands and realise the best they can make of it is to try and waste other people’s time. A bit sad, but since we're not able to help them, the second best thing we can do is to just ignore them and get this buff the easiest way possible.
It is worth noting that the stat buffs (INT/SPI/STA/STAGI) only increase your BASE stats by 10%, so they are very negligible. You either want the damage buff or if you are a healer then possibly the resistance buff. Please note that following the suggestions below will result in one character death, so you shouldn’t get any other world buffs before this.

Settings / Addons / Macros

Interact With Target Key Bind
Go to the ‘Main Menu’ (Esc by default), open ‘Key Bindings’, select ‘Targeting’ on the left then scroll down to find ‘Interact With Target’ and bind it to a key. This will allow you to interact with your target without having to actually have your mouse over it and press right click, which will come handy when there are a bunch of players on their mounts parked on top of the NPC intentionally to try and block you from getting your buff.
Targetexact Macro
Go to the ‘Main Menu’ (Esc by default), open ‘Macros’ or type “/macro” into the chat window and create one with the following content:
/targetexact Sayge 
This is optional, you’ll most likely have time to just type the above line into your chat window when needed, but it’s nice to have. Same reasons as the previous keybind, people will intentionally stand on top of the NPC to try and grief you. They will also create characters which names start with Sayge in order to mess with a regular target macro.
Enter Battleground Macro
Go to the ‘Main Menu’ (Esc by default), open ‘Macros’ or type “/macro” into the chat window and create one with the following content:
/click MiniMapBattlefieldFrame RightButton /click DropDownList1Button2 
This will save you some time entering a battleground which is the get out plan in this guide. Please test this first before going for the buff. Please note this macro only works if you’re not queued up for more than one type of BG.
Automatic Buff Selection Addon
You can save time on grabbing the buff by not having to select the dialogues manually while talking to Sayge. There are (at least) 2 options for this below:
A) WeakAuras
There are multiple WAs for this purpose, here’s the most popular one:
Please note you need to set it up properly for it to pick the correct buff.
B) Nova World Buffs
This addon is recommended to have for anyone planning on getting any world buffs.
Go to the ‘Main Menu’ (Esc by default), open ‘Interface Options’, select ‘NovaWorldBuffs’ under the ‘Addons’ tab and scroll down to the bottom. You’ll need to check the box next to ‘Auto Get DMF Buff’ and select the buff you’re going for from the dropdown list next to it.


  1. Move to the enemy territory DMF is located at, close to the actual location but at a safe distance.
  2. Ask a friend (or use an alt on a different account) to queue you up to ONE type of BG, preferably the one having it’s expected wait time close to the time it will take to spirit run to DMF. You are not able to queue for a BG after dying.
  3. Move in to DMF and get killed preferably while standing on top of Sayge. This way the people intentionally trying to block you from interacting with Sayge will actually help you a bit by covering your body, which could otherwise give a cue to them about your resurrecting.
  4. Spiritrun back to your corpse, position yourself to be in interacting range with Sayge and target him with the ‘Targetexact Macro’ mentioned earlier. You can also try and scout rogues if you have time.
  5. Once the dialogue for entering the BG pops up you can resurrect and do the below as quick as you can.
  6. Press your ‘Interact With Target Key Bind’
  7. Wait for ‘Automatic Buff Selection Addon’ to do its job. Please note this is not instant, make sure you receive your buff before moving on.
  8. Press your ‘Enter Battleground Macro’ to get out. You might need to spam this macro.
  9. Type “/afk” or right click the minimap icon to leave the BG.
  10. Congrats, you have your DMF Buff!

Resetting the Buff

If you happen to die after picking up the buff you will receive a 4 hour cooldown before you’re eligible to receive this buff again. However, this is just a hidden debuff on your character, which means you can have it knocked off you by getting affected by 16 other debuffs. The easiest way to do this is to ask some friends to come with you to the STV or DM arenas and have them debuff you with what they can.

PS.: If you have any related tips or tricks, please share it with the rest of us. Feel free to use and share this guide as you see fit. Also available in google doc:
submitted by niukie to classicwow [link] [comments]

Floating Healing Text on Allies - is this enabled yet?

Hi All,
wondering if there is a way to enable this as of yet?
through checking older posts i can find on the topic (mainly back end of 2019 / early 2020 - hence why im bringing it up again) people have been saying this was hard-disabled by blizzard early within the release of classic - so no addon can replicate the actual 3D effect of heals popping up above allies heads in game.
alternative fixes i've found thus far suggest the best fix is a 2D visual via using something like Miksfloatingcombat text (or similar) addon, which would display the heal around my own character instead of rendering it in 3D above my target.
the other solution i tried was enabling advanced interface options via AIO addon, and by the sounds of it this USED to be the way to enable it fully in early release of classic, but blizzard seems to have hard-disabled it and it no longer works. correct me if im wrong!
The general concensus among most people when discussing this topic appears to me like it is very much wanted from the community, and little contesting against enabling this feature.

My personal experience / thoughts...
Having just rolled a priest to focus on healing - this is really messing with my head not being able to see the healing im doing.
To me personally it is critical to the way I play, it feeds into not only my enjoyment of the game but also mechanically. I didn't realise how much I rely on the visual feedback of seeing my heals land on a target until suddenly I can't see them anymore!
It's not the intrinsic value as such that I pay attention to (aside from spotting when you critical heal, which is fairly important when some abilities Proc based on a critical heal!) but more-so just seeing that 'tick' of green appear above my target at the end of a healing cast, almost acting as a subliminal confirmation of " 'yes' you have landed that heal on your tank, you can begin another action/heal/movement etc". It literally feels as important as having a cast bar, from my perspective. (I have healed in retail wow since TBC so fairly ingrained!)
Furthermore, multiple targets - if I have renew up on multiple allies in a dungeon, I currently cannot spot when it's dropped off without having to click on their portrait. (I don't use any UI mods as it stands - I am aware if I got something like Zperl for classic I could see this)
From a dps perspective atleast, i know if I disabled floating combat text i would feel like I would have to constantly be checking whether I had actually cast an ability or not, as you do rely upon the instant visual feedback.

-If this is now a feature that I can enable, could some one kindly guide me on how to enable this?
-If it still cannot be enabled, can someone confirm when it was (historically) introduced into the game? My assumption would be TBC, as I faintly remember playing classic back in the day but i did not transition over to healing until TBC, at which point I only ever remember being able to visually see the healing I was doing.

Apologies for the long winded post, your help and opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as well as advice on which addon to use as the best 'temporary' fix, as I am going to assume it is not something that can be enabled until TBC unless somebody states otherwise!
submitted by Waimzer to classicwow [link] [comments]

Here's why YOU should be farming Arcane Crystals and Thorium (over 30k/h) - 8+ hours of data

For a better viewing experience, visit:
Who is this for?
Everyone! Both crafters and non-crafters.
Doing this will save you several thousands of gold or make you several thousands of gold per hour.
Alchemists will make the most gold with crafting Arcanite Bars, but selling the Arcane Crystals directly is also really good.
1. Get classic Mining and Herbalism. You can train this at your faction's cities.
2. Use a druid.
3. Get the appropriate addons to make your life easier. See this guide for reference.
4. Get Darkmoon Firewater for faster gathering.
See this sheet for all the items and gold values.
Expected per hour value:
If you've not started using TSM yet, you can follow this guide. It will you save you hours of work and you should be using it.
Un'Goro Crater
Take the Uldum portal from your main city to get here.
Super simple route.
Go into the cave in the North-East and pick up the Ghost Mushroom. Each gives you 70g (or 1k, if you craft Ghost Dye).
Dreamwalk -> Moonglade -> Fly South
Don't go into any caves, not worth.
Swamp of Sorrows
Dreamwalk -> Duskwood -> Fly East
Main city portal room -> Blasted Lands -> Fly North
The cave in the South-East is definitely worth going in to.
Main city Uldum portal -> Fly North-West -> Talk to Zidormi, to go to pre-BFA Silithus (chat balloon North-East)
Don't go into the hives, not worth.
Final words
- Follow the stream and watch the geeking live and come hang out! I'm friendly, I promise uwu
- If you enjoyed the guide, help me out by sharing it with your friends and guildies
Happy nerding :)
submitted by ElGoblinoGuides to woweconomy [link] [comments]

