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150 Stupid Things To Use A Time Machine For (Or: The Perils Of Working At A Time Machine Rental Service)

Rules Of Time Machine Operation:

1\. No booty calls on famous historical figures.
2\. No visiting the red light district of Paris in the early 19th century and asking around for Fantime, who is a fictional character might I add.
3\. No getting famous historical figures blackout drunk and leaving them extremely confused in the morning when they wake up in their bed, on someone else's roof, wearing nothing but a floral print muumuu and a thong, surrounded by a stolen department store mannequin, a bajillion potatoes, and 600 pounds of those little rubber erasers that come on the tops of pencils.
4\. No setting "Amazing Grace" to a snappy disco beat.
4a\. Or the US national anthem.
4b\. Or anyone else's national anthem.
5\. No trolling random paranoiacs.
6\. No scaring the shit out of James Cameron by suddenly appearing in front of him in full Terminator cosplay before the movie is even released.
7\. No pantsing Adolf Hitler, no matter how much he deserves it.
7a\. No pantsing Joseph Stalin, either. Unless you have a death wish.
7b\. No pantsing Rasputin. Now that you've seen what he's packing, the feelings of inadequacy should be sufficient punishment.
7d\. Or recent ones. I don't care HOW much Bill Clinton was willing to pay, and frankly I don't want to know.
8\. No giving Napoleon a 1980s sports almanac. (I mean, it's not like he'd be able to use it.)
9\. No crashing Jesus' crucifixion to sell merch.
10\. No appearing in the background of every famous photograph in the Louvre and/or the Smithsonian. Especially not while dabbing.
11\. No interfering with the production of Back To The Future. Especially not so that Doc Brown gets a time-traveling Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. I don't care HOW much money you would have made in product placement.
12\. No giving free abortions to the mothers of people you hate.
13\. No giving young Donald Trump a sports almanac. Alternate Hill Valley was bad. Scaling it up to America size is worse.
14\. No giving Stanislav Petrov laxative on 26 September 1983.
14a\. No getting Stanislav Petrov extremely drunk on 25 September 1983.
15\. No putting joy buzzers in Nikola Tesla's shoes. Even if he reverse-engineered them and advanced the study of electrical engineering by several decades.
16\. No writing Walter Cronkite a rambling 148-character letter accusing him of liberal bias.
17\. As tempting as it is, no giving Donald Trump's mother an abortion. We do NOT want to repeat the Emperor Gorsuch incident.
18\. No writing Stonewall Jackson a letter composed of the word "Bitch" written once at the top of the page. While his face was hilarious, him killing half his administration in a series of duels was not.
19\. No trolling your past self by telling lies about the future.
20\. No using Tesla coils to impersonate Greek or Norse gods. Especially not in front of ancient Greeks or Vikings.
21\. No trolling drunken turn-of-the-20th-century PIs by bringing them to flying cities in alternate timelines.
22\. No trolling people in ugly sweaters by bringing them to Atlantis.
23\. 1000 tons of cordite + Library of Alexandria = Bad idea.
24\. No impersonating an interior designer solely to change Napoleon's fate. (He didn't even die from that, you fool, he died from stomach cancer.)
25\. No giving FDR a mech suit, as awesome as it would be.
26\. No making "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Al Smith" bumper stickers.
27\. Wall Street is off limits. As is Vegas, Reno, Monte Carlo, and sports betting venues.
28\. No convincing Steve Jobs to put a rotary dial on the IPhone, even if it WOULD be "one simple control".
29\. No giving Isaac Newton copies of Einstein's theories. The 20th century is too early for space empires. (No matter how delicious the spices from Alpha Centauri are. We're looking at you, Fred. Seek help.)
30\. No misusing hazmat equipment and personal music players to troll Asimov, Henlein, or any other science fiction writers.
32\. No, you may not have a pet T. Rex. They're extremely large and exclusively carnivorous, so what makes you think that'd be a good idea in the slightest?
32a\. However, it turns out velociraptors (the tiny feathered kind), when raised from an egg, make awesome pets, being loyal, obedient, and sweet.
32b\. Never mind, they swarmed Janet's boyfriend and killed him when he hit her. Serves him right, but this behavior is shared by wolves raised in captivity, and velociraptors are clearly not pet material any more than timber wolves are. A long-term breeding program is underway to resolve this issue.
33\. Collecting samples of extinct plants for scientific study is great. Office plants, OK. Trolling paleobotanist friends, not so much.
34\. To the person who sent the baby raptors to Chris Pratt: You're lucky that Universal Studios has leaped on them as their new PR stars. You're doubly lucky that it was love at first sight between them and Raptor Lord. As such, we will let you keep your job. But in light of 32b, if they kill anyone, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and we will cooperate with the investigators.
35\. No spiking Richard Nixon's drinks with shrooms, LSD, THC, AIDS, H1N1, hydrochloric acid, or COVID-19. Or sodium pentothal, no matter how educational it would be.
36\. No scandalizing Queen Victoria. ESPECIALLY not by streaking through the Buckingham Palace gardens.
36a\. Or Queen Elizabeth I, unless you WANT your head chopped off. And not necessarily the one on your shoulders, either.
37\. No showing dubstep music to Father Coghlin. Even if he likes it.
38\. No traumatizing H.P. Lovecraft with hentai. Especially not if it's fanart of his works.
39\. No prematurely inventing hentai.
40\. No showing hentai to Father Coghlin. While him flying off the chain was funny, the anti-Japanese-American lynch mobs he incited were not. The person responsible no longer works here, and is serving time in prison.
41\. No slipping sodium pentothal to any member of the Borgia family.
42\. No slipping the production staff of Raiders Of The Lost Ark drugs and convincing them to have Indy use a towel instead of a bullwhip.
43\. No convincing Gavro Princip, Richard Nixon, or Keemstar to do something different with their life. (Especially not Keemstar, who's a dictator in many other timelines.)
44\. President Jeffery Dahmer = bad idea.
45\. No giving King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden coke-bottle glasses, even if he needs them. It kind of ruins the effect in paintings.
46\. No giving King Arthur and his knights Harleys.
47\. No giving the biblical David a motorcycle with the muffler removed, even it means that his Triumph would be heard throughout the land.
48\. No appearing in history books. Especially not as the guy in the Carmen Miranda hat T-posing in the background of the famous "V-J Day In Times Square" photo, just behind and to the left of the kissing couple.
49\. No making David Bowie a Roman Emperor and calling him Fablius. Even if he lived up to his name.
50\. No impersonating the court jester in medieval times, before going full Heath Ledger Joker. Nobody has tried this yet, but we want to put it out there anyway.
51\. No streaking at the Somme. Running around naked IN ACTIVE WARZONES tends to be a bad idea.
52\. No doing your best Lucky Luciano impression in the background of the "Abbey Road" cover.
53\. No streaking in the background of the "Abbey Road" cover.
54\. No switching President Theodore Roosevelt's speech commemorating the construction of the Panama Canal with Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "This Day Will Live In Infamy" speech, then plastering his confused face all over every newspaper's front page.
55\. No putting T-Rexes in medieval Europe. It screws with the art historians.
56\. Putting a sloth, a wooly mammoth, and a saber-tooth tiger together in one room was a horrible idea and I'm not sure why you thought it'd be any different. But we're all glad you forgot about the baby.
57\. When Jesus told John The Baptist to send a scroll to Philadelphia (Revelations 1:11), he was talking about the ancient city in the Aegean Sea. Not the modern city in Pennsylvania.
58\. As awesome as the show was, and as touching as it was when they first met, Bill Nye The Science Guy and Mr. Wizard hosting a show together almost broke space-time. Let's not destroy the universe.
59\. No making Undertale or Deltarune classic Nintendo games. I don't care how much you want Sans to be in Smash.
60\. No more bringing teenage versions of famous sci-fi icons like George Takei and Gene Roddenberry to Comic-Con. They were traumatized by the mob of people all trying to touch them.
61\. No selling SOE, OSS, Abe Lincoln's Secret Service, or any other historical spy agencies information you got from a history book.
62\. No using the time machine to alter the course of WWII, WWI, the American Civil War, the English Civil War, the American Revolutionary War, The Thirty Years War, The War Of The Roses, The Hellenic War, The Punic Wars, or any other war. Looking at you, Harry.
63\. No introducing John The Baptist to LSD or any modern hallucinogenic drugs. Even if he offers you sainthood in exchange.
64\. No introducing John The Baptist to cocaine, even if it made him write Revelations in under 2 hours with no change in the content.
65\. No selling anachronistic weaponry. This goes hand in hand with 62. Again, looking at you, Harry.
66\. Stop telling people we travel through time by building de facto speed for 12 hours. That meme is dead and forgotten.
67\. No, the time machine doesn't back up your Mac files. Stop asking.
68\. The Morlocks are fictional and you should stop telling people they aren't.
70\. As awesome as Bela Luigosi is, he is not the only person who can play Dracula. So stop trying to use the time machine to get him to play Dracula in EVERY movie, radio drama/podcast, and theatrical production since the 1930s.
71\. Don't give radio to the Romans. Or any other historical empire, for that matter.
72\. No rigging up 30 ox carts with speakers and blasting Abba during the Battle of Waterloo. Seriously, you had the smallest machine, so how did you even fit all that?
73\. No making the '73 fuel crisis last for a whole decade, even if it led to the widespread use of electric cars 60 years early.
74\. No using the time machine solely to make fun of bad Marty McFly halloween costumes.
75\. No inventing nitrogen-based fertilizer decades early to avert the Dust Bowl SOLELY to stop you from having to write a book report on Grapes Of Wrath in 6th grade.
76\. No giving George Washington's troops AR-15s. I don't care how awesome it would be.
77\. Ronald Reagan's Star Wars program was a failure for a reason. Let's keep it that way.
78\. You are not the Doctor. Stop telling people otherwise.
78a\. That is a flashlight with a green shard of beer-bottle glass glued on, not a sonic screwdriver.
79\. You aren't the Meddling Monk or the Rani either. And you certainly aren't the Master.
80\. You remember that scene in Time Bandits when the main characters got Napoleon pass-out drunk and robbed him blind? OFF. LIMITS.
81\. Tempting as it is, no killing, aborting, or otherwise preventing the rise to power of history's dictators. Why? Because there's always someone just as evil and twice as competent waiting in the wings. Also, through sheer force of experience, Hitler has become quite good at identifying and killing time travelers.
82\. No, you may not strand your boss in medieval times during the Black Plague. Even if he's an asshole. Just because Michael Crichton did it, doesn't mean you can.
83\. No, you are not trying to stop a mad god from killing half of all life in the galaxy, and it is wrong to tell people in the past otherwise.
84\. No trying to screw with paleontologists by posing dead dinosaurs in dance steps or interspecies coitus. It hasn't worked yet, but better to stop it now than suffer a deluge of angry phone calls.
85\. The G-Man cosplay is high-quality, but super creepy. Please stop.
85a\. The Lutece Twins cosplay is also high-quality, but people are getting frustrated by your lack of non-cryptic answers to any question.
86\. Using future technology to build actual Daleks armed with Nerf guns? Epic. Unleashing them on an unsuspecting 1960s Britain? Not so much.
87\. No trolling the hosts of Candid Cam by doing insane stuff in their presence, causing everyone to look around for the hidden cameras.
88\. No stealing whales from 1980s San Francisco.
89\. In accordance with 7c, no pantsing the Rockefellers. Seriously guys, stop it.
90\. All employees are to pass routine drug tests. Weed is OK under state law. Cocaine toothache drops and original-recipe cocaine Coca-Cola you scored in the 19th century are not. Neither is WWII-era military-issue morphine or heroin. All parties involved are being prosecuted on drug charges, including possession with intent to sell.
91\. No using the time machine to make random people think they're in the Twilight Zone.
92\. No using the time machine to screw with Libyan terrorists. You aren't Doc Brown and likely won't survive their retaliation.
92a\. No using the time machine to screw with the Egyptians either. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities does not appreciate the lyrics to the King Tut song written in hieroglyphics on the walls of his tomb.
93\. Using the time machine to avert historical tragedies will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Using the time machine to create new ones is verboten.
94\. No rival time machine rental company is run by Vandal Savage. Stop trying to convince people otherwise. Incidentally? The task force you assembled will need to go back where they came from with their memories of the incident erased. Also, HR and the FBI Counterterrorism Unit would like to have a word.
95\. I will not impersonate an investment banker and convince people at the turn of the 20th century to invest in molasses production in Boston, MA. I will especially not use the phrase "Waves of profit" when selling them on the idea.
96\. JFK conspiracy theories are rubbish, and it shouldn't take time travel to debunk them. It especially shouldn't take time travel and manipulation of events to make them seem more likely. Just stop.
97\. Steampunk cosplayers are to be kept away from the time machines. The last thing we need is for the robber barons to return.
97a\. Jeff Bezos doesn't technically count. But efforts are underway to erase him from time nonetheless.
98\. The time machine is not bigger on the inside, but the chassis is modular and can be swapped out for expanded units should the need arise. So stop it with the infinity mirrors. Seriously, that's not how physics works.
99\. No giving WWII spoilers to veterans of The Great War. Our Temporal Psychiatry department is swamped.
99a\. No making fun of Temporal Psychiatry's acronym.
99b\. No convincing Temporal Psychiatry staff to go into quarantine with you during the COVID-19 epidemic of 2020 and then bragging about how much TP you have.
100\. No using the time machine to try and erase fashion trends from existence. I don't care how much you hate grunge.
101\. I don't care how much they suck, no mocking the Byzantine Empire.
102\. If the time machine's reactor fails, standard procedure is to activate the backup reactor. Trying to use a bolt of lightning to restore power results in catastrophe, and this is to be made perfectly clear to customers. Some dumbass tried it and ended up creating the Tunguska Explosion.
103\. No matter how much the National Science Foundation or the private sector offers to pay you, no gathering history's greatest minds in one place. Although the group photo was epic, the resulting temporal backlash from these people being removed from their proper time almost resulted in the Dark Ages continuing into the 19th century.
104\. Do not gaze into the time vortex. Trust me, just don't.
105\. No more using the time machine to screw with the US Government in the 1950s. You are not a UFO.
106\. Contrary to the McFly school of time travel, future brand names make horrible secret identities. Max Pepsi, Ronald McDonald, Micky D., A.D. Das, and Ford Prefect are not acceptable aliases.
107\. Some times and places are off limits to people of certain races and ethnicities. This is not racism, this is an attempt at preventing our valued employees and clients from getting hurt. Incidentally, 1940s Germany is off limits to everyone, corresponding with the late Henry Cohen's attempt at violating #81.
108\. No giving Napoleon a speedboat while he is in exile.
109\. No trolling Robert McCarthy with the wristband communicators and bad Russian accents.
110\. No starting the American Revolution in Germany 150 years ahead of schedule. You are not Eric Flint.
111\. The time machine is not powered by alien space bats.
111a\. Neither is it powered by a hamster in a wheel.
111b\. Or "Narrativium," whatever that is.
112\. Acquiring trilobites for the lobby aquarium is great. Pranking fellow employees with insectophobia is not.
113\. Preston Tucker was a genius for his time, but has no clue how to design a modern automobile. I will inform General Motors of this the next time they ask.
114\. You will not screw with the production of Bond movies to ensure that James Bond drives a Vauxhall Astra.
115\. I am not Pickle Rick.
116\. You will not go back in time to ensure that time travel never gets invented, even if it would be best for humanity. The resulting paradox would destroy all worlds across all timelines. We made this bed, we lie in it.
117\. You will not replace beloved and/or controversial TV show hosts, no matter how epic having Carrol Shelby co-host Top Gear with Clarkson, May, and Hammond would be.
117a\. You will not use the time machine to have historical figures appear on modern TV shows. Even though watching George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Samuel Adams tongue-lash conservatives on Fox And Friends for 45 minutes straight was hilarious, especially the fact that Sean Hannity looked like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The footage will be kept around for entertainment, but a repeat will cost you your job.
118\. You will not use the time machine to arbitrarily change the universal standards for television broadcasting or cinema. Millions watching the moon landing filmed diagonally on a round screen with a camera suspended on bungee cords almost led to the downfall of television as a medium.
119\. You will not beat the Apollo crew to the moon and ask to borrow a cup of sugar.
120\. The Lovecraft mythos is fictional, and it's wrong to tell customers it isn't.
120a\. Incidentally, the practical effects for the shoggoth were quite realistic, and Hollywood would like to have a word.
121\. You will not make a techno remix of the Doctor saying "Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey ball" and convince the 1960s BBC to make it the official Doctor Who theme.
122\. If customers ask to visit the July Revolution of 1832, at least make sure they have a decent singing voice. The rotten vegetable smell still hasn't come out of Larry's clothes.
123\. No changing the order that numbers go in.
124\. No changing the order of the alphabet, either.
125\. The time machine is not to be rented out to art historians. Their fawning just inflates the Renaissance masters' already massive egos.
126\. You will not alter the course of history solely to prevent telemarketing from being invented.
127\. You will not convince young Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison to go into music and call their band AC-DC. Incidentally, a shredding bass viola solo doesn't quite have the same effect.
128\. You will not attempt to troll Simo Hayha, Mad Jack Churchill, Otto Skorzeny, Audie Murphy, or any other famously badass soldier.
129\. Customers are to be reminded that visiting Stalin's USSR will end with a bullet to their brain, visiting Europe during the Black Death will end with them catching it, and visiting the Aztec Empire will end with their hearts being ripped out on a sacrificial altar with a jagged piece of volcanic glass.
130\. The Spanish Inquisition is not a joke. For future reference: Saying "I bet they didn't expect that" at a coworker's funeral is in poor taste, even if they hadn't died by being captured and tortured.
131\. Customers and employees are to refrain from insulting royalty, unless they're impersonating the court jester. Even if medieval royalty are mostly chill with parody, Cleopatra and Caligula are not.
132\. If stopped by police in Blitz-era Britain asking for papers, bribing them with white bread and bananas will likely not work. Even though that one cop looked about an inch from giving into temptation, they started asking a lot of questions about where you got a whole loaf from and what that clear shiny stuff it was wrapped in was.
133\. Customers are to be reminded that they are NOT Diana Prince, and that walking straight into No Man's Land is a colossally bad idea.
134\. No Rick-Rolling Rick Astley as a child.
135\. Although it was funny watching Winston Churchill swear up a storm about Brexit, Britain asks you not to not do it again.
136\. Never put Ettore Bugatti and Enzo Ferrari in the same room, then ask them whose car was better. And especially don't set up a betting ring on the resulting fistfight.
136a\. The same goes for the Renaissance masters and their art. Assholes.
137\. Torchwood is to remain a fictitious agency.
138\. Customers are not to spoil the surprise about which high-ranking member of the Manhattan Project was a spy. The resulting chain of events almost caused WWIII.
139\. Even though the past is a different country, there is a pressing need to blend in. So lose the Hawaiian shirt, Jeff.
140\. Customers are to be reminded that their sense of entitlement as American tourists will likely get them seriously injured or worse. Don't just stand back and let it happen, and especially don't bring popcorn.
141\. If any of your co-workers are little people, it's impolite to make constant Time Bandits references. Wally over in Temporal Backlash Dispersion is getting really sick of your shit. You know who you are.
141a\. And the same goes for customers who are little people.
142\. Whoever keeps putting giant prehistoric insects in unexpected places, clean out your office. You know who you are and so do we. However, the Arthropleura in the loading docks can stay, due to his apparent non-aggressiveness and because the staff there have named him Arthur and declared him their new mascot.
142a\. Arthur's a "he" already, is he?
142b\. Yes he is, and we love him!
142c\. This isn't a message board, guys.
143\. Live Compsognathus (Compsognathii?) are not for pranks. Poor critter almost froze to death in the fridge and Jennifer almost had a heart attack.
144\. Jack...clean out your office. You know what you did.
145\. Scientists are not to use tissue samples of prehistoric life for trying to create the perfect burger.
145a\. I don't know why anyone thought that mammoth Spam was a good idea, but it is surprisingly tasty and production negotiations with Hormel are currently underway.
146\. You are not John Connor or Kyle Reese, and it's wrong to tell people otherwise.
147\. The time machine is not to be used to tell H.G. Wells he got everything wrong about the future, even if he did.
147a\. Jules Verne's "Paris In The 20th Century" is currently under investigation.
148\. Thou shalt not useth thy time machine to messeth with the history or holy scripture of the Abrahamic faiths.
149\. Early warning: No licking the Beelzebufo. You won't get high off them, they don't like being licked, and their defense against predators is to secrete ridiculous quantities of capsaicin.
149a\. The so-called "Beelzebufo Inferno Challenge" is hereby called off due to hospitalization of several employees with severe chemical burns. Seriously, they've got as much capsaicin in one square inch as 6 Naga ghost peppers.
150\. "The Hunt For Red October" is a work of fiction, and it's wrong to try to sell a plot synopsis to the Cold War era US Government as actionable intelligence.
150a\. Concurrent with #61, no selling historical spy agencies fake secrets either.
submitted by CarolOfTheHells to HFY [link] [comments]