The current state of Method Gaming after Methodjosh's accusations

EDIT: Deepshades, a long time member of method and pro DPS player has confirmed that method is disbanded:
After harboring Joshpriest the accused sexual abuser and rapist, Method is now having community backlash from every direction including massive WoW figureheads, content creators, Pro PvE and PvP players, and internal staff. Here is a current summary of them and isn't in any certain order. This is to my best knowledge everyone I've seen make a statement on this matter.
Esfand leaves method:
Nmp askes to be released from method:
TipsOutBaby (WoW content creator) leaves method:
Caster, retired pro pvper, and method streamer of 7 years, Venruki leaves:
Caster and retired pro pvper Ziqo leaves method:
Classic wow pvper and content creator Payo leaves method:
All of method's current EU pro PvP team, which has won multiple Blizzcon titles and championships has resigned and is currently looking for a new direction:
Half of method's NA pro PvP team has resigned which included Cdew:
Method MDI EU tank Naowh leaves:
Followed by method MDI NA healer JdotB:
Ex-General Manager of method, Darrie resigns:
WoW content creator and community figurehead Dratnos leaves method:
Wow Figurehead Drjay leaves method:
Zizaran and method's PoE team leave method:
Ex-pro Cayna takes down all method advertising and plans for a permanent decision:
Method's Ex Influencer Management/Partnerships/Business Development steps down:
Corsair ends their sponsorship of method:
Wowhead, World of warcraft's biggest wiki and source of information is no longer a partner with method:
Below this is where I'll add all other person's statements that I see after the initial summary.
Wow figurehead Chinglish a.k.a PandaTV, who has his own NPC inside WoW has left method:
Wow PvPer Graycen has left method:
Wow PvPer Snowmixy has left method:
Wow figurehead Preach, who has casted multiple World First Races for method, has left:
Multi-rank 1 PvE player Ellesmere is leaving method:
EU World First Race Caster for method has left:
Djarii, Significant other of Co-CEO of method Sco, has left method:
Ex Pro PvE player for method Musclebrah is parting ways with method:
Gallywix, World of warcraft's biggest gold boosting service has ended their partnership with method. This is actually a very big blow to method's gold making:
Viklund, a Pro PvE player for method's raid team is parting ways:
Mightymouse A.K.A Demetrious Johnson Former 11 time defending MMA Flyweight Champion has left method:
NordVPN and possible MSI gaming have stopped sponsoring method based on their sponsor banner having no names:
2019 MDI champion and pro Pve player Meeres has left method:
Pro PvE player and author of the popular addon "Method Dungeon Tools" Nnoggie says he is leaving method and is going to rebrand his addon:
Blizzcon MDI champion and method raid member, Naowh, doubles down and says he is going to leave method entirely:
Former officer for method guild and MDI player, Gingi, has left method and will not represent them in the MDI finals:
Method's Pro PvP EU team has doubled down and has terminated their contracts with method and will not represent method anymore in any AWC tournaments:
Method's Pro PVP NA team has also doubled down and done the same as their EU counterparts:
Zizaran and his PoE team has officially been released from method and will no longer be affiliated with method:
MSI confirms they are no longer a sponsor of method:
Method guild raider and MDI player Fragnance has left method:
One of method's race to world first casters will no longer work with method:
Method Officer of over 10 years Rogerbrown has left method:
Pro PvE player for Method guild deepshades has left method:
Raid leader for method guild Scripe has left method:
Pro DPS player for method guild Narcolies has left method and will no longer raid under that name:
Another method officer Chris potter has left method:
Main tank for method Justwait has removed all method affiliation from his twitter:
Pro PvE player for method Fleks has removed all method affiliation from his twitter:
Pro PvE player for method Lorgokz has left method:
Pro PvE player for method Xerwo has left method:
submitted by mrdrpinhead to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

List of 44 top parses for each raid boss (hps and dps)

I made an addon to show top parses on tooltips when you hover over a boss to create a fun challenge of trying to beat them. Here are the top 44 player damage and healing for all raid instance bosses as of today for you to enjoy:


4945 dps on Chromaggus, by Lyft (A. Mage) using Mind/Tear 3601 dps on Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, by Eliatha (H. Warrior) using BHB/Flask 3467 dps on Ossirian the Unscarred, by Xeqter (H. Mage) using Mind/Tear 3294 dps on Lucifron, by Criple (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 3163 dps on Razorgore the Untamed, by Primal (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 3130 dps on Battleguard Sartura, by Validoz (H. Warrior) using Badge/ES 3113 dps on Magmadar, by Zyrehind (H. Rogue) using ES/Renataki 3005 dps on Gehennas, by Climette (A. Rogue) using BHB/Renataki 3004 dps on Kurinnaxx, by Хрол (A. Druid) using Badge/DFT 2934 dps on Garr, by Аймблу <Полиция Пустошей> (A. Mage) using Reed/ZG 2876 dps on Golemagg the Incinerator, by Kereline (H. Warrior) using Flask/DFT 2867 dps on High Priestess Arlokk, by Mileage (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 2762 dps on Majordomo Executus, by Jockeftw (H. Mage) using Renataki/ZG 2600 dps on Moam, by Diamondcore (H. Warrior) using DFT/ES 2599 dps on Fankriss the Unyielding, by Dardre (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 2588 dps on Shazzrah, by Подснежник <Восток> (H. Warrior) using DFT/ES 2520 dps on High Priest Venoxis, by Regain (H. Warrior) using ES/Jom 2406 dps on Jin'do the Hexxer, by Ilrina (H. Warrior) using DFT/ES 2284 dps on Edge of Madness, by Kassk (H. Warrior) using BHB/ES 2278 dps on Silithid Royalty, by Ahlaundoh (H. Warrior) using Badge/ES 2268 dps on Princess Huhuran, by 마님쌀밥좀주세요 (H. Warrior) using DFT/ES 2265 dps on Bloodlord Mandokir, by Lightsout (H. Rogue) using DFT/ES 2170 dps on Sulfuron Harbinger, by Holden (H. Warrior) using Flask/HoJ 2149 dps on Broodlord Lashlayer, by Gibi (H. Warrior) using Flask/DFT 2142 dps on Ouro, by Seonsu (H. Warrior) using Flask/PVP 2111 dps on Firemaw, by 죽을상 <킹공> (H. Warrior) using DFT/ES 2101 dps on Flamegor, by 依然邪魅 <爱护部落小朋友> (A. Warrior) using BHB/Flask 2084 dps on Nefarian, by Laiya (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 2077 dps on High Priestess Mar'li, by Shuhan (H. Warrior) using BHB/ES 2039 dps on Baron Geddon, by Dankwar (A. Warrior) using HoJ/Jom 2014 dps on Ebonroc, by Ralph (H. Warrior) using Flask/DFT 1972 dps on Hakkar, by Procctologe (H. Warrior) using Flask/HoJ 1898 dps on Ragnaros, by Stole (H. Warrior) using Flask/DFT 1886 dps on Onyxia, by Portalmaker (A. Mage) using TeaToEP 1876 dps on Buru the Gorger, by Qwertywar (H. Warrior) using Flask/HoJ 1861 dps on Gahz'ranka, by Æxon (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 1855 dps on High Priestess Jeklik, by Merkcity (H. Warrior) using ES/HoJ 1825 dps on High Priest Thekal, by Вафли <Забытое братство> (H. Warrior) using Badge/ES 1722 dps on General Rajaxx, by Smúrfygg (H. Warrior) using BHB/HoJ 1638 dps on The Prophet Skeram, by Erebus (A. Warrior) using BHB/ES 1443 dps on Ayamiss the Hunter, by Dánke (A. Mage) using Mind/ZG 1261 dps on Twin Emperors, by Ahlaundoh (H. Warrior) using Badge/ES 1044 dps on C'Thun, by Insie (A. Warrior) using DFT/ES 603 dps on Viscidus, by Vaylor (A. Warrior) using BHB/DFT


2789 hps on Shazzrah, by Warpten (H. Priest) using Rejuv/Brooch 2093 hps on Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, by 坂上丶智代 (A. Priest) using Renataki/ZG 1547 hps on Magmadar, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1514 hps on Kurinnaxx, by Ольхард (A. Paladin) using Scrolls/ZG 1482 hps on Majordomo Executus, by 王小豆 (H. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1471 hps on Viscidus, by 鱼牧 <永夜港> (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1456 hps on Silithid Royalty, by 鱼牧 <永夜港> (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1420 hps on Razorgore the Untamed, by Alcyone (A. Druid) using Renataki/ZG 1414 hps on General Rajaxx, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1388 hps on Gehennas, by Warpten (H. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1360 hps on Jin'do the Hexxer, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1351 hps on Firemaw, by Poom (A. Priest) using Blue Dragon/Rejuv 1344 hps on Garr, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1326 hps on Battleguard Sartura, by 無盡的華爾滋 (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1321 hps on High Priestess Jeklik, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1286 hps on The Prophet Skeram, by Thiccboii (A. Priest) using Rejuv/Seal 1261 hps on Lucifron, by Craycraybb (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1232 hps on High Priestess Mar'li, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1210 hps on Princess Huhuran, by Sakuratearss <《DMM》> (H. Druid) using Brooch/Renataki 1202 hps on Flamegor, by Dissa (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 1182 hps on Golemagg the Incinerator, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1179 hps on Ragnaros, by Warpten <大橘为重> (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1164 hps on Gahz'ranka, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1127 hps on Buru the Gorger, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1121 hps on Sulfuron Harbinger, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1113 hps on High Priestess Arlokk, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1095 hps on Moam, by Warpten (H. Priest) using Beads?/Brooch 1074 hps on High Priest Thekal, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1054 hps on High Priest Venoxis, by Абуальхадрез <Нам Везёт Мы Играем> (H. Priest) using Blue Dragon/Renataki 1050 hps on Edge of Madness, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1042 hps on Baron Geddon, by Warpten (H. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 1031 hps on Bloodlord Mandokir, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 1022 hps on Fankriss the Unyielding, by Akroasis (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 997 hps on Ebonroc, by Maelulz (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 979 hps on Broodlord Lashlayer, by Juno (A. Priest) using Renataki/Seal 926 hps on Ayamiss the Hunter, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 925 hps on Hakkar, by Wisdem (H. Shaman) using Rejuv/ZG 902 hps on Chromaggus, by Maledictions (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 874 hps on Ouro, by 村口李六花 (H. Shaman) using TeaRejuv 801 hps on Nefarian, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Brooch 751 hps on Ossirian the Unscarred, by Warpten (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 702 hps on Twin Emperors, by 我长衫罩子隆 (A. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv 604 hps on C'Thun, by 村口李六花 (H. Shaman) using TeaRejuv 538 hps on Onyxia, by Мервин <СерыеЛоги> (H. Priest) using Renataki/Rejuv
submitted by liveanywhere to classicwow [link] [comments]

Dipping With Ellelaith (Interview)

Hello, all you gold makers out there. How are you enjoying Shadowlands?
Got a new interview for you with Ellelaith. Maybe for some unknown but this could be a way to know her and her gold making.
You can keep reading it here or on my website. Enjoy!