Album of the Year 2020: Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open

Album of the Year 2020: Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open
Hello everyone and welcome to Day 2 of the indieheads Album of the Year 2020 Write-Up Series where the users of indieheads go in-depth on their favorite albums of the year throughout the duration of December. Up today, series founder u/ReconEG talks Car Seat Headrest’s polarizing Making A Door Less Open.
May 1st, 2020 - Matador
Apple Music
The time period between Car Seat Headrest’s Matador debut, Teens of Style, in 2015 and the 2018 remake of Twin Fantasy was a massive, massive breakthrough period for the band. Starting off as a solo project of sorts by founder Will Toledo, the band had expanded its lineup to seven members for the Twin Fantasy tour, taking songs Toledo recorded initially in his car and filling them out to play in bigger and bigger venues, peaking around February 2019 when the band opened for Interpol at Madison Square Garden.
Behind the scenes though, Toledo was year 3 into writing the follow-up to Teens of Denial and Twin Fantasy, sporadically entering the studio between one elongated tour after another to work these ideas out with his core lineup of drummer Andrew Katz, guitarist Ethan Ives, and bassist Seth Dalby, which was solidified in 2016 after the recording of Teens of Denial. While the band was praised for its resemblance to indie royalty acts of the 90s and early 2000s, they were all getting kind of sick of making music in that vein, all clearly pushing for something different.
It was Katz especially that Toledo confided in as a collaborator, as seeing him work on his 1 Trait Danger project opened up new songwriting possibilities, taking these songs he was writing and making them work around Katz expertise in EDM mixing. While early versions of the songs and ideas that would make their way into this follow-up album were more indebted to early new-wave than anything else, things would drastically shift by mid to late 2019 when they entered the studio proper to record this album, as at this point Toledo began to devise the album as a collaboration with 1 Trait Danger, with Toledo writing the songs as the gas-mask-wearing character Trait.
The sessions concluded in October, but Toledo and the band kept tweaking and working on the album, even after turning the album into Matador twice for vinyl and CD pressings, as the album was only officially completed weeks before it came out on DSPs. By the time the album’s second single, “Martin”, came out, the band was forced to delay (and eventually cancel) their tour for MADLO, where Toledo would have performed as Trait, wearing a custom-made gas mask (as seen in the music video and various press photos) with LED-eyes.
In the press release/album description, Toledo said the following about the mask:
Bob Dylan said, “if someone’s wearing a mask, he’s gonna tell you the truth...if he’s not wearing a mask, it’s highly unlikely.” He never actually wore a mask onstage so I don’t know why he said that. But I decided to start wearing a mask for a couple of reasons. One, I still get nervous being onstage with everybody looking at me. If everyone is looking at the mask instead, then it feels like we’re all looking at the same thing, and that is more honest to me. Two, music should be about enjoying yourself, especially live music, and I think of this costume as a way to remind myself and everyone else to have some fun with it. I don’t think it changes anything else about the songs or how you feel about them to be able to drop it for a second and have fun with it. If you can’t do that then you’re in a bad place…
Making A Door Less Open was released on May 1st, 2020 via Matador, and the band’s activities since its release have been limited, with Toledo playing a couple of acoustic live streams on his Twitch channel, the band performing “Can’t Cool Me Down” on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and the upcoming release of Katz’s second video game, Lombardi's World (For the sake of transparency, I got to play the game early in a press session a few weeks ago), the objective of which is to kill Matador Records founder Chris Lombardi. The game is also being published by Matador Records and Trait (voiced by Toledo) appears as a playable character.
Write-Up by ReconEG
Prologue: 2016, The Life of Pablo, and Falling Out of Love with Kanye West & In Love w/ Denial
Remember when we all weren’t sick of Kanye West? Or at the very least, remember when we could tolerate Kanye West’s bullshit? It seems like a lifetime ago, but there was a time where Kanye West made records that, even with a ton of baggage, were unfathomably great. Coming into 2016 though, I had a lot more fear about the next Kanye West album. While 2014 was mostly a quiet year for him in terms of new music, 2015 saw Kanye spending a year ramping up to something. What that was was hard to guess. Whether he was showing his soft side on “Only One,” attempting to pivot back to pop on “FourFiveSeconds” or trying to make an arena banger in “All Day”, almost nothing he released this year landed for me. The fact that my favorite Kanye song in 2015 was a leaked reference track for Rihanna speaks volumes to how bad of a year this was for him.
But in 2016, the slate was cleared as Kanye began to properly set up the release of a new album. I’m sure most of you reading this have some sort of PTSD related to the release of The Life of Pablo so I won’t make you relive much of the events, but overall after going back and forth for at least a solid month or two, I realized that I was falling out of love with Kanye West. While there were still bits of genius in Pablo, it was simply disorganized, messy, and at times, straight up bad. While interesting in theory, updating the album like a video game with various patches over the next few months ended up making it worse and worse.
When artists like Frank Ocean, Angel Olsen, and Car Seat Headrest were releasing their own ambitious projects that actually felt like they were fully conceived, I didn’t really need Kanye West anymore. My decision feels more and more justified by the day.
Chapter 1: 2018, Twin Fantasy, and Bad Times at Delmar Hall
Considering we won’t get to have traditional live shows again for another year or so, it feels weird to complain about past concerts. Hell, it feels weird to complain about concerts that were overall good, but left a bad taste in your mouth by the end or just wasn’t up to snuff. While many praised the Twin Fantasy tour and the monstrous 7-man lineup Toledo put together including the members of Naked Giants, it just didn’t really land for me when I saw them in St. Louis on September 27, 2018. It doesn’t help that I wasn’t the only one as the crowd felt deflated for about half the setlist which was filled with unique re-arrangements of classic CSH tunes & obscure covers.
It seems Will Toledo could figure this out to, as towards the end of their cover of Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ “Tell Me When My Light Turns Green”, he threw down his mic and bum-rushed off the stage to the exit, causing his band to quickly wrap up the song and make their way off the stage, never to return despite calls for an encore. I chalked this up at the time to general tour fatigue as the show at Delmar Hall was their second-to-last for that leg of the tour, and as I wrote this on my blog at the time about the show:
While my first reaction to Toledo and the band skipping the encore was anger, it quickly turned into a feeling of understanding, as from many different interviews with many different bands, it was clear that Toledo was simply burnt out. When you’re on the road for up to two months at a time, away from home, friends, and family, and playing shows almost every night, burnout just becomes an inevitable, especially when you’re just a few days away from the tour being over. Toledo has suffered from tour burnout before, as in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, he cited a 2016 European tour as the low point of his past two years, saying “being on that bus with no sleep and just the same task day after day and feeling like we’re getting nowhere,” with the band’s drummer Andrew Katz confirming that sentiment in an interview I did with him on the Indieheads Podcast.
Now while I love going to shows, I have to realize I’m unknowingly supporting a cycle of emotional hardship that hundreds and hundreds of bands have to go through on a regular basis just to have a career in music. With the industry moving towards streaming being the hottest new consumption method, it leaves a lot of artists in the dust as streaming royalties across the board are ridiculously low, forcing them to travel across the world for months at a time just to make ends meet.
So, I’m not saying don’t go to shows or don’t support artists, as if you really do love them and want them to keep making music, this is the best way to do it as of now. However, to quote a line from “Drunk Drivers / Killer Whales” off of Teens of Denial: “It doesn’t have to be like this.” With the Music Modernization Act recently making its way through Congress, hopefully things will change for the better in the next couple of years, but the music industry seemingly always finds a way to screw over bands/artists no matter the size. So, if you happen to be reading this Will Toledo, I think you’re listening to too much classic rock and probably need to calm down a bit. But really though, I’m just hoping you’re doing well and enjoying your time off the road. I know it can be a rough life being a touring musician and I hope you’re fully recharged the next time you head out on the road.
Okay I’m gonna get really, really bummed if I keep thinking about the havoc COVID-19 and the U.S. government’s lack of response has wreaked upon the live music industry, so let’s just wrap this all up real quick. I was bummed about this show and it gave me great skepticism about what was next for Car Seat Headrest if this was the direction he wanted to take the band. Much like I doubted if I needed Kanye West at the end of 2016, by the beginning of 2020, I wasn’t really sure if I needed Will Toledo anymore either.
Chapter 2: WinteSpring 2020, The Singles, and Early COVID-19 Times
When Making A Door Less Open was announced towards the end of the winter in 2020, I was both excited and worried. Considering that the band had only officially released one bit of original material written by Toledo in-between Teens of Denial and now, I was excited to see what he had spent the last few years cooking up. But upon hearing the lead single, “Can’t Cool Me Down”, that bit of skepticism crept back up once again. I knew I liked the song, but there was just something… off here that I couldn’t quite place.
But soon the song and the album announcement went into the memory hole, as only a month after its release: everything went to shit. Even though singles kept on rolling out for the album throughout the rest of early spring, I couldn’t be bothered to care all that much. “Martin” came out when I was planning the Indieheads Festival so it didn’t leave much of a mark on me, and like many when “Hollywood” came out, I was appalled. So with two okay singles and one disastrous one, expectations for this new album were low. It turns out that was probably a good thing for me.
Chapter 3: Late Spring 2020, The Rollout, and What Happens When You Start Hanging Out with That Andrew Katz Boy.
So while the singles helped set some low expectations for the album, that wasn’t the full story. Compared to the other big indie record labels that are willing to experiment now and again with album rollouts and how things are timed out, Matador plays things pretty nice and traditional. Their albums are usually announced about 3-4 months in advance and 3-4 singles are spread out in that time. For most artists, this works out fine. For Making A Door Less Open? Eh!
One of the biggest head scratchers about the album’s rollout was that there were going to be three versions of the album, with the vinyl, CD, and digital versions of this album all being different. Similar to The Life of Pablo, Toledo was working right up to the deadline to finish the album and it seems some sort of compromise was made so that Toledo could finish the album past the deadline & make sure physical copies were pressed on time. I honestly chalk up this album’s mixed response from critics to be because of this mishap, as it seems like most of them received an advance of the CD or LP version, which have the following tracklists:
LP Version
  1. Weightlifters
  2. Can't Cool Me Down
  3. Hollywood
  4. There Must Be More Than Blood
  5. Hymn
  6. Deadlines
  7. Martin
  8. What's With You Lately
  9. Life Worth Missing
  10. Famous
CD Version
  1. Weightlifters
  2. Can't Cool Me Down
  3. Hollywood
  4. Martin
  5. Hymn (Remix)
  6. There Must Be More Than Blood
  7. Deadlines
  8. What's With You Lately
  9. Life Worth Missing
  10. Famous
If you love the album like me, you’ll notice a number of cringe-worthy sequencing choices here throughout both versions, like “Hollywood” being pushed up just a bit too soon, “There Must Be More Than Blood” being either the centerpiece or way too early in the album, and “Deadlines” in its original version being so far back (and also it being the original version of “Deadlines”). Similar to LCD Soundsystem’s american dream, a lot of the songs on this version of MADLO are good, but when they’re placed where they are within the album, they lose a lot of their possible impact.
I stress all of this because the thing with MADLO is that this album should have been a disaster. And this isn’t even mentioning the mask stuff which I’m not gonna say much in the review besides saying if COVID didn’t happen, it probably would be pretty cool and work really well seeing them live. What’s most important about the mask is that it allowed Toledo to escape from himself a bit after years in the spotlight, being able to write songs from a slightly different perspective.
While on tour, drummer Andrew Katz conceived the 1 Trait Danger project as a way to cure boredom and make himself and his bandmates laugh, with Toledo quickly latching onto the project as he played a much larger role on the project’s second album, 1 Trait World Tour. This role constituted creating an alternative persona for himself called “Trait”, who wears an orange hazmat suit and appears to be some kind of small bunny? Or a small dog man? Or… um? Look, it doesn’t matter what animal Trait is as the most important element here is that when Toledo and his band hit the studio to record MADLO, 1 Trait Danger’s EDM sound inspired Toledo to look past the medium sized concert halls his band was playing and onto huge crowds at the music festivals he and Katz had made fun of on World Tour.
Speaking with the New York Times earlier this year, Matador Records founder Chris Lombardi said the following about Toledo:
“Before this album was recorded, he told me he wanted to make an album that had the sonic capability of competing with some of the other new pop or hip-hop acts at the Coachellas of the world, or the Lollapaloozas of the world,” Lombardi said, so “when he was going onstage, he wasn’t being overshadowed by whoever else was playing a more futuristic type of music with a more electronic type of palette — that he would be able to compete against them and win.”
Of course, this mindset seems extremely passé now considering that there are no pop or hip-hop acts to compete with at these festivals because these festivals aren’t going to exist again for quite some time. Whatever the case though, Toledo saw something in Katz’s sound that he wanted to bring over to Car Seat Headrest. When recalling this conservation in that same Times piece, Katz said “I’m thinking to myself, ‘The label’s going to freak out. Andrew Katz is about to ruin Car Seat Headrest.’”
So, did he?
Chapter 4: Summer 2020, Making A Door Less Open, and the Eternal Question of “Why Doesn’t Everyone Have Brain Worms Like Me?”
Considering the title of this series, it’s safe to say that Katz did not ruin Car Seat Headrest. For me at least anyways. The jury’s still out overall, as you’ll probably find out reading the comments of this post. But what I learned upon my first listen or two to MADLO is that I should never doubt my loyalty to Will Toledo. I should never doubt the way this man and his music have made me feel. I shall never express doubt towards him again because he knows how to wire into my brain and express feelings I don’t know how to articulate myself.
A lot of people focus on the new bells and whistles Toledo and Katz have added onto the MADLO project, and while they’re important, Toledo has not lost his abilities as a writer here, even if he’s a little less wordy than he usually is. Maybe it’s because of his age, maybe it’s to inhabit that festival music mindset, maybe it’s something else I haven’t quite latched onto, but even with fewer turns of phrase, there’s something about Toledo’s words that grab onto me.
Take “Deadlines (Hostile)”, which hooked me pretty quickly due to its resemblance to something off of Teens of Denial. For an artist who is pretty self-aware about their awkwardness, this first version of “Deadlines” we hear on the album is the most swaggering and confident we’ve heard Toledo, as it turns out inhabiting Trait kind of makes Toledo sound cool? Or at the very least, he’s pretty damn good at making himself sound cool as his tale of forbidden attraction just fucking hits. As someone who spent much of their late teens & early 20s slowly building up their self-confidence via empty hookups and short-lived long-distance relationships, “Deadlines (Hostile)” encapsulates these conflicted feelings so perfectly as Toledo repeats “Am I, am I, am I, am I on your mind? / Is it, is it, is it, is it what you like?” early on in the hook.
The perspective seems to shift to the other party though on its counterpart, “Deadlines (Thoughtful)”, which sounds much more in-line with the rest of the album, sounding like an early Crystal Castles (FUCK ETHAN KATH AKA CLAUDIO PALMIERI, ALL LOVE TO ALICE GLASS) cut with its blistering synths and hard-hitting sequenced percussion. The song centers on the lines “Oh compassion, it’s transforming me into-”, with Toledo unable to finish that thought as he explained to Apple Music:
The line ‘Oh, compassion is transforming me into’—it’s an unfinished thought because I think that the ellipsis is the end of the thought. In a way, it kind of ties back to ‘Martin’ and ‘Just when I think I’m gone, you change the track I’m on.’ You have a slightly different idea here of compassion taking you off that track, whatever track you go down where you just kind of get narrower and hollower as you get older and it just turns you into something vaguer, you know? And I think that it seems like when people get older, they either get sort of ground down to the basics of their personality and they can’t change out of that or they kind of just drift and they get weirder and they just don’t define themselves and that allows them some sort of freedom. That line is sort of pointing at keeping compassion alive as a way of allowing yourself to drift and become something different, someone different or possibly nothing at all, but just resisting definition for one more night.
These fears of getting older and what that does to your personality and sense of self are seen all throughout the album, but its most notable in the album’s opening and closing chapters, “Weightlifters” and “Famous”, with the former hitting especially different in quarantine times, as the song touches on hints of body dysmorphia and the buried feelings that cause it. I was already struggling with my weight & body image issues prior to COVID but things have been especially worse now, as it’s simply just hard to find the inspiration to want to get into shape when you’ve got 50 other mental blocks you gotta get through to get there. It’s not the best feeling getting out of the shower and looking in the mirror and just feeling disgusted and awful looking anywhere below my chin. As Will Toledo quietly ponders on the hook “‘Cause I believe / Thoughts can change your body / It’s all on me”, it feels like he’s hooking directly into my brain when I take these looks at myself.
These thoughts on thoughts come back full circle on “Famous” as Toledo repeats “Change your mind” over and over before he asks “Did you change your mind?”, getting ready to ask that question once more before cutting himself off, much like he cut himself off in “Deadlines (Thoughtful)”, leaving things unanswered once again, as one does sometimes when dealing with this. From my own experience, sometimes my brain just shuts down when I think too long about my body, eventually finding its way to fixate on something else for a bit. One thing about my issues with my body is that I don’t talk about it enough, as I haven’t been able to prioritize therapy since the initial lockdowns but even then, I just hate bringing it up to any of my friends, so when Toledo sings “Someone will care about this / Please let somebody care about this”, it just… hurts. In the right way.
These feelings of just wanting someone to care about me go far beyond my body dysmorphia and fully extend to my mental health at large, as one of the worst things about depression is that it’s extremely good at isolating you from everyone in your life with the feeling of “nobody cares about you.” I had a very good friend in my life recently fall victim to this and it’s been devastating to see. They were someone who I always considered to be such a beacon of hope and optimism and to see these feelings ravage them and our relationship hurts more and more every day and I feel powerless to stop it. While “I should start lifting weights” is meant literally in “Weightlifters”, I can’t help but feel like it's talking about the weights of depression and how hard they can be to lift also.