Ellelaith, great to have you here. How is it going?
Hi Jack, thank you for having me. I am doing well, how are you?
Busy but alive. Let’s start with the name. Is there a story behind the name Ellelaith or is it your own name?
Ellelaith is my main toons name on World of Warcraft. She is a Beast Mastery Hunter and back before I streamed, I just used Twitch for my addons in the game and never changed it. So no, it’s not my real name.
How did you come up with that name?
It actually was a name I found on a fantasy name generator page of all places! I wasn’t finding anything on the World of Warcraft random name generator that I liked so I started looking elsewhere. Names are hard for me in World of Warcraft, lol.
Are your alts also named by that generator?
No, they aren’t. I just name them around my main name so most of them have the name Ellie or Elle in there somewhere. I also have some alts that aren’t named with Elle or Ellie and they are just names I made up. I find it helpful that people can relate to me and see an Elle or Ellie in-game and think it might be me. It might be, who knows.
Smart. Tell us something about your World of Warcraft adventures. How long have you been playing and how did you discover World of Warcraft?
I have been playing World of Warcraft since the game was released. It’s an interesting story of how I found World of Warcraft but it was from friends. Back in 2005 I had started playing The Sims and my computer was starting to die and I needed to replace a part to keep playing/using my PC. My best friend’s partner was in IT and offered to look at my PC. So I brought my PC over to his house that night and he asked me what I was using the PC for. Told him I was playing The Sims and he was like oh no, he giggled, and he said, we need to get you into something else. Ever played an MMORPG? I looked at him confused and said no.
I grew up playing console games, starting with Atari all the way up to Xbox at the end of 2009. So back to the story, he told me he had a few beta keys for a new MMORPG called World of Warcraft and this was back in 2006. He gave me a key, we played beta together with a few of his friends and my best friend, and I have been playing this game ever since.
Did you ever take a break from the game?
The only time I ever really took a long break from the game was probably right before Mist of Pandaria. I might’ve taken about a month off and then came back and got caught up in the game during Mist of Pandaria.I also took some time off and played very casually and not as often during my time in college getting my Masters Degree. That was 3 years of online distance learning along with my full-time day job. That was about 2 years ago now and I graduated in Jan 2018 with my MBA. Up until this time I was an active raider since vanilla through legion and stopped doing raids nights after that.
Well, good choice I say. So you ready for Shadowlands?
I think I am ready for a change in the game and new content for sure. I am not one of those people that prepare for expansions and never have. I love going in with a blind eye so to speak, enjoy the new content, and have fun finding new things along the way.

Gold Making

First day of Ellelaith in Shadowlands, what is she gonna do?
Sit in pending queues? No, I joke, I joke. I mean do we know how it’s going to be on day one? Honestly, I will log in and start leveling. I would be lying if I say I won’t be doing any gold making because I have that in my brain now. So I plan on questing some, doing some gold making, and scouting out any new farms I can find as well.
I am a person that enjoys taking my time, enjoying new content, and I am one to level the slowest than my raiding friends. But I am sure I will be bouncing back and forth with gold making between new and old content. I have WoW tokens to pay for!
Like what kind of gold making are we talking about?
I mainly gather and really enjoy going out in the world to farm materials to post on the auction house. It’s calming for me after a long day at the office. I can watch my other friends who are streaming or watch a good show and just do some mining, fishing, skinning, get some transmog, or go farm up a pet. I also have my main and alt set up with Halfhill and Garrison dailies and make sure to do any daily transmutes or cooldowns that I need to do.
I don’t consider myself boxed into just those that I mentioned above. I am always open-minded and on the hunt for new gold making farms. That’s one thing I love about streaming, I share with the community farms I enjoy, they tell me farms they like to do, and we help each other out in making gold. It’s fun. There are so many different ways to make gold and that’s what I really like about it in the game.
Maybe tell us how rich you are at this moment?
This should help. 📷
Nice! From what addon is that?
That is from Accountant Classic, my community actually told me about the addon because I was manually tracking it on a spreadsheet. It’s a lifesaver!I went and downloaded it and never looked back!
“I am currently working on learning how to flip”
What is gonna be your gold making goal in Shadowlands and are you gonna try any other kinds of gold making?
My goal in shadowlands will be similar to how I went about gold making in BFA which was my first real no raiding and making gold in an expansion. I kept an eye out for new farms as I leveled and checked out mobs for what they dropped, etc. I am currently working on learning how to flip and also working on leveling crafting professions. When I raided I had alchemy and herbalism but didn’t do much else, so it’s exciting to have something like that now to expand on. I will still be gathering as we head into the expansion and will continue to make progress on leveling my professions.
I started gold making in December 2018
How is the flipping going so far?
Haha, flipping is going pretty slow because I am still learning and watching others. I started gold making in December 2018 so my eyes have really been opened watching so many other people do it, especially on Twitch. I’m not that great but small strides. I know the market on my server but learning those small flips on other realms I’m not as active on. Let’s just say, it’s still a work in progress and nothing to write home about yet.
Well, I hope you will make a video about that journey.

3 Answers

Farmed Items:
  • Arcane Crystal, been mining 20 a day because they are selling well for me. Been doing transmutes to bars and just selling the crystals as is every other day.
  • Mithril Ore, been dual gathering in Felwood with my baby high mountain druid and been getting a lot of this and smelting to bars to sell lately.
  • Wildvine, the nice bonus item that comes from the dual gathering on the baby high mountain druid in Felwood while picking those flowers!
Gold Makers:
  • Burning Crusade
  • Mists of Pandaria
  • Legion


I know you have a Twitch and a YouTube channel. What kind of gold making video’s can we find on your YouTube?
The Youtube channel is something I started about 2 months ago and I want it to be an extension of my Twitch Streams. I want it to be a point of reference for those in my community to find farms I like to do and I share guides on those farms there. I am still in process of getting more videos up over time to share more of the farms I enjoy doing to make my gold. It might also help those who don’t watch Twitch but want to find a casual way to make some gold in the game and maybe just maybe, they might come to hang out with us on Twitch if they chose to do so. My videos are just there to show others what I like to do and maybe it will help someone.
O that is good, not everyone can plan the time to watch a streamer when he/she is online.
Exactly, and even though some of the content I may cover might be done by someone else on the platform, it will show how I go about it and like to do it.
Anywhere else we can find your gold making content?
The only places for gold making content are Twitch and YouTube. I do share at times my photos and gold making happens on Twitter.
Great! Do you have anything to add to this interview or say to the readers?
The only thing I would say is to be yourself, have fun playing the game as you do, and don’t let anyone stop you from doing so! In all my time, I have learned that even though I may not do something the exact way that others may do it, I am okay with that. It’s what makes me me and at the end of the day, I am having fun. That’s all that matters because if you aren’t having fun, why do it? Just enjoy the game and all the fun it offers, whether that’s content or gold making.
Exactly! I’m glad we could finally do this interview Ellelaith and thank you for your time.
Thanks again Jack for having me, my pleasure.
submitted by JackTheRealDipper to woweconomy [link] [comments]

Dipping With Vahdis (interview)

This is the last older interview I haven't posted yet. From now on only new interviews will be posted every Monday. Upcoming interviews, Sharken, Provitz (maker of the Lootappraiser addon), DalaGG, some returning guys like BilisOnyxia, Vahdis, and The Lazy Goldmaker.
We have the multiple realm pet flipper Vahdis. If you want to learn from the best on how to make gold by selling pets, then he is your guy. If you haven't followed him, I would really recommend you to do so.
You can read this interview here on Reddit or if you prefer on my website.


Vahdis, welcome, and thank you for doing this interview with me.
Thank you for doing these, they’ve been a lot of fun to read so far!
Good to hear that. I always start with the names. Tell us something about the name Vahdis.
Well, back in Mist of Pandaria I thought Demon Hunters were really cool and I was terrible with names so I ended up naming my monk ‘Varedis’ after a Demon Hunter NPC. My guild leader at the time would sometimes mispronounce it in the heat of tense raid fights and it ended up sounding like ‘Vahdis’ and I started to use that for alts and eventually all my gold making characters.