Anyways, let’s talk about the global elite pedophile cabal and MADLO’s most polarizing song, “Hollywood.” Possibly the most abrasive CSH song since their early Bandcamp days, it’s also one of their poppiest, with the song peaking at #29 on Billboard’s Alternative Airplay chart, where it charted overall for 14 weeks. Even before I hosted a podcast series talking about butt rock, I already swung around pretty quickly to liking this song as first and foremost, the main riff is sick. It’s big, it’s fat, it’s meaty, it’s rock and roll baby. Toledo mostly takes a backseat on this song as a vocalist, letting Katz try out his best Fred Durst impression as he destroys his throat screaming about how disgusting LA/Hollywood is. It’s essentially a Conner O’Malley video but as a song, and for that I have to stan. I wonder if Andrew and Will listen to TrueAnon?
But since we’re on the topic of Andrew Katz, let’s talk about his overall influence on the album, as while I don’t think he’s affected Toledo’s songwriting all that much (the poppier leanings of this album do seem to fall solely on Toledo), he has affected the sonic textures this album explores, with his experience in EDM mixing getting shown off in a variety of ways. Sometimes it's subtle and tasteful like on “Martin”, with the frantic percussion perfectly tying into Toledo’s lyrics of past figures of people in his life and the feelings and reminders of said feelings that pop up every now and then. Other times it’s more pronounced like on the previously mentioned “Famous” or “Hymn - Remix”, as in its original version, “Hymn” is like a combination of something off of Tim Hecker’s Love Streams and Radiohead’s “Morning Bell/Amnesiac”, with the remix turning that into something that can best be described as Car Seat Headrest meets The King of Limbs.
Radiohead ends up being a not so surprising touchstone regarding this album as much like Car Seat Headrest, Radiohead turned to electronic music after a period of tour burnout following two critically adored and highly regarded albums. Though, it might be more apt to compare this record to a different 90s alt rock band, The Smashing Pumpkins. While Adore is technically the Pumpkins’ electronica record, a lot of the electronic touches on that album are more textural, much like MADLO. Adore was Corgan trying to re-ground his band, as you simply can’t keep making albums like Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness over and over again, just like we can’t expect Toledo to keep making more albums like Teens of Denial and Twin Fantasy. As an artist, it’s sometimes hard finding a middle ground between pleasing your fans and chasing your creative dragon, but more often than not, I’m gonna respect an artist who continually chases that dragon, even if the results might vary.
Before the album came out, it already felt like Toledo was on the defense regarding his creative choices on the album and its promotion, as he literally gave a PowerPoint to Matador Records going over everything about the album from its cover, the Trait character, what the title meant, etc. Even on their comedown record, Toledo and the band still have plenty of chips on the table, and that’s the dissonance that I love the most about MADLO, as the high melodrama and extended lengths of Teens of Denial and Twin Fantasy don’t quite appeal to me like it used to. They’re both great records that I love dearly, but at this point in my life, I’m much more aligned these days with the person I’m hearing on MADLO.
Chapter 5: Fall 2020, The MADLO Manifesto, and Ah Goddammit How Do I End This Ahh!!!!
The song I loved the most on the 2018 version of Twin Fantasy was “High to Death.” It’s probably the most drastically changed song from the original version of the album and in my books, the most vastly improved. One important change the song had was the addition of a voicemail from artist Hojin Stella Jung (who did the single artwork for “Beach Life-in-Death” and “Nervous Young Inhumans”) to the Nevada Museum of Art:
Hello, my name is Hojin Stella Jung, I'm a senior at McQueen High School, my portfolio is a collection of paintings - that was created during last summer, and the first half of my senior year, and it's called "The Lady", and I didn't feel very well when I painted the first, and I didn't feel very well when I painted the last. It was intense, it was an intense process, and it was how I was trying to - very hard, personify that intensity, but it's hard to talk about her now, because I think she wasn't me, at least that's how I feel and I'm trying to figure out what to do now.
But she represents fervor in woman, she is powerful, yet fragile, she dares but also averts her gaze, and I love her, at least - I did, and - but now I feel lost, and I'm unsure of what to think and feel most of the time. But I did believe in her, "The Lady", and maybe, there is a different form now that the intensity takes.”
The intensity of my early college years that I felt is all there in Teens of Denial and Twin Fantasy. I was truly passionate about what I was doing or trying to do in college radio and it was a frustrating experience. I wasn’t seeking therapy at that time so instead of working out my emotions in a healthy way, I was probably taking things out on people and things that didn’t deserve it. But now with four years removed from that time, I’ve gone to counselling and met the love of my life, and I’ve learned to work that intensity into healthier things and spreading it out in ways where I not only don’t hurt the people around me, but not immolating myself in the process.
While at the time it was clear to tie “The Lady” as a parallel to Twin Fantasy, I see “The Lady” more now as a parallel to Car Seat Headrest as a whole. When talking about writing those previous records, Toledo doesn’t look back fondly as Teens of Denial particularly was written during a “very depressed and angry phase of my life” according to his interview with Huck. He described a similar scenario when talking about writing Making A Door Less Open, saying “I don’t think I was quite so angry or depressed, but it just felt like a hollow useless time. I was doing a lot of stuff that I felt wasn’t going anywhere.”
And right now, that’s where I’m at. While 2020 was an extremely busy year for me where I was doing a lot, I still feel like I haven’t gone anywhere, as I’m still stuck in the same bedroom in the same financial situation I’ve been stuck in for years where I’m doing so much but yet it feels like so little. One of the most honest things about MADLO is that there’s no true resolution. Will Toledo ends the album where he started, hoping his thoughts could change his situation and desperately begging for such. Even throughout the album’s various versions, this doesn’t change. The route to get there might be different, but point A and B stay the same, because it’s a loop.
I hope to break it one day and someone cares as I try.
Favorite Lyrics
'Cause I believe
That thoughts can change your body
It's all on me
If thoughts can change your body
I believe
That thoughts can change my body
It dawned on me
Your body can change your mind
  • “Weightlifters”
I was thinking people never change
But there's a new taste of dread that I cannot explain
And the thoughts that make up my life
Get reflected in others from time to time
  • “Deadlines (Hostile)”
Don't go back to Oklahoma
What's in Oklahoma?
  • “Hollywood”
I'm tired of coming home sick
Someone will care about this
Please let somebody care about this
  • “Famous”
Talking Points
  • Prior to the album’s singles, what were your expectations for the next Car Seat Headrest album?
  • And alternatively, what were your expectations looking like going in after the release of all its singles?
  • Do you think the influence of Katz was a negative or positive thing for the album as a whole?
  • What are your thoughts on the songwriting shifts Toledo makes on this record? Do you think this record would have succeeded in creating a base for the band to compete with festival acts?
  • If you haven’t returned to the album since its release, what are your thoughts on it now that we’re pretty well separated from its release and hype cycle?
  • And finally, where does Making A Door Less Open rank on your AOTY lists?
It’s u/ReconEG writing this outro part so I’ll just pull my head out from behind the curtain to thank you for reading this massive, massive piece and I hope you enjoyed it! Tomorrow, my pal from the Indieheads Podcast, u/radmure, will take on The Microphones’ mystical and reflective “comeback” album, Microphones in 2020. In the meantime, discuss today’s album and write-up in the comments below, and check below for the schedule and previous write-ups from this year's series.
Date Artist Album Writer
12/1 Fiona Apple Fetch the Bolt Cutters u/roseisonlineagain
12/2 Car Seat Headrest Making a Door Less Open u/ReconEG
Date Artist Album Writer
12/3 The Microphones Microphones in 2020 u/radmure
12/4 Owen Pallett Island u/BornAgainZombie
12/5 Perfume Genius Set My Heart on Fire Immediately u/Pianist-Euphoric
12/6 Phoebe Bridgers Punisher u/American_Soviet
12/7 Hot Mulligan You'll Be Fine u/darianb1031
12/8 Bill Callahan Gold Record u/stansymash
12/9 Jónsi Shiver u/thesaboteur7
12/10 Dogleg Melee u/stringfellow2316
12/11 Elysia Crampton ORCORARA 2010 u/vulni0000000
12/12 Adrianne Lenker Songs u/danpono
12/13 Trevor Powers Capricorn u/The_Lords_Favourite
12/14 Fleet Foxes Shore u/smasherx
12/15 Illuminati Hotties FREE IH: This is Not the One You've Been Waiting For u/ClocktowerMaria
12/16 My Morning Jacket The Waterfall II u/ProbablyUmmSure
12/17 Rina Sawayama SAWAYAMA u/PlagueLords
12/18 Geographic North A Little Night Music: Aural Apparitions from the Geographic North u/WaneLietoc
12/19 Destroyer Have We Met u/LordAlpaca
12/20 Christian Lee Hutson Beginners u/waffel113
12/21 Tim Heidecker Fear of Death u/sara520
12/22 Jessie Ware What's Your Pleasure u/tartorange
12/23 Tennis Swimmer u/danitykane
12/24 The Soft Pink Truth Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? u/feetarejustshithands
12/25 Neil Cicierega Mouth Dreams u/mr_grission
12/26 Oneohtrix Point Never Magic Oneohtrix Point Never u/modulum83
12/27 Cindy Lee What's Tonight to Eternity u/PearlSquared
12/28 Backxwash God Has Nothing To Do With This, Leave Him Out of It u/meme__creep
12/29 Dirty Projectors 5EPs u/PieBlaCon
12/30 The Strokes The New Abnormal u/remote_man
12/31 Roisin Murphy Roisin Machine u/LazyDayLullaby
NOTE: In case you haven't followed the process for putting together the series this year, here is a quick recap. The lineup was culled from over a hundred pitches sent into us in two threads, one in mid-October and one in early November. If you are wondering why a certain album didn't make it to the lineup, there was either not a pitch for it, or there were other pitches we liked more. As with almost every year we've done this series, the schedule above is subject to change, but there will only be minor changes at that (moving of dates or maybe an album or two being replaced at most).
submitted by IndieheadsAOTY to indieheads [link] [comments]