“My dad was big into MMO’s like Everquest when I was young”

Funny how you came with that name from someone mispronouncing it. Did you start playing World of Warcraft during Mist of Pandaria?
No, quite a few years earlier actually. My dad was big into MMO’s like Everquest when I was young. When he first tried out World of Warcraft in 2005, I was glued to his shoulder watching him play for a couple of years. I finally got my own account in The Burning Crusade!
That’s awesome! Does your father still play World of Warcraft?
He does, but not nearly as much. He’ll play a month or so each big patch and get his professions up every expansion, but that’s about it. He’s been hooked on Classic though and playing that a ton lately.
You are a well-known gold maker and you have a lot of knowledge, but I always have this idea that you rather stay a bit in the background. Am I right?
I like to help people out with gold making and make a few guides, but I’ve just never really got the motivation to make any videos or regular guides. I’ve certainly considering making more guides and trying to get some more knowledge out there on both the beginner side and the higher end sides of gold making. I just need to find the motivation and outlet that pushes me to do it…

Gold Making

I did see some guides of you on Reddit about pets. Are pets your favorite thing to sell and talk about?
By far! I started getting into gold making seriously back in Mist of Pandaria and it started with using pets to move gold from my old server to my main server. I really just love the variety and the flexibility of the market. There are over 500 trade-able pets in the game, and there are dozens of servers to choose from. You never know what deals or what sales you’ll have on each server making it hard to get bored of compared to things like farming or crafting.

“I’m a patient gold maker”

How do you start selling pets on other servers? Do you have a way of researching before starting on one?
When looking for a new server I try and pick a medium population server and then check The Undermine Journal’s Battle Pets page. I skim down the list and look for low quantities and high prices. I don’t like much competition or low prices, I’m a patient gold maker so these servers are great for me and all my pets! At the end of the day, it’s trial and error, you’ll never really know how good a server is until you start posting.
I have that same mindset, less competition, decent profits or it’s not worth it for me. Now with the upcoming linking of low pop realms, it seems we won’t have any low or medium pop realms left soon. Are you noticing the effects of the linked realms?
These connections have been interesting for sure. The end goal seems to be to make all servers close to a high population so I’m certainly going to have to adjust to more competition. Prices are all over the place at the moment with the Brutosaur going away soon, the end of the expansion, and all these connections I’m just waiting for Shadowlands to let things settle before making any changes to my setup.
Yeah absolutely! Talking about Shadowlands, anything you’re looking forward to as for gold making in Shadowlands?
New pets are coming of course, but for the most part flipping battle pets never changes. They will sell just as they always have.
Yeah, and I read something last week about you dumping pets and someone sending it back because it was too cheap?
The auction house throttles posting near 400 auctions, to save time on my servers I post pets under 2000 gold for 1 silver. The other day I had a player return one to me thinking I made a mistake so I thanked them, told them to keep the pet, and gave them a gift for being kind. The gold making community can be cutthroat at times so I love to see people being helpful!
It’s so good to see people can still be so kind in communities like these. We need more of this kind of person. How many realms are you on at the moment and can you give us a rough estimate of how much liquid gold you have at the moment?
At the moment I’m on about 35 servers, and the last time I checked earlier this summer I was a little over 300 million liquid gold.
You can buy some Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur with that.

3 Answers

  1. The Undermine Journal It’s unbeatable with all the graphs it has for both servers and the region.
  2. TradeSkillMaster Web Ledger A priceless new web tool for tracking sales and profits.
  3. Twitter Staying up to date with the latest WoW news and other gold makers is the main reason I’ve delved so deep into the community!
Battle Pets;
  1. Spectral Tiger Cub The first pet that got me to sell pets to afford it.
  2. Anubisath Idol An all-around great cheap battle pet.
  3. Scorched Stone “Reth Reth Reth!”
Gold Makers;
  1. BilisOnyxia
  2. Samadan
  3. Gumdrops He made the Gold Making Community we know today.
  1. TradeSkillMaster
  2. BattlePetCageMatch If you ever sell battle pets you NEED to check this out.
  3. Bagnon Inventory management is more important than most realize!


This was a very informative interview I have to say, but where can people go to and find more gold making stuff about you?
My Twitter is where I post and share a lot of gold making stuff but I mainly just hang around the WoW Economy Discord, if you ever have any questions or just want to chat with other gold makers you have to visit!
Do you have anything to add to this great interview or something you want to say?
I feel like some of my answers were a little long-winded but I just love this community and had a lot to say! Thank you for having me and I hope you continue doing more, they’ve been a blast to read and take part in!
It was my pleasure doing this interview with Vahdis. Thank you.
submitted by JackTheRealDipper to woweconomy [link] [comments]

After several years of break - is it worth to rejoin? What class to play?

Hello everyone,
i played a very long time Wow until WOTLK and only had a short look at Pandaria. I started in classic with Hunter. Than I switched to Discipline Priest and I played excessively PVP which was by far the most fun I had while playing WoW.
Now I heard that WoW Shadowlands is a very nice Addon worth to play. But I also heard that Disc Priest is not the best option anymore for playing PvP. Is that correct? I do not want to compete with the best players on the realm as i did in the past. Is it possible to play discipline priest in BG/Arena AND in Raids/Dungeons as a Healer?
If you definitely say that I have to play Shadowlands and Disc Priest is not an Option I think i might have to change to my good old Hunter ...
Looking forward for your advices

Thanks for your feedback.

submitted by Knusperfloete to wow [link] [comments]

How I profited 35 million in BFA - Its not hard, nor should it be! You can to!

Note no real new info for any seasoned AH player - Sorry for length.

So hello guys. End of BFA and I reached my goal of 15 million gold, mostly due to a stronger influx of players after the summer, and SL being delayed. In legion I had about the same end of it.
In this post I will briefly go over what I did. My motto is that anyone can do what I do - You dont need any silly addons, deep know-how, or loads of time. You can start working towards what I do today. Only thing I do what others can't is having my main with all LW recipes in-game but a few. Leatherworking is funny enough also my best gold making profession, something I don't see for any other usually.

Brief history and info (Skip ahead if you want...): I have been AH playing since end of WOTLK. Before that I was a poor grinder, that skinned for gold and did dailies (Now world quests...) for gold. In MOP I especially started making some gold, but it was not until WOD I reached my first millions. I have never grinded for any gold, and you should never do that as well. Grinding for say a herb who somebody else buys and just turns around and make your herb into his own profit, that is why grinding does not work, maybe outside of extreme cases such as expansion launches etc.

First of all, you should start leveling alts. Now is a great time do that as well, cause its fast and you will need at least 3-5 at max level anyway. Personally I "only" use LW, JC, BS, Engineer, tailor mostly. Some-times I use other professions, but I never dabble in alchemy/inscription, rarely enchanting.
Before you level alts. Consider your realm. When I moved to a proper true high pop realm thats also when I made my first serious gold. High pop means more competition, but it can also (Will also...lets be real) mean a lot more gold for you.
Now in terms of set-up and some basic addons. I have my bank alt who I only post from. I have stationed him at Darnasus, thats a quiet AH spot close to the mailbox. Im sure Hord also has a good capital like it, such as Undercity. Other than the main bank alt, I also have 1-3 bank alts with guilds that I store mats on. When prices are good, you buy - You buy ALL. Don't ever think about holding back, when you know you see a deal fill up your bank alts. Knowing when mats prices are good will come naturally, now a days I know all the prices at the back of my head, this is the only real know-how you will need to learn.
In terms of addons for AH play I only use Auctionator, and I also modded postal to loot mail faster. Its a quick LUA change you can google. You dont haft to use TSM, for me I find it silly to rely on something that automates stuff for you, but you do you. Other minor addon could be compact vendor (Formor gnomishvendorshrinker), enchantedstacksplit, easydeleteconfirm...There are many QOL addons, but these are some of the better for AH play only.

Here mid-way post I'll show some stats.