A fuck-this roll call rant for 2020 - please add anything I missed.

Some of my fuck-this thoughts for 2020.
Fuck the 'new normal' Fuck people afraid to handshake Fuck the fear-mongering media Fuck anyone making money from this scamdemic Fuck Zoom meetings and the company Fuck dancing nurses Fuck the shopping cart scrubbers Fuck your employer getting involved in your flu results Fuck crisis actors Fuck making waiters dress in hazmat suits like outbreak extras Fuck censorship on all the covid or election posts Fuck society becoming the 24-hour live covid show Fuck Amazon and their penis-shaped logos Fuck the fully brainwashed hypochondriacs running around LOVING It like this is their apocalypse Fuck famous people saying they got the Coof Fuck Newsom for shutting down one of the biggest economies in the world Fuck fat / unhealthy people telling me about my health, to wear a mask Fuck curfews for adults Fuck event 201 Fuck those scientists studying how to fuse the HIV virus with Coronavirus in 2019 Fuck the fact my favorite restaurants are gone Fuck the food shortage lines Fuck the rigged, faulty, bogus election results Fuck Dominion voting software Fuck ballot drop boxes Fuck Instagram/Fakebook for deleting my page, full of dank memes Fuck the Biden and Trump show on 24 hours a day Fuck the fact your roommate's-friend's-mom's-cousin got covid in Colorado but didn't get sick Fuck college dropouts without medical degrees getting billion-dollar airplay Fuck a rushed vaccine Fuck the false tests Fuck Covid welfare money and FEMA loans Fuck Covid testing Fuck quarantines for the healthy Fuck poser pop-up tent FEMA camps that charge money Fuck fake FEMA trailer camps that are empty despite 70,000 homeless Fuck coward ass schools for closing Fuck wimp ass parents for sitting like turtles not saying anything Fuck working from home Fuck closing state borders Fuck required paperwork to leave your state Fuck mask-wearing laws Fuck new guidelines Fuck made in a Chinese basement masks Fuck the sign on your store that tells me to stand back Fuck social distancing Fuck spit droplets living on paper for 17 days Fuck rancid and useless hand sanitizer Fuck plexiglass for $59.99 Fuck no cash allowed rules Fuck fake coin shortages Fuck China's awful labor laws, family laws, and ideology, which is bigger world problem than the flu Fuck race-baiting and race-baiters for turning this conversation away from the core issue Fuck "we're all in this together" slogans Fuck the unoriginal NWO for crashing overhyped germ planes into the economies twin towers
submitted by thxll38 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

My Experience with COVID-19 on Campus (so far)

Check out the video I made it shows off the entire process from diagnosis -> the gulag.
The Virus
Last Friday I went out for one of my daily 7:30pm meals. When I came back to my dorm, I have an overwhelming urge to go and sh*t. This is where my COVID adventure begins.
After a lengthy sh*t, I came back into my dorm and gradually started building up a high fever. I maxed out at just over a 103F (39.4). The next day, I had a nice vomit and felt much better. My fever faded, and so did any inkling that I might be sick. The next day, the headaches began.
I never had headaches before. So when I felt like someone was stabbing at the front of my head for hours on end, I knew something was up. I went and got tested but didn't really think much of it since I didn't have any of the typical symptoms (loss of taste, etc.).
From that day on (last Sunday), every day began with what feels like a new set of symptoms. Soon after, I started getting nauseous, lost the ability to focus without vomiting, coughing (of course), bloody phlegm, etc.
The Gulag: To the Southland
Today (Thursday) I awoke to a new spin on the wheel of symptoms and sat down to go endure my 9am lab. After it finished I took my [now-normalized] daily puke of around ~2 bottles worth of water and laid back down for my regularly scheduled COVID nap (12pm-7pm). I quickly went over to check my phone and noticed a voicemail. I saw 'test results' in the audio transcription and at that point, I knew I was f*cked.
I called up Campus Living and told them that I had COVID (watch out for the 'New Coronavirus Case in Red Jacket' email tonight everyone!) while my roommate screamed at me for being a symptomatic beta (lol). They told me that I had a few hours to get my stuff ready and that a white van marked 'Aries' would meet me by C3. I asked about why I could only bring 2 bags and the guy told me that I could bring more (so naturally, I brought my desktop PC and two monitors).
They also sent my roommate down to South with me since we were in close proximity. Pretty sure this guy despises me now. Filthy infedel thought that he could 'have fun' and 'watch football'... smh
A few hours passed and I got a call from the Van company asking me where I'd like to be picked up. I told them to pull up to the parking lot by Red Jacket and around 30 mins later, it was finally there. The infamous 'white unmarked van'; only is was plastered with logos saying 'Aries' and there was a really nice lady who helped me and my roommate get our stuff into the back of the Van. I heard about some hazmat suit guy from a few people, but for us, it wasn't like that, this woman decided to wear a regular blue face mask and call it a day.
The South
When we arrived at Goodyear I started giggling to myself like a madman thinking back to the gulag memes that I saw on this subreddit, wondering how bad it was actually going to be.
Some guy came out with carts for our stuff and gave us tiny yellow letter envelopes with keys in them. One opens the door to the room, no clue what the other does (downstairs maybe? I didn't get a good look at the lock/key card swipe thing when I was down there).
I spent around an hour and a half getting all of my stuff out and set up properly. The room is pretty spacious and has its own bathroom, along with another room connected through the bathroom. That room is useless and empty, but pretty neat nonetheless.
The rest of the room is pretty mundane. We got a cool little care-package with a Victor E. Bull plushy, and a bunch of vitamin C dissolves dissolvable iced tea, a 24 pack of water, some masks, and a UB drawstring bag.
I tried to talk to some people I saw loading a big flatscreen into a Mercedes (in front of Goodyear through my window). I asked them if they had COVID (screamed out of the window) and they told me that apparently they were getting deported off of UB for hanging outside of Goodyear while they were quarantined. Then they screamed at other windows and told all of their Goodyear-quarantine buddies they were getting deported (this turned into the windows screaming at each other. It was like being a schizophrenic with the option to shut out the voices, only if I did that then the room would turn into a gas chamber.
I called up Governers Campus living and asked for some food (I hadn't eaten today yet) and they told me that they'd 'make an exception' and bring me some food within the hour. An hour and a half later (not complaining) I got a salad and three boxes (breakfast, lunch, and a snack). Decent meals, I ate a pretty decent tuna salad sandwich and salad. Good meal.
Overall it was a pretty good experience and I only have those before me to thank for it.
Disclaimer: I never went to parties, neither did my roommate. It can happen to anyone. Stay safe guys!
Edit: (12:17AM) I’m starting to feel like the amount of food given isn’t enough. It looks like it should be, the calorie count seems like it’s just over 500 per meal, but for whatever reason even after eating the food (may it be a tuna salad sandwich, salad, etc.), it leaves you wanting a little bit more each time. I called campus living ~half an hour ago and they brought me some food (tuna salad sandwich, Cesar salad, water, and breakfast for the next day since I ordered late today) and it just doesn’t seem enough. My opinion is completely subjective as this feeling of ‘not enough’ may not apply the same way with others, but idk.
submitted by ShouldIDoTheNut to UBreddit [link] [comments]

Putin, Johnson, Bolsonaro and Trump: men too macho for masks

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 70%. (I'm a bot)
All have had one thing in common in their responses to coronavirus: a belief or suggestion, at least in the early stages, that taking personal protective measures against the virus is somehow unseemly and at odds with their macho political brands.
Trump has refused to wear a face mask, even when touring a mask-making facility; Bolsonaro has questioned the need for social distancing and been pictured shaking hands and hugging fans.
Johnson infamously announced that he had shaken hands with everyone when he visited a coronavirus ward, an admission that was crying out to be overlaid with music from the Ghanaian pallbearers meme but became less amusing when he was subsequently admitted to hospital with the virus.
Putin has also seemed unclear on how the virus spreads, donning a full-body banana-yellow hazmat suit to visit a coronavirus ward back in March but then shaking hands with the head doctor, who later tested positive for the virus.
Of the four leaders, Johnson is the only one known to have contracted Covid-19 himself, and he emerged from his hospital stay with very different rhetoric about this virus.
In an extreme example, Alexander Lukashenko, perhaps Europe's only genuine Covid-dissident leader, said, "It's better to die standing than to live on your knees" when explaining why he was not introducing any restrictions to help prevent the spread. Trump and his vice-president, Mike Pence, have both refused to take what many scientists agree is the simplest precaution, and wear a mask.
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submitted by autotldr to autotldr [link] [comments]