In terms of daily-gold I average about 35k a day, every day, since BFA launched. I started playing it a bit after the launch, but its around that figure. I have always had the mindset of "Small drips makes oceans". You haft to be persistent, so make gold every day. My biggest pay day was about 500k in sales (Pure profit not sure) some days after 8.3 launch. When I started BFA I had sold for 41 million, now Im at 86 million, so about 45 million in sales, which is of course not pure profit.
In terms of posted auctions pr. day I sit at around 350 on average. I dabble in a lot of single posting, but since WOD when I started using my current bank alt I have about 500k auctions posted now, just a bit under. It goes up fast when you are active throughout many years.
In terms of time spend its about 1 hour a day. Some-times its more, can be a lot more, other times it can be less. Im determined to not spend to much time on it, I have other things in WoW Id rather do as well.
I don't do any item flipping (Expect on classic when I played that a bit hehe) or anything odd like that. At best I flip materials, something I do it quit often through. I also never did mission table stuff, multi-boxed or any kind of boosting. I just do AH play, and use my professions.
Also it can be said that you should value your time. Find a niece, that works for you. But don't do some AH play method that takes way to much time. I spend a bit to much time making expolsums, since thats one of my main area's. I also wanna note that you should make "test items or feelers" as I call them. Make an item, see if it sells fast enough, before you invest. Often I make a odd LW item or something, but after 1 week of no sale I just move on. Dont bother selling items that dont move fast, it clutters up your mailbox.
So here at the end I just wanna talk about what I mainly do:
I craft the basic stuff like expolsums. The marked on my realm can be hectic due to undercutters. One day all the uncanny stuff looks good, next day its down. I like to control / reset the marked. Im the kind of player thats willing to loss gold to lower prices, before I then buy out and reset. That means that a strategy can be say posting "Uncanny mail gloves..." for 900g, to eventually reset the prices to 4k the next week or so. This has worked good for me. Some-times I also do this with mats, to eventually lower prices. Im not talking about baiting people, but just lower prices...For instance I sell the times that gives weapon glows that enchanters can make, and I will buy some of the mats and post them for 10-20g, when I see the prices at 50g and so on. This is of course a bit of a dick move, but you haft to eye an opportunity.
This also means I can have say 100 uncanny items lying around until the prices are good again. You haft to be adaptable and willing to wait. Some weeks it feels like I barely made much gold etc.
You should also value influx in player spikes A LOT. Be ready when patches drops, and for-see when wow is popular again or whatever. I made a lot gold when Covid started, but started to barely making any gold over the summer, until August when it picked up again. Of course expansion launches are likely the best times, but I have never really used that period, as I dont like playing on launches, its just a preference.
Here at the end I will also leave a YT link (That is monetized, mind you!), that shows more in-depth with profit examples at the end of the video. This guide goes over my 8.3 "fun" with 5 million pure profit in 1 month, which was my best yet. Usually I only make like 1-3 million gold a month:
Hope it helps. AGAIN! Nothing new for any seasoned AH players, but thats also the point; Anyone should be able to do what most AH players do. Its not hard, nor time consuming. He'll it even feels very casual and relaxed. 90% of the time I just have a podcast or something going etc. Cheers :)
submitted by Fentas to woweconomy [link] [comments]

Interview With The Lazy Goldmaker (Dipping With)

Every week I'm doing an interview with a gold maker. I have been doing this for a month now and that means there are already interviews out there. Now I could post every week a 1 month old interview but that seems kinda strange. The older ones will be posted but I want to keep you all up to date with the latest ones as well.
I hope you all enjoy this great interview I did with The Lazy Goldmaker. You can read it on my website or here on reddit.

The Lazy Goldmaker

Lazy Goldmaker, great to have you hear and thank you for doing this interview with me.
Nice of you to have me, this should be fun.
Well we can imagine what a Lazy Goldmaker is, but what gave you the idea to use that name?
It is a bit self-explanatory, I don’t like farming for gold, so I have to do find a more lazy way to do it. Then when I decided to start the website I had to have a name which easily explained the idea, and I think the Lazy Goldmaker does that. I like to joke with a guy in my classic guild that loves farming that I’ve never worked a day in my life.
Yeah, we have seen you play a lot of classic lately. What makes classic for you so much fun?
Mostly just the social aspect. My friends went back into classic and pulled me a long. Then we found a great guild to raid with which has been a lot of fun. We are currently the EU #1 fastest guild in the no world buffs category for AQ40. Not that any of the hardcore guilds care about it. From a gold making point of view I do find retail more interesting, and I’m planning to dip back into retail raiding at a casual level when Shadowlands comes around.
That’s awesome. Have you played back in Vanilla?
Yeah, I bought WoW sometime around the Blackwing Lair patch of Vanilla, I’ve been playing off and on but I’ve played at least a bit of every expansion.
And was that in the same way you now play classic? Targeting end game?
I’ve raided in Wrath of the Lich King, Mist of Pandaria and Legion, and just played casually in the other expansions. I’ve realized that raiding and a good guild is essential for me to truly enjoy the RPG-y character improvement aspect of the game. I’ve had fun with gold making in BfA, but I’ve realized with Classic I could have had much more fun if I’d also gone into end-game PvE.
Good to hear that you find so much enjoyment in the game. What’s your favorite class?
Either DK or Warlock. I absolutely loved affliction in the Lich King era. I’m an altoholic though and I switch mains every expansion as I like variety.

Gold Making

You said ‘I had so much fun doing gold making in Battle for Azeroth’. What was so fun about it for you?
Mostly BoE flipping. Particularly the beginning of patch 8.3 and corrupted gear which was one of the most hilarious markets I’ve ever delved into. The initial boost at the beginning with Darkmoon decks and combatant gear was also great, although by the end I’m pretty burned out on Scrapping Tidespray Linen Bracers, thankfully that’s all in the past.

“I’ve made about 15 million gold in profits from BoE’s”

How much do you think you have made with the BoE flipping?
I don’t have my numbers for the entire expansion, but I’ve made about 15 million gold in profits from BoE’s since the beginning of February 2019. That’s when I actually started recording my results. I made a good bit flipping the world drop weapons before that though, so the real number is probably 1-3 million gold higher.
Those are some great numbers. Is making gold in classic also that great?
I spend too much gold in Classic, so I’m not crazy rich. I splurge on consumables in raids like crazy. It’s also more time-consuming as the best method is just volume crafting tons of consumables. BoE’s are much easier to price correctly in classic so there aren’t any super lazy methods that work well there. Being able to just splurge on best in slot consumables, enchants and brute forcing reputations is one of the perks of gold making though, so i don’t mind. Past a certain point gold does not have much value in Classic anyway, not like retail where you can always buy tokens.
Maybe change it to The Active goldmaker in Classic? Are there a lot of differences between Classic and Retail gold making besides volume?
With the old auction house in classic it is much easier to make gold flipping materials and getting sales above market value with smart stacking. In addition, it feels like Classic players want to farm the stuff they need to a greater degree than retail. At least that seems to be the case with people in my guild, with many players having herbalism alts. Profit margins in many markets are thin in classic, but that’s certainly the case in retail right now as well.
Yeah, how are your amounts of sales and profits going so far? After all the linking, ending of the expansion and the removing of the Brutosaur. You feel the impact on it?
Haven’t really felt the Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur or the linking much. My sales are trending down, but that’s because I’m exiting the BoE market as corrupted gear will be dead in the pre-patch. There aren’t many Brutosaur hopefuls that are into heavy BoE flipping or cross realm battle pets. People who are active in those markets are generally rich enough to have bought it a long time ago.
Well that’s ok then! So what are your thoughts on gold making in Shadowlands?
Hard to say until things are finalized, but professions look very interesting from what we know. The optional reagents will add a lot of pricing complexity and will give large advantages to players with all professions available. For flipping markets it’s hard to say. The removal of warforging will certainly hurt BoE flipping, so we’ll see if that is as good as it has been in Legion and Battle for Azeroth.

“Look for items that are useful at max level”

True. Do you have any tips for people that want to start with crafting or flipping?
Look for items that are useful at max level, that’s always where gold moves the fastest. Get an addon like Tradeskillmaster that shows the crafting cost and value of an item and you can craft and sell it if it’s profitable. Flipping is generally not the best entry level market in retail anymore though, as the new auction house makes it much harder to get the sale. Materials and consumables can still work well, but you will generally have to wait a month at least to make back your initial investments.
Those are some helpful tips Lazy Goldmaker, thank you.

3 Answers

Gold makers;


You have a website, Twitch Channel, Patreon site…. Did I forget anything?
That’s about it. I do hang out on Twitter and I have a solo podcast called the World of Goldcraft that you can find on my website, on Spotify or on your favorite podcast app.
We know we can find a lot of fantastic posts on your website for classic and retail gold making, but what can we find on your Patreon?
On Patreon you can get early access to everything on my website, as well as my full TSM setup, which includes all the settings I personally used to make gold.
That’s worth a look. When do you stream?
I stream Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. 20-2330 CEST on Thursdays and Sundays and 21-2400 CEST on Tuesdays.
Well be sure to check that out! Do you have anything to add to this interview or want to say to the readers?
Have fun with it, gold making and WoW is supposed to be fun. You’ll also be more effective if you enjoy yourself!
Lazy Goldmaker, I want to thank you for your time and your knowledge. Great to have you for an interview.
Great to be here!
submitted by JackTheRealDipper to woweconomy [link] [comments]