Love In the Time of the CoronaVirus

Saw this article and thought it would be helpful and provide some perspective
#StaytheFuckHome & read Dr. Susan Block's missive from edge of the Coronapocalypse, including Mother Nature's perspective, fighting a war without bombs (the Bonobo Way), SEX in isolation (let's all cheer for masturbation) and LoVE in the Time of Coronavirus:
Click Link for Full article with pics => https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/03/27/coronavirus-spring/
by Dr. Susan Block.
It’s Spring, and nature is blooming. Coronavirus has done (temporarily, at least) what no Paris Agreement, Green New Deal, man, woman or even that scrappy teen, Greta Thunberg (who may have also contracted COVID-19), could do. It has shut down a huge amount of the industrial, transportation and pollution-belching business activity that is destroying life on earth.
Tragically and terrifyingly, this comes at the expense of thousands of human lives (so far), the health of millions and the mental health of billions.
Ironically, it comes—like an ecogasm—to the benefit of the rest of world.
With so many Anthropocene operations shut down, the air is noticeably cleaner in many areas. We can see the difference—at least in waves. As the disease overtook China and the government ordered the shutdown of factories and other businesses, the smog lifted, nitrogen dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions lowered, and the skies brightened so much you could see the difference in satellite images.
Now that the Chinese seem to be getting a handle on the virus, people are back at work and pollution is resurfacing. But at the moment, almost every other country is struggling to contain the viral varmint with quarantines, handwashing tutorials and shelter-in-place virtual sing-a-longs, trying to heed the medical experts’ advice to (despite our Trumpublican representatives pushing us to get back to “normal” and #DiefortheDow) scrap all nonessential activity and #StaytheFuckHome.
So, throughout the planet—notably in Europe—the skies, streets and waterways are clearing up from human-generated debris. In Thailand and Japan, gangs of monkeys and deer roam streets now devoid of tourists. Dolphins and small fish are swimming in the Venice Canal (or just some canal near Venice, but it’s still impressive). It’s Mother Nature’s own Homemade Green New Deal.
It’s a Coronavirus Spring (with apologies to Rachel Carson).
Sounds almost lovely. However, unless you just hate human beings, it’s not lovely at all.
A War Without Bombs
As the virus spreads throughout humanity, it is waging a vicious World War that, despite all our bombs and Pentagons, we are not at all prepared to fight.
Yet fight we must—for our individual lives, and for our neighbors whose lives are deeply intertwined with ours.
They always have been, of course. Humans, like bonobos and common chimpanzees, are an intensely social, interdependent species. But thanks to the power of capitalism that enhances our feelings of competition, greed, desperation and jealousy, we’re not usually very cognizant of our inherent communal connection. Now that truth is laid out—or sprayed out—in “droplets,” statistics, “community spread,” sickness and death.
This despite the misleading, self-adoring, stock market-fellating, “I don’t take responsibility at all” putrid blather the Trumpus pulls out of his Rumpus (where’s that toilet paper when we need it?) at these unsafe press conferences he tries, in vain, to turn into rallies. Though he does fancy himself to be a Wartime President.
Of course, we started this war. And I don’t mean Mr. Tomato Head’s trumped up wars with China and whoever disagrees with him; I mean humanity’s war on the rest of nature.
Over the past few thousand years, especially the last century, we have made the Earth and its atmosphere sick as a COVID-19 patient, feverish with global warming, hurricane sneezes, fiery coughing fits, the damaged lungs of the rainforests and atmospheric shortness of breath. In short, human civilization has been a plague upon the Earth. Now, in a science fiction-like way, the Earth appears to be fighting back against its human plague by dropping this horrible modern plague, Coronavirus. Like a bomb. On us.
The Coronapocalypse is a war of wars, yet everything we *know* about war does not apply. Wars are typically fought with guns, grenades and guided missiles; the war against COVID-19 is fought with swab tests, ventilators, face masks and hand sanitizer. In traditional wars, the old send the young to fight and die for their corporate investments. In the Coronavirus War, the old are most likely to die, as the young alternate between fighting valiantly on the hospital frontlines and spreading the virus willy-nilly. This is almost always inadvertent; many are contagious for days before symptoms appear. But sometimes it’s deliberate with active “Boomer Removers” spitting on fruit in your local Ralph’s. Ironically, as the virus spreads, more young people are getting sick and dying in this war too. That Mother Nature is such a trickster.
In other American wars in the past 80 years, except for the occasional “terrorist,” the U.S. military has been doing the killing and dying in some faraway place, while here at home, we continue life as usual, barely aware of the havoc America wreaks on other nations. Now we know what it’s like to shut ourselves into our homes, crazed with fear and boredom, waiting for the bombs to drop.
Another difference between this war and others is the folks in uniform. I have never felt like thanking our troops for fighting, killing and helping to perpetuate our Perma-Wars; they don’t “protect” us from anything except the good will of other peoples. But I get down on my proverbial knees to thank our doctors, nurses and medical technicians who are facing this “enemy” with as much courage as the most decorated soldiers have ever faced combat, and with a lot more integrity, life-saving value and genuine service.
Wouldn’t it be great, smart and very bonoboesque to take 95% of the ridiculously bloated U.S. military budget and spend it on COVID-19 tests, ventilators, respirators, masks, gowns and other necessities? While we’re at it, let’s bring most of those troops home to help the first responders and medical teams fight this real-life enemy of the people.