A lifelong hardcore raider's plea to the devs

I am in love with everything I have heard about Ashes thus far, except for one thing has me concerned. I tried getting my opinion heard through the AMA but my question quickly got buried. I also tried DMing Steven directly on discord, but i quickly realized he is probably being spammed there. And that is your stance on damage meters.
To start off some background on me, I have been playing MMOs since the early 2000s including (WoW(for 13 years), Runescape, Rift, Wildstar, Star Wars the Old Republic, Albion Online, Planetside 1+2, Guild Wars 1+2, Everquest, DC Universe Online, and Star Wars Galaxies, etc.). At every point in my MMO experiences I have been driven to be "the best", I strive for perfection and I'm not happy until I'm perfect (we can talk about my inadequacy issues some other time). I have hardcore raided in every game that allowed it, and if not raiding I'd go hard in some other aspect (PvP). However, hardcore raiding is what keeps dragging me back to WoW, 13 years of the game and I say it sucks all the time, but one thing they got right, is raiding. My current MMO is Classic WoW where I'm part of a top world speedrunning guild. I share your philosophies with addons as far as boss addons/auction house addons/pvp spy addons (I could not care less about any addon except the 1, the damage meter). You stating you're against dps meters is daunting to a person like me, especially when I am so excited for this game.
That being said, I hear and understand your concerns that you made in the TimTheTatman interview. The toxic environment it creates between players of different skill levels, and the aid it gives during a live raid setting. I had a few ideas, which may not be fully fleshed out or may be just bad ideas, that could meet somewhere in the middle.
A) A toggleable dps meter, that could be controlled maybe by each individual, or perhaps the raid leader, or guild leader. So guilds that want a meter, can have one, ones that don't want a meter don't need to use it.
B) A plain old threat meter, you can get a rough idea of who's top and bottom, but would, by nature, be unreliable to judge performance by due to skill threat modifiers.
C) Combat logging, something wow does right as well, the advanced combat log is exported to a text file that can then later be uploaded to a 3rd party site where you can analyze performance, and have leaderboards
D) An after-action report, something built in game, similar to the combat logging. After the raid is finished you can analyze and scrutinize each players performance (and hopefully a leaderboard is included in there)
E) Idea from Hymnosi - A target dummy with it's own built in dps meter, that way you can test/theorycraft/prove you are decent, without it affecting live gameplay.
If you took the time to read this crazy long message, you are amazing. I will play this game regardless, and will enjoy the shit out of it. Just maybe a little bit less than if i could compete globally with all the other parse nerds out there. I'm sure with some work we can find a happy medium where the parse nerds and the casuals are both satisfied.
Much love
PS: I did my best to keep that short, but when you're passionate about something you tend to get long winded
If nothing else, this thread has made me want to create a theory crafting discord for AoC, with an emphasis on non-toxicity. If you have any interest in aiding me in this venture I would love all the help I can get. So if you're a data-miner, theorycrafter, elitist, top tier player, or simply enjoy self improvement I want you. Hit me up on discord for more info.
submitted by NutterGlutters to AshesofCreation [link] [comments]

Shout Spam + Imp Expose Armor - The New Meta For Classic Raiding

Hi guys,
There is a new meta coming for Classic Wow Raiding. It has already started to happen in the min/max community, and I expect it will arrive to your local semi-hardcore guild by AQ (Sarthe actually just released a great video on the topic). Imp. Expose Armor + Shout Spam.
This new strategy has been used by the record holders in BWL, and it reliably increases your tank's threat (in single target encounters), as well as your raid's MDPS by 5% (which is a big number given how much damage rogues and warriors do).
The TLDR is this: Your tanks switch their “filler” spell from sunder armor to Battle Shout - and by doing so your tanks will generate more threat (up to three times more threat come AQ). At the same time, since sunder armor isn’t being used, rogues can now use improved expose armor, which should increase physical damage done to the boss by ~5%.
If you want to get into the weeds, I've broken down how the math works on both the Shout Spam, and the Imp. Expose Armor side of things.
The Math: Shout Spam
Current Phase Math:
For the threat calculations, we need to know the following bits of information: 1) the threat generated by a warriors spells, and 2) the rage cost of the spells. From there we can calculate the Threat Per Rage (TPR). The following is a list of spells currently available to warriors in phase 4, with their threat generated, rage cost and TPR:
As you can see, the best TPR spell available to warriors is revenge, however it has a cooldown and can only be used following a block, dodge or parry.
After revenge, the answer is unclear. Sunder Armor generates 17 TPR, and Battle Shout 5.6 per target. This means that today, Battle Shout is better TPR than Sunder Armor if it hits at least 4 targets (on a single target fight). Note that this is TPR, not total threat. Part of the reason why Battle Shout with 4 targets is better than Sunder Armor is that it only costs 10 rage, instead of sunder armor's 15. In a situation where rage is infinite (and that often is the case for main tanks especially), Battle Shout will need to hit 5 targets (the whole party) in order to generate more threat per GCD than Sunder Armor will.
Additionally, although Sunder Armor does not deal damage, it can proc weapon effects and chance on hits. This is particularly relevant for horde tanks, tanks with Thunderfury (and to a lesser extent crusader, HOJ and 5 piece wrath). However, Sunder Armor can also be dodged/parried (which should happen to tanks 6%/13.5% of the time, respectively, assuming 305 weapon skill), while battle shout cannot. This basically shakes out to Battle Shout being better threat than Sunder Armor if you can hit 5 targets.
Heroic Strike and Bloodthirst are also used by tanks. Bloodthirst’s threat is all from damage, and it costs 30 rage, so for it to be more TPR than Sunder Armor it needs to on average hit for more than 510 damage (roughly 1133 AP, which is easily attainable by any raid tank). Heroic Strike generates threat from damage (your weapon swing damage plus a static 138) PLUS an extra 145 threat, and costs 12-15 rage. It also has an opportunity cost as an attack that uses heroic strike cannot generate rage. Generally speaking a well geared (wbuffed) tank will get better TPR from Heroic Strike than Sunder Armor.
So, in summary, in phase 4, a tank’s optimal rotation from a TPR perspective is Revenge>Bloodthirst>HS, with battle shout being used to prevent rage capping if you can hit at least 5 targets, and Sunder Armor being better if you cannot (and SA likely being better if you are rage capped and care about rage per GCD not TPR). However, the difference between the two is slim, and coordinating your raid group to change their whole tanking META (especially the tank group, who must all be close together to make sure the battle shout hits) for this is hard. The gap between the two grows dramatically in Phase 5.
Phase 5 Math:
In phase 5 warriors get 3 new ranks of abilities that are relevant to tanks, they are as follows (with threat, rage and TPR):
Heroic strike threat will still depend on your weapon damage, but now it adds 157 damage per swing AND adds an extra 175 threat. Sunder armor does not get a new rank.
Essentially what this means is Heroic Strike, Revenge and Battle Shout all produce significantly more TPR, while Sunder Armor stays the same. The new Battle Shout rank is very impactful, it generates 25% more threat in Phase 5. Remembering that Sunder Armor generates 261 threat for a TPR of 17, now all you need is to hit 3 people with your battle shout for it to produce better TPR than Sunder Armor. If you hit 5, you will generate 34% more threat per GCD shouting v.s. using Sunder Armor, and 106% more TPR (remembering Battle Shout’s rage cost is 10, and Sunder Armor’s is 15). The gap has become a canyon. This is also with limiting your party to 5. To really cheese threat, you could load your MT’s party with hunters (or warlocks), as their pets can also be buffed with battle shout. Theoretically a single battle shout could produce 630 threat and 97 TPR, but I don’t believe that is realistic in most contexts (having an unphased imp providing blood pact and adding threat to Battle Shout is totally possible for many fights however).
FURTHERMORE, the 2.5 warrior set’s 3 piece bonus reduces the rage cost of all warrior shouts by 35%. This has no effect on the total threat of Battle Shout (each shout will produce the same threat, your rage per GCD will be the same), but makes them even better from a TPR perspective - a 5 person battle shout with the 2.5 3 piece is an absolutely bonkers 54 TPR (218% better than sunder armor). The 2.5 warrior set is also coincidentally amazing for tanks, and most will likely want to wear at least 3 pieces anyways - irrespective of the 3 piece bonus.
Finally, in Phase 5 we are getting a new threat API. This is very impactful for Battle Shout tanking, as right now addons don’t calculate its threat properly. It is also hard to tell if you are “missing” someone with your battle shout mid-fight, the new threat APIs should make it possible to flash warnings when your Battle Shouts aren’t generating the threat you are expecting, allowing tanks to call out instructions for people to move in range.
So, in summary, on single target fights in phase 5 tanks will still want to use Revenge>Bloodthirst (depending on geabuffs)>Heroic Strike (again depending on geabuffs) with Battle Shout to prevent rage capping if you can hit at least 3 targets. The gulf between Sunder and Battle Shout is huge (between 34% and 218%). Battle shout is 218% better than Sunder if you are 1) hitting at least 5 party members, 2) you have the 2.5 3 set and 3) you aren’t rage capped (if you are rage capped you don’t care about TPR, you care about threat per GCD).
The Math: Improved Expose Armor
Bosses right now almost all have 3731 armor. If your guild currently uses all the normal armor reduction spells (Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, Sunder Armor) that number is reduced down to 336. This is still a significant amount of armor, and it is important to point out that armor suffers from diminishing returns. This means that taking a boss from 336 to 0 armor is far more impactful than taking a boss from 3731 to 3395. That is why many hardcore guilds used Annihilator, a weapon with a chance on hit to reduce the boss’s armor by 200, stacking up to 3 times. A single proc of that weapon could cut a boss’s armor from 336 to 136, increasing physical DPS by ~5%. It is a huge buff, but it is very unreliable - it’s just a 3% proc rate with a 17% chance of being resisted, and expensive, so most guilds don’t use it.
However, another source of armor reduction is available in the game - expose armor. When talented, a 5 point expose armor reduces the target’s armor by 2550. For comparison, a 5 stack sunder reduces armor by 2250. This is a 300 difference, even larger than Annihilator, and would bring a boss’s armor down to 36, increasing physical damage by 5%. Unfortunately, when expose armor is on a boss you cannot use sunder armor on it (the game won’t let you cast it), and most guilds rely on that spell for their tanks to hold threat, so improved expose armor isn’t a thing in the current raiding meta. If you read the above, however, you will see that Sunder Armor is not necessary for tanks to hold threat now, and is actually suboptimal threat in single target encounters come phase 5. Therefore, we should see way more guilds running improved expose armobattle shout tanking setups heading into AQ40 (at least as soon as the tanks are able to get their Battle Shout books).
The Conclusion - What Does This Mean?
The above math means that there should be a large meta shift soon, especially come AQ. Expose Armor and Battle Shout should be the go to set up for single target encounters, while multi-target encounters revert to the old style of tanking (or the expose armor is still used and the tanks just deal with their reduced threat, either by still battle shout spamming at a reduced effect, or switching to demo shout, which is not nearly as good). Specs will need to change, Booming Voice may actually become optimal for tanking warriors, and raids will need one rogue in their raids speced into IEA. Tanks will need to be more flexible, adjusting their rotations based on how many mobs they are fighting, how close their party members are, and if IEA is up on a boss.
Some people might say more threat is not necessary, especially for alliance who have a 30% buffer to begin with. I disagree - a tank has two roles in a raid, #1 keeping threat and #2 not dying. If your DPS are threat capped, more threat means faster kill times which means less chances to die. If your DPS are not threat capped, more threat means you can wear more defensive gear, which will again mean less chances to die (you may be able to wear a shield, for example, which is a massive buff to survivability). Of course, threat is only one half of the benefit of this strat, the other is 5% more physical damage which you will want even if you don't care about threat.
As far as specific boss encounters go, in AQ this new strat will be very useful on Ouro, Huhu and Cthun (huhu is single target, as is Ouro before the first submerge and cthun we don’t care about aggro, just the improved Expose Armor). These are coincidentally the three arguably hardest bosses in the instance, AND the three we care about killing the most quickly. 5% more physical damage could easily be the difference in making your zerg strat work on Huhu, or avoiding multiple vulnerability stages on C’thun. Beyond AQ, the strat will be incredible for basically all of BWL, Rag, and a TON of bosses in Naxx, including KT (maybe) and Sapph, the two hardest encounters in that raid.
Edit: I say MDPS, but hunters benefit from the 5% as well.
submitted by Dawkinz to classicwow [link] [comments]