Short of that, American billionaires ought to stop worrying about Wall Street and start buying supplies. Some are doing that, but their contributions are far from enough. It’s one thing to hoard toilet paper; it’s quite another to hoard billions of dollars when, due to a lack of basic medical necessities, your fellow citizens are dying in such high numbers that stacks of bodies are being hauled away in freezer trucks.
Love in the Time of Coronavirus
What about sex?
Sadly, the coronavirus is, in a way, a sexually transmitted disease (STD), a plague of human physical intimacy, as are all viruses. Not that we need to have sex to *catch* these colds, flus and viruses; all that’s required is that we be close to each other, inhale each other’s breath, somehow ingest each other’s germs or even just pick up each other’s phones.
How can we have sex without being close? How can we connect as we self-isolate? How can we make love in the time of Coronavirus (with apologies to Gabriel Garcia Marquez)?
As a sex therapist who counsels others to explore and enjoy the pleasures and healing benefits of consensual touch, it feels odd to advise people, including myself, to do the opposite in order to save their lives. Talk about an about-face! But here we are.
Not that you can’t have any sex, but I, a proud bonoboesque pansexualist, must agree with the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH) COVID-19 guidelines that say it’s better to just “love the one you’re self-isolating with,” at least when it comes to in-person sex.
That means just one or, as the NYCDOH liberally suggests, “a small circle” of sex partners that you can really trust (how you know whom you can “really trust” is another story). Monogamy may be unnatural for humans, but it has never been so sensible. Having in-person casual sex is playing Russian Roulette… at least until they make a special sex-friendly hazmat suit, which is coming, I’m sure. But not soon enough.
Fun Fact: COVID-19, though swimming in saliva, has not been found in semen or vaginal fluid. Unfortunately for the analinguists out there, it has been found in fecal matter. Therefore, NYCDOH guidelines warn: “No rimming” (don’t you just love that kinky specificity in a metropolitan health office?). It’s great that the NYCDOH is hip to rimming. But does that mean other kinds of oral sex are okay?
And how do we even get to that point if we’re staying six feet apart? Nobody’s that well-hung.
What do we do if we’re single and dating? It sounds cumbersome, but maybe the exhibitionists among us could set up plastic booths and perform peep shows for our dates.
There are other ways to handle the six-foot rule. Personally, I think it’s a good time to eat raw garlic because 1) it’s good for your immune system and 2) it keeps people from getting close to you.
Of course, when we say “close,” we mean physically close. We simply can’t (or shouldn’t) get physically close to someone we’re not self-isolating with. A tale of two cities during the H1N1 influenza pandemic of 1918 demonstrates how important it is to play “keep away”: After a few cases of the deadly virus floated into Philadelphia and St. Louis, Philly held a big, crowded, military parade while St. Louis shut everything down.
Within days, the City of Brotherly Love was overwhelmed by the “Spanish Flu” (which was really the “Kansas Flu,” as that’s where it started, but the WWI-neutral Spaniards were the first to report on it, so got stuck with the name), killing more than 12,000 Philadelphians in six weeks, while St. Louis “flattened the curve” and kept their death toll under 700. My father was one of the thousands of Philadelphia children who caught the influenza of 1918. Obviously, he survived and lived a full life, but he contracted Parkinson’s Disease towards the end; it is said by some that H1N1 may have led to Parkinson’s, so this hits me close to home.
I wonder what scars might be carried by those who “recover” from COVID-19.
“Kissing through the Waves of the Web”
So, here we are playing physical “keep away” on a grand scale. Really, “social-distancing” is a misnomer. It makes it sound like we have to stop socializing, communicating or caring about one another. That’s not very bonobo, or very human. It also sounds rather anti-socialism (even Democratic Socialism).
I prefer the term “physical distancing,” which is bad enough, but not as bad. To “flatten the curve,” we need to “physically distance” ourselves from each other, but we can maintain, expand and deepen our social relationships through our otherwise demonic devices to our social-lite/influencer hearts’ content.
Yes, our devices can be vices—bad habits, stupefying sources of alienation, depression, misinformation and a host of other ills. But in our war against COVID-19, they may prove to be lifesavers, a vital means of communication, a loneliness balm, a means to let off steam, and a way to stay in touch without touching.
Alas, we don’t all have balconies from which we can sing our solidarity, like the Italian flash mobs… though as balcony scenes go, the New York couple getting married on the sidewalk under the minister’s fourth floor apartment window is a good one.
Not that we all should be singing through the pandemic, as evidenced by the cringe-worthy ruination of John Lennon’s “Imagine” in the voices of Gal Gadot and her clueless celebrity cohorts. Celebrities in general tend to be tone deaf on these global concerns, but exceptions to the rule include Fran Drescher Nanny-spanking “capitalism” and the surprisingly socialist pop princess-turned-MILF Britney Spears exhorting us to “write virtual love letters… learn to kiss and hold each other through the waves of the web. We will feed each other, re-distribute wealth, strike.. Communion moves beyond walls” (italics mine).
Amen and Awomen, Comrade Britney! And thanks for the three rose emojis, a Springy symbol of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Still, it’s so sad we can’t kiss. Kissing could be one culprit, besides intergenerational housing (another lovely Old World tradition), in the deadly COVID-19 spreads of Italy, France and Spain, countries where everybody kisses everybody else, at least once on each cheek, sometimes twice. Those gentle pecks on the cheek are so delightful, and now… fatal.
Bonobos love to kiss, showing us how basic to our Great Ape heritage is the desire to lock lips and swap saliva. But with COVID-19, a simple smooch can be the kiss of death.
So, we must try to “kiss… through the waves of the web,” express solidarity through social media, convey compassion, organize efforts, send money and wave to each other from our Microsoft Windows. We can communicate harmony and disharmony, share poetry, ideas, frustrations, kinship. We can cry with each other on the phone. We can make each other laugh online. Laughter is a mental orgasm, and almost as important to human health as consensual touch. Deprived of the latter, we’re going to need plenty of the former.
The interesting thing about “sensory deprivation” is that it makes our un-deprived senses even more acute. When you can’t see, your ability to hear is heightened. Without touch, our other senses might rise to the occasion, helping us to make love, or a kind of love (there are many kinds), through the sticky juicy interwebs, the Erotic Theater of the Mind. We can have phone sex, webcam, or sext each other. It’s not for everyone (though after a few more weeks of isolation, maybe it will be), but it’s possible to have a very “close,” intimate yet “virtual” conversation—even a long-term relationship—over our vice-filled devices.
And yet… physical touch is so vital to mammalian—especially primate—life. Most primates don’t have as much sex as bonobos, but almost all thrive on grooming, petting, hugging, playing with and touching each other. Infant monkeys deprived of touch won’t eat, get sick and die. The human primate is not much different.
Tragically, COVID-19 is not only a human virus, but also deadly to great apes, including bonobos. A shred of good news is that China is closing its wild animal markets, and other countries are following suit, but poachers in the Congolese Rainforest are still murdering bonobos and other endangered species as “bushmeat,” even though it’s illegal. It pains me to say it, but if bonobos catch Coronavirus, they will almost inevitably give it to each other, as touch is integral to their lives.
Consensual touch is pretty integral to human life too, but we can force ourselves to forego it, with willpower and, let’s call it what it is, tremendous self-repression.
This is a big sacrifice—much bigger than the Dow plummeting—that we as humans all must make.
So… don’t touch your friends, strangers, neighbors, anybody except your significant other(s). And scrub those hands raw before and after you do. And whatever you do, don’t touch your face! Though everyone does, even Dr. Fauci.
But you can touch yourself. And in this case, below the belt is better than above the neck.
Isolation Sex
Back to the NYCDOH which is downright effusive in its unequivocal support of masturbation: “You are your own safest sex partner.”
I’ve been extolling the virtues of masturbation for decades, as has my mentor, the Godmother of Masturbation, Dr. Betty Dodson, and other sexperts, often to sniggers, hypocritical outrage and Puritanical censorship. When Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders suggested that masturbation be considered a safer sex alternative in school sexuality classes, President Bill Clinton fired her (he, of all people, should have taken her advice). No, Dr. J didn’t mean the gym teacher conducts a circle jerk; she meant that school sex education programs list solo sex, along with condoms, dry-humping and abstinence, as a way to avoid STDs.
I guess it took a lethal pandemic to turn the authorities around to our point of view, but here we are. The NYCDOH is officially begging you to masturbate. Hallelujah.
You may think of sex as “dirty,” but as was always the case, even before the pandemic, wash your hands before you start choking the chicken or polishing the pearl. As my mom used to say, “Your hands are dirty and it’s clean down there!”
Everybody’s self-pleasuring now, even Trumpublicans. This is a good thing, except maybe when former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tweets out that he really likes shoving corn cobs up his ass:
“Those of us from rural south know how to handle toilet paper shortage. Eat more corn on the cob! The corn isn’t important, but the cobs are free and work great! (Just don’t flush them!) You’re welcome!”
Corn cobs: Mother Nature’s own dildos. Though I prefer cucumbers.
But don’t you still need that human connection? While maintaining scrupulous “physical distancing,” you can put the old AT&T jingle into practice: Reach out and touch someone (virtually)… while you touch yourself. Phone sex is a lot sexier than abstinence, safer than a hazmat suit and very stimulating in a sapiosexual way. It’s aural sex. I adore the romantic mystery of the phone, but if you’re visual, bump uglies on webcam. If you’re self-isolating in the family room with your parents or kids, get into sexting. On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t be masturbating in the family room…
Nobody said this would be easy. But, to quote an oft-used cliché right now: We will get through this!
Actually, only some of us will. The cold, breathless truth is that cases and fatalities are mounting every day, and any one of us could be next.
Hopefully, those of us who do “get through this” will have learned something about love, ecology, caring, sharing, communication, masturbation and our entire society’s need for universal healthcare (thanks Bernie!). Hopefully, the survivors of the Coronavirus Spring (and Summer?) will have learned how and why it’s important to get back into Mother Earth’s good graces.
Now that you’ve read this dirty article, wash your hands and get busy!
submitted by MitaAltair to China_Flu [link] [comments]

hazmat suit meme covid video

I went Shopping in a Hazmat Suit: Coronavirus & Covid ... LEAKED VIDEO FROM IRAN COVID-19 EMERGENCY: Hazmat Suit ... COVID-19 Virus: HAZMAT SUIT PRANK IN PUBLIC! - YouTube A nurse is donning & doffing hazmat suit & PAPR of COVID ... Corona virus  Spain  dinosaur hazmat suite  quarantine  funny  throwing garbage A nurse is working with hazmat suit & PAPR for COVID-19 ... Spain Lockdown: Hazmat man dancing with the spirit of Coronavirus Quarantine

Naomi Campbell Hazmat Suit refers to photoshopped parodies of model Naomi Campbell wearing a hazmat suit while traveling during the Coronavirus outbreak. Origin On March 10th, 2020, model Naomi Campbell [1] [2] posted pictures of her traveling in hazmat suit to her Instagram , prioritizing safety during the Coronavirus outbreak (examples shown below). Insanely fast, mobile-friendly meme generator. Make Putin Hazmat suit COVID-19 memes or upload your own images to make custom memes Designed by the Los Angeles-based team behind tours for artists including Skrillex, the Micrashell is a suit designed for use by clubbers during COVID-19. Simply inhaling the droplets into your lungs can result in infection, too. Of course, an airtight suit and a personal supply of oxygen would prevent these droplets from getting inside of you, however, now your hazmat suit is covered in COVID-19 germs, and you have virtually no way out. Hazmat Suit Edits or Hazmatposting refers to a series of memes that involve editing various characters inside a hazmat suit. Originating from and popularized by the 4chan's /pol/ board, the trend is mostly related to the ongoing discussions of the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak. Origin Advanced Meme Making Tool Quickmeme. Fastest Way to Caption a Meme Gifmaker. Create/Edit GIFs, Make Reaction GIFs Upload Image or Video on Your PC 1. Notifications. Hazmat Suit Memes - 141 results. Reality Again.. featured 7 years ago. by. hobo. follow. Like 3625. Comment 75. Share. Tweet. Big Man In A Suit... featured 6 years ago. by. vlade. follow. Like 3019. Comment 173. Share. Tweet The perfect Covid HazmatSuit Meme Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. covid 19 rona hazmat covid season hazmat suit viceland king of the road koronavirus. Rona Hazmat GIF by KING OF THE ROAD. Dimensions: 480x266. Size: 3038.3017578125KB. Frames: 51 also called: A futuristic hazmat suit. A yellow hazmat suit. Caption this Meme All Meme Templates. Template ID: 233882420. Format: jpg. Dimensions: 564x548 px. Filesize: 32 KB. Featured hazmat, CDC, coronavirus, covid, pandemic Memes . see all hazmat, CDC, coronavirus, covid, pandemic memes. Imgflip Pro GIF Maker Meme Generator Blank Meme Templates GIF Templates Chart Maker Demotivational The perfect HazmatSuit HappyBirthday Dance Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor.

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I went Shopping in a Hazmat Suit: Coronavirus & Covid ...

the coronavirus doesn't discriminate, you shouldn't either!do your own research, come to your own conclusions!these are leaks from china's restrictive social... Spanish man using a dinosaur costume as a hazmat suite to protect himself from the corona virus 2020 COVID 19 DONT CLICK THIS : https://bit.ly/3dcyqKW. Salute to all nurses. Beautiful nurse is donning & doffing hazmat suit & PAPR of COVID-19 Here is everything you need: https://linktr.ee/NutZackCOVID is spreading rapidly so I need to make sure I am staying safe. However, I still wanted to go to t... Spain Lockdown: Hazmat man dancing with the spirit of Coronavirus Quarantine. #SpainLockdown #Coronavirus #HazmatMan #Hazmat #Spain Please subscribe to my ch... How & why I went shopping with hazmat gear; links below. Stuck at home? Learn how to make BIG money with real estate. Use Code 🍀Phase4🍀 for **33% OFF** any...

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