Here's why YOU should be farming Arcane Crystals and Thorium (over 30k/h) - 8+ hours of data

For a better viewing experience, visit:
Who is this for?
Everyone! Both crafters and non-crafters.
Doing this will save you several thousands of gold or make you several thousands of gold per hour.
Alchemists will make the most gold with crafting Arcanite Bars, but selling the Arcane Crystals directly is also really good.
1. Get classic Mining and Herbalism. You can train this at your faction's cities.
2. Use a druid.
3. Get the appropriate addons to make your life easier. See this guide for reference.
4. Get Darkmoon Firewater for faster gathering.
See this sheet for all the items and gold values.
Expected per hour value:
If you've not started using TSM yet, you can follow this guide. It will you save you hours of work and you should be using it.
Un'Goro Crater
Take the Uldum portal from your main city to get here.
Super simple route.
Go into the cave in the North-East and pick up the Ghost Mushroom. Each gives you 70g (or 1k, if you craft Ghost Dye).
Dreamwalk -> Moonglade -> Fly South
Don't go into any caves, not worth.
Swamp of Sorrows
Dreamwalk -> Duskwood -> Fly East
Main city portal room -> Blasted Lands -> Fly North
The cave in the South-East is definitely worth going in to.
Main city Uldum portal -> Fly North-West -> Talk to Zidormi, to go to pre-BFA Silithus (chat balloon North-East)
Don't go into the hives, not worth.
Final words
- Follow the stream and watch the geeking live and come hang out! I'm friendly, I promise uwu
- If you enjoyed the guide, help me out by sharing it with your friends and guildies
Happy nerding :)
submitted by ElGoblinoGuides to wow [link] [comments]

Zul'Farrak farm - 100 runs

For a better viewing experience, visit:
Why farm this?
LONG list of possible transmog drops. I got 131 different pieces worth over 1k. Good for new transmog sellers to start with.
Some good recipes and old gear.
Decent place to solo farm for Mageweave Cloth, at 1500 per 10 runs.
1. Use your fastest moving class, preferably a speed twink. See this guide for reference.
2. Get the appropriate addons to make your life easier. See this guide for reference.
3. Get classic skinning. You can train this in your faction's cities. This will add 5k value per hour to the farm.
This is what I got from 100 runs:
See this sheet for all the items and gold values.
Expected per hour value:
Raw gold: 750g
Medium sell rate (1 week to 1 month): 7k
Long sell rate (several months up to over a year): 32k (50% of the price for transmog, non-mog gear and recipes)
Total: 40k
If you're unsure how to go about selling transmog, you can follow this guide. By using the strings and operations I provide, you will eventually sell it.
Route <-- click
Getting there:
Your faction's main city -> Uldum portal -> Fly over
The route:
Try your best to be under 1 hour for each 10 runs and to be efficient with what you choose to kill. Going out to kill single scattered mobs is very low gold per hour.
Each 10 runs ended up being something like 53 minutes on my speed set druid.
Final words
- Don't farm this 100 times. I did it to gather data and create the guide. Do it 10 or 20 times and move on to the next guide. You'll end up with too many duplicate items. That means your storage will get wrecked. Don't get your storage wrecked.
- Diversify! Doing 10 runs of multiple guides is better than 100 runs of one.

I've started streaming! Follow me and watch the farms live and come hang out! I'm looking for buddies to farm with!
Happy farming :)
submitted by ElGoblinoGuides to woweconomy [link] [comments]

Interview With BilisOnyxia (Dipping With....)

2 Months ago, I restarted my website to create interesting gold making content/guides/methods, sources and interviews. I want to share with you every week a interview with a great gold maker to give another view of the person as not just a gold maker but also a World of Warcraft player.
If you have any recommendations that I should interview, please let me know in the comments and why.
I hope you enjoy this first interview I did with BilisOnyxia.

Dipping With BilisOnyxia

Thank you for doing this interview. How did you come up with the name BilisOnyxia?
I wasn’t all that creative when it came to names. I had a druid named “Bilis” which (according to google) is old latin for “Wrath”, which seemed appropriate. Onyxia was the name of a realm I played on, so I simply added that to my character name. Creative, I know.
And is that character still in-game?
I’m not sure. It’s not a character I actively play anymore, that much I know.
So when did you start playing World of Warcraft?
I started playing World of Warcraft during Vanilla (2005), a couple of months after the game had been released in Europe. Time flies!
It does indeed.

Gold Making

When did you start gold making and what made you do it?
I’ve always been interested in the economy side of things. Back in Classic I used to bid on auctions that were about to expire just before the servers went down for the weekly maintenance. Back then, auctions weren’t paused during the maintenance, so you’d automatically win any short or medium duration auction if you were the highest bidder when the servers went down. But I think I started to focus more on gold making than other aspects of the game at some point during Wrath of the Lich King.
That’s an excellent idea. How did you come up with the idea to bid before server shutdowns?

“take advantage of their low bid prices”

I can’t quite remember what exactly sparked the idea – after all it has been 15 years. But I think I’ve always been trying to get some good deals on items by bidding on them. Chances are one day after the maintenance I noticed that I won more bids than usual and then I put one and one together. Back then – and this is also true for the current WoW Classic game – the default auction house UI sorted auctions based on the total bid price of the auction. By offering your auctions with a 1 copper bid, your auction will appear first when people search for the item, even if your buyout price is not the cheapest by a long shot. This system caused a lot of people to offer their auctions with a low bid to trick others into buying them. But it also invited people like me to take advantage of their low bid prices to get some great deals if they forgot to cancel their auctions in time.
You also make gold in Classic now?
I’ve not been very active in Classic lately, but I also make gold there, yes. I mostly just flip materials and commodities in convenient stack sizes. You might be surprised by how many people will pay a higher per unit price just to get the quantity they want. I quite miss this about Classic. In retail you cannot do this anymore. Last time I checked I was sitting on roughly 10,000g liquid in Classic.
Reading that, really starts me to miss the old auction house system again. How is the new auction house system treating you and would you make any changes?
The new auction house is starting to grow on me. It has its advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit of the new AH is that it is much easier to use and more powerful. It’s a big improvement for the majority of the player base who does not mainly focus on gold making and might not even have any AH addon at all. Some searches can be faster and it is much easier and faster to buy or sell large quantities of commodities. On the flip side, sniper does not work too well anymore and you cannot charge a premium for convenient stack sizes anymore. Cancels getting throttled is a bit annoying as well, but I understand why it had to be done. If there was one thing I could change, I’d revert the change that prevents us from “queuing” up actions. With the old AH you can run a post scan and then spam the Post button a hundred times in 1 second and then wait 100 seconds while your auctions get posted. With the new AH you need to wait for each action to be completed. So you click Post, wait, click Post, wait, etc. Overall it’s probably just as fast, but it’s annoying.
I get your point. Talking about current stuff, I saw you got last week your second bruto on the NA region. Congrats! What kind of gold making do you mainly do?

“I also quite enjoy flipping battle pets”

Thank you! It’s actually my first Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur on NA, but my third in total. I already had two on my EU accounts. In the past I’ve mostly been flipping commodities (materials and consumables) and transmog items, but somewhat recently over the past couple of months I’ve started to get back into crafting. I’m really enjoying the silly profit margins you can get on both old content commodities and crafted items. Selling something that only costs you a couple of gold to craft for thousands of gold is amazing! I also quite enjoy flipping battle pets across about 30 NA and 30 EU servers on separate accounts. This is also what actually allowed me to pay for the mount on NA – I moved a lot of my battle pets from dozens of realms all onto one single realm and posted them at a discount. Even though I technically lost some gold on these cheap pet sales, this allowed me to pool my gold on one realm to get the mount. So I consider this a success!
Can you give us a rough estimate of how much liquid gold you have in total?
Funnily enough, I genuinely don’t know. But it’s probably a lot less than people might think. If I had to make a guess I’d say it’s somewhere in the 20-30 million gold range in terms of liquid, spread across quite a few accounts and realms. A large amount of my gold I made over the years is invested in battle pets. I might have more than that on accounts that are long forgotten. I tend to have way too many active accounts, so monthly wow tokens eat up a good chunk of the gold I make – and buying thousands of hearthstone packs and Overwatch loot-boxes does not help with my liquid gold either.

3 Answers

  1. TradeSkillMaster No surprise there, it’s easily the best addon for gold making or WoW in general. If it wasn’t for TSM I would have quit WoW years ago.
  2. AllTheThings Super helpful to know where an item comes from.
  3. Ackis Recipe List
  1. Wowhead
  2. The Undermine Journal (retail) or Booty Bay Gazette for (classic).
  3. Twitch
Gold makers;
  1. Sheyrah Not really active in WoW anymore, but still the first name that comes to mind.
  2. Hikons
  3. Senza (Senzagames)
  1. Vial of the Sands
  2. Shirts
  3. Savage Blood and Felblight
technically not 3, but…


And last but not least! You have a Patreon and a Twitter. What can people find on your Patreon?
People who support me on Patreon get access to my fairly comprehensive profiles, both for Classic and retail WoW. My Classic profiles focus on flipping materials and consumables in neat stacks, but also help you flip other items. My retail profile (which I updated again Today) covers both flipping and crafting (all professions, both old content and current content). You just need to run shopping scans, restock crafted items and run post scans. The profile does the rest for you! I also plan on updating my profile for Shadowlands – but I still don’t have beta access, which makes things a bit harder.
Bilis, I want to thank you for your time and effort for this interview.
Thanks for having me!
submitted by JackTheRealDipper to woweconomy [link] [comments]

BANNED - Not exactly sure why

BANNED - Not exactly sure why

So a bit of background, I've been playing since TBC original retail release. During MoP I did not have as much time to play the game as I once did and keep up with the consumables and reputation grind needed to be competitive in a raiding guild. So I did something I regretted and ended up being suspended for 6 months. When my time was up, I had even less time than before. The pressure was too great and I fell for the same mistake again but this time something like a 1 3/4 year suspension. I just ended up quitting, and then classic was announced. By this time my account had already become available to renew it's subscription. So I renewed my account and vowed not to give into that urge and just try the best I could do with the time given to me. Especially since of facing a 3 strike suspension = permanently banned.
Classic/Vanilla was a lot grindier than I expected. But instead of trying to maintain a pace I would have normally before I adjusted my expectations and just took in the classic experience. I ended up joining a guild that was a bit more hardcore than I was looking to play for but I ended up staying and enjoying my time with the guild so far. Luckily, this time around I'd have a bit more time and adjusted expectations, with the fear of being permanently banned if I ended up doing anything stupid. So I've been extremely vigilant and have had no issues completing tasks at a timely fashion as well as staying out of trouble.
Now if you have read this far, you are thinking that I probably ended up "botting" or using third party software like i did the last 2 suspensions. And what is crazy, is that this time I in fact was not using third party software and it really upsets me that this happened seeing actual bots repeatedly zone in and out of DMN or running around picking herbs or mining veins.
The ONLY thing I can think that might have caused a false positive, or gave players around me the impression that I was botting was an addon called "Follow me".
I've got a couple of other accounts, that I use on the same computer and connection, that were untouched. And from the account that got banned used my mage to powerlevel/boost alt toons on those accounts in dungeons (RFC, SFK, SM, Mara, ZG, etc). Alt-tabbing and getting those toons to follow my banned account's mage was very annoying and time consuming. Especially outside Mara where pvp is normal. The addon works by allowing a player in your party to whisper "!follow" and I had a macro that I would hit when I needed my alts to follow that would whisper them both. Doing so will get the characters you whisper to automatically follow you. It looks pretty sus if you ever seen it but never worried much about it because it is an addon that is not blocked by the wow client or banned that I know of.
At this point no idea what to do, I really didn't deserve this permanent ban. I understand if the average person wouldn't believe considering I've been suspended before for the same thing twice before. But I'm just looking to get maybe some exposure and hope that a Blizzard employee might see this and verify what I've said and check in on my activity to confirm. Until then I'll try to keep appealing and pray someone has some empathy. Thanks.
submitted by buddyleex to classicwow [link] [comments]

Raid Attendance Tracker Classic Support

Hello everyone! My guild had been looking for an attendance system for a long time and we tried a lot of different solutions and addons but nothing was good enough. It either required too much maintenance or didn’t track enough information about players attendance so we decided to make our own system. The addon has existed on retail for quite some time now and it was over due to get classic support so I finally made the conversion. There is a lot of information about how the addon works on the addon website so I will keep it short here. The best parts about this addon is that it is a fully automatic and self maintained system that only requires 1 player in the guild to have it for it to be able to function and has alt support. It also has a completely unique and dynamic scoring algorithm which ranks players based of their attendance points and percent. It has a ton of more features like automatic recognition of raid days, raiders/trails leaving and joining, syncing between users and much more. It is also extremely easy and quick to setup.
RAT automatically recognizes those who aren't attending the raid and will give those missed points which affects their %. Players that have benched themselves using the proper command gets points throughout the raid and are free to leave the raid or go offline.
So to all officers and guild masters that have been looking for a self maintained attendance system or to those who have settled for something they don't really like, that time is now over!
submitted by AnTr95 to classicwow [link] [comments]

best addons for wow classic video

WoW Classic: Übersicht über die wichtigsten Addons zum Classic-Start Quelle: buffed 26.08.2019 um 18:15 Uhr von Paul Herzog - Am 27. August 2019 startet die WoW-Gemeinde in das überarbeitete ... Die größte Plattform für World of Warcraft-Addons ist CurseForge. Neben rund 300 Addons für WoW Classic, findet ihr auch 6.800 weitere Modifikationen für alle anderen Versionen des Spiels. Eine Alternative zu CurseForge ist Warcrafttavern. Dort findet ihr aber nur die gängigsten Addons. 12 Best WoW Classic Addons (2021) – Top Options for Your UI! By: Shaun Savage - Updated: January 1, 2021. We're taking a look at some of the most valuable addons you can have in WoW Classic! Tweet. Share. Pin. Our World of Warcraft Classic Best Addons Guide displays some of the top additions to making your Vanilla WoW experience that much better! We've got a list of the most essential ... What are the best addons in WoW Classic? World of Warcraft Classic has been out for almost 15 years, and its user interface shows it. While the information it conveyed to players was state of the ... Top 15 WoW Classic Best Addons Every Player Needs (2020 Edition) Updated: 07 Apr 2020 10:00 pm. Gotta tinker to get it right. BY: Christian Clay . Throught the 15 odd years world of Warcraft has been around, the game has added many quality of life features that make the game simpler, and, for many, more enjoyable. Many of those tiny changes to the user interface can be replicated through third ... The auctioneer is one of the best wow classic addons that you will need if you want to make enough gold to get your first mount and again when you want to get an epic. this cool wow addon helps to track the cost of items, and will store the cost of how much certain items are being auctioned. Best Everyday Addons for Classic WoW. Advanced Interface Options - Exposes all interface options hidden by Blizzard. Also includes a useful cvar explorer, perfect for players that like to tweak their WoW Client. AtlasLootClassic - Addon to check all loot tables from the game. Useful as Classic does not have a Dungeon Journal like retail. Es gibt mehrere Download-Portale für WoW Classic Addons, die bekanntesten sind WoW Interface, das zum Twitch-Client gehörige Curse Forge und Github. Dort findet ihr einige Addons sogar auf Deutsch. WoW Classic: Die besten Addons. Den Download für WoW Classic Addons finden Sie auf verschiedenen Portalen - teilweise auch schon auf Deutsch. Am bekanntesten sind WoW Interface und das zum Twitch ... Mit den passenden Addons könnt ihr euch eure Abenteuer in WoW Classic ein wenig versüßen, ohne dass es dabei seinen Vanilla Charme verliert. Wir haben uns die besten Addons für WoW Classic herausgesucht, die aktuellen Top 10 von Curse und WoW Interface aufgelistet und nach Kategorien wie Quest, Timer, Loot und Bosshelfer unterteilt.

